
About Blender

‘blender selects’ puts local artists on vinyl. blender runs the Friday Night Blender and builds the line up of the best emerging local bands & performers at select events.



We strongly recommend you click on this and vote for Sarpa Salpa They played a knock out show for us at Bedfringe a few weekends ago and everyone needs a leg up sometime right? #supportyourlocalmusicians oll…


Things that we learnt from the #blendertakeover at Bedfringe 1. King Purple get better and better every time [and they were bloody good enough the first time we saw them] 2. Sarpa Salpa wow - just wow 3. The Scruff always know how to get the party going 4. My Girl The River made Alan Cooley have a little cry... 5. Minnie Birch made everyone else have a little cry 6. Sara simply beautiful music 7. Everyone at Bedfringe couldn't be more helpful [big up James Pharaoh and team] 8. The sound was absolutely spot on [Meg did a cracking job] 9. Bedford people made it so special 10. There is some sort of voodoo positive energy in the garden - we love the Quarry Theatre at St Luke's . The lighting was amazing too 11. Neil McCarty and Martin McKay captured it all beautifully 12. We couldn't do it without Charlie Wells Beers
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Up for a short notice show? We highly reccommend it... great sound and decent tips!


Romeo done...


Sara closing out the #blendertakeover beautifully Bedfringe @quarrytheatre @bedfordschool_uk Charlie Wells Beers


#pindrop moment Minnie Birch holding the @bedfringe audience in the palm of her hand at the #blendertakeover @quarrytheatre Just lovely 💖


Kristine Wilkinson Hughes and My Girl The River opened up the Garden Stage for us today and we can’t wait for that new record to come out. We were blown away by daughter Ruby’s new tune, Paper House. Real pin drop moment in the garden and we like rumours that the song may well find its way to be recorded this summer... #starinthemaking


We had a lovely time yesterday with The Scruff Sarpa Salpa and King Purple at the #blendertakeover Bedfringe... today it’s My Girl The River Minnie Birch and Sara Music Starts at 5pm Come hang with us. 📸by the ever brilliant Neil McCarty Photography


Yesterday was lovely. Today will be the same. #blendertakeover Quarry Theatre at St Luke's Bedfringe


The Scruff closing out the #blendermusicstage at Bedfringe Sublime 💖 Charlie Wells Beers #woodfinesgardenstage @bedfordschool_uk


Ready @thescruff_ @bedfringe @charliesbeers


Those wonderful Sarpa Salpa on point at @bedfringe @quarrytheatre @bedfordschool_uk #woodfinesgardenstage


King Purple holding it down beautifully at the #blendermusicstage in the wonderful gardens of the @quarrytheatre @bedfringe #woodfinesgardenstage @bedfordschool_uk


@sliderecordshop nicely packed out for a sneaky @alfietempleman in store. We love an in store 💖

More about Blender