Born Again Christians

About Born Again Christians

I am Peter from Scotland, welcome to our FB page. God's word, the Bible, teaches us that the only way to have eternal life is if we are born again. That means we must repent of our sin, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, putting our full trust in Him.

Born Again Christians Description

What does it mean to be born again? Obviously you can’t be physically ‘born again’ so we’re talking about a spiritual birth. Before we accept Christ as our Saviour we are spiritually dead to sin. All men are sinners. We are born sinners and even if we try to be a ‘good’ person we will fall short of what God requires for an eternal place in Heaven with Him. We are unable to enter through any works of our own or our own self righteousness.

Before Jesus Christ was born, a little over 2000 years ago, God’s people were unable to enter directly into God’s presence. They were under the law and had to rely on animal sacrifices to atone for their sin. They relied on the chief priests to make atonement for them as a nation by observing religious festivals that were ordained by God.

Then, Jesus Christ paid the price for mans sin once and for all on the cross at Calvary. When He submitted to the will of the Father and shed His blood on that cross He made a way for each of us to enter into God’s presence. Jesus is the mediator between man and God. When we acknowledge His sacrifice and accept Him as our personal Lord and Saviour we are ‘covered’ by the blood He shed on the cross for us. We are born again!

Can anyone be born again? Absolutely! The Bible ~ Gods written word to us ~ says quite clearly that all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10: 13) In essence that’s what becoming a born again believer is about. It’s acknowledging sin in our life and recognising that only through Christ can we be made holy (pure) before God. Only then can we rest in the assurance that we are eternally saved.

You may have come to this site out of interest in the Christian faith, just happened across it while browsing or feel you’ve been drawn to it by some external force. Whatever brought you here I pray you’ll stay a while, read the messages and listen to some of the great Bible teachings available through the links on this site.

In the future I will be adding my own messages but please listen and watch the recommended media and I pray you will be blessed by them and convicted.



Glad the government are seeing this and hope they will take action.


The Perfect Church 1 Thessalonians 1
So, let’s look at this chapter and I have broken it up into 3 points to give a better understanding of the Thessalonians.
... 1. Conversion of the Thessalonians Verse 2-5 2. Example of the Thessalonians Verse 6-9 3. Hope of the Thessalonians Verse 10
See More


This is a solid guy in Bible teaching, if your in Australia in this area, it is worth going. I've heard him in Dundee and was a mentor for a college friend at Cornhill Scotland.


SNP led councils have recently cancelled venue bookings for Christian events in Edinburgh and Glasow because they didn't like the type of Christianity involved! In China, only state-approved and regulated churches can operate freely. Scotland is heading the same way. It's time to make our feelings known. Join us for a freedom of religion and freedom of speech demonstration outside Glasgow City Chambers, Geroge Square, 11am, Saturday 15 February. Ends 11.30am. More details on how we'll get our point across will follow.


Please be praying for this talented rugby player who follows Jesus.


Be praying for the city Manila and the country Philippines as a dangerous volcano erupts. We support a charity 70 miles away from the volcano and they are experiencing black snow, being the ash.…/5 7-philippine-volcano…


Christmas Sunday at The Tron Church, Bath Street, Glasgow... John 1:1-18 - God Made Known


Glad Riley stood her ground.


What a kind message...


Because He Lives (Amen) | West Coast Choir bY I love the passion these guys have worshiping!


Here at Born Again Christians we have a MyChurch App created by Sermon Audio.
Information on how to add it to your Android, iPhone or Kindle please visit.…/bo rn-again-christians-…


Amen, this is the true reason!


What a brave, inspiring young lady.


Zola Levitt name change to Our Jewish Roots: Some good news in that Zola Levitt is changing its name to Our Jewish Roots. I have followed the ministry of Zola Levitt over the years and have been blessed by the multi resource material they provide. tem/zola-levvit


Blue-letter Bible highlighting OT passages about Jesus is top seller | Christian News on Christian Today…/blue-l etter-bibl…/69729.htm


Such a great character study from Alistair Begg on John the Baptist, I pray you will be blessed by this sermon.


I'm not okay... but Jesus is... by Louie Giglio of Passion City Church. Preaching about mental illness and suicide, with its power to steel, kill and destroy individuals which multiplies the pain in families of the loved one. Remember Jesus is the light in the darkness and this video will help direct you. Psalm 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Y0

More about Born Again Christians

Born Again Christians is located at Based on the town of Helensburgh, Scotland, UK, G847js Helensburgh