Bupa Global

About Bupa Global

Bupa Global provides premium international health and travel insurance.



Should you brush your teeth immediately after eating? This World Oral Health Day, to help keep your mouth and teeth healthy, we dispel some myths and share tips on how to identify gum disease: http://bupa.gl/qyLo30j3twY


An appointment for Kamila led to catching her mum’s melanoma early. Hear first-hand how they both felt looked after by Bupa Global throughout the treatment: http://bupa.gl/BOdj30hPuC4


Ever wondered how people from different cultures raise their children? From permissive parenting to co-sleeping, discover some tips from parenting styles around the world: http://bupa.gl/Yd1K30itKJn


New to Barcelona? From clean eating to outdoor sports, here's our guide to keeping fit and healthy in the Catalan capital: http://bupa.gl/9CPh30ig70j


يلا بينا نخطط لـ #بداية_صحية عن طريق الضحك أكثر. وده علشان تم إثبات أن الضحك بيقلل من الشعور بالتوتر وبيساعدك على التركيز. شاركونا اسم الفيلم الكوميدي المفضل عندكم.
Let's all aim for a #HealthyStart by laughing more. This is because laughing has been proven to reduce stress - and - to keep you mindful. What's your favourite comedy movie


خلصت إحتفالات الأعياد وجه وقت #بداية_صحية جديدة. شوفوا مقترحاتنا لتقليل الدهون في منطقة المعدة: قللوا من تناول السكر، زودوا إستهلاكم من البروتين ومارسوا أي رياضة تساعدكم توصلوا لأهدافكم.
Now the festive celebrations have passed, it's time for a #HealthyStart. Here's three tips to reduce belly fat: cut down on sugar, increase protein and exercise


حتحتفل ازاي السنة دي بعيد الميلاد المجيد؟ شوفوا بعض مقترحاتنا #أفلام_العيد #فيلم_وحدي_بالمنزل #فيلم_قصة_عيد_الميلاد #جائنا_البيان_التالي
How will you be celebrating Christmas? We have a few fun movie suggestions #HomeAlone #Elf #AChristmasStory #BabysDayOut #ItsAWonderfulLife


مستعد لـ #بداية_صحية في العام الجديد؟ تغلب على الإرهاق اليومي من خلال زيادة تمريناتك الرياضية، شرب الكثير من السوائل و النوم في مواعيد ثابتة
Ready for a #HealthyStart to the new year? Over-come daily tiredness by upping exercise, water consumption and sticking to regular sleeping hours


What's your New Year resolution? If it's to become friendlier, more generous and considerate to those around you, you can kick off your year with random acts of kindness to achieve a #HealthyStart. Here are some tips from us: https://goo.gl/dg9FE6


At 38kg and with organs at significant risk of collapse, Eve was admitted to a psychiatric ward. Here she reflects on her struggle with anorexia and shares advice for parents of sufferers: http://bupa.gl/H7LB30gQ0vv


Balancing work travel with doing the best for your family isn’t impossible – it just takes time, care and preparation. Here are some practical ways to help ease the guilt: http://bupa.gl/c9PZ30gxYJ4


More younger workers are swapping urban postcodes for country homes. Is rural tranquility a fair trade for the convenience and buzz of city life? We find out: http://bupa.gl/V5wE30gr1Xj


How does standing on the tube, avoiding lemon slices, and office desk relocation help you keep well in the city? http://bupa.gl/rprx30gkBOb


What does a typical day look like for a Bupa physiotherapist working with some of the world's biggest sports stars? We take you behind the scenes and share his advice around injury prevention: http://bupa.gl/oQyl30fWfGj


In a world where young people face new pressures such as online bullying, emotional wellbeing is vital. Here are some expert tips on how to support your child's mental health: http://bupa.gl/inMl30fP7dU


Mental health problems are affecting more and more young people, so our experts share advice on how to talk to your kids about their mental wellbeing: http://bupa.gl/zTE030fK6Yr


Nearly half a million people in the UK say work-related stress is making them ill, so on this World Mental Health Day, we share top tips to help reduce stress at work: http://bupa.gl/fIAB30fLxL2


From fitness and eating well to relaxation and downtime, our guide to keeping healthy in Dubai has you covered: http://bupa.gl/gYlM30fDAt5


To mark World Heart Day our expert debunks some myths and shares tops tips on how to reduce the risk of heart disease: http://bupa.gl/H4gN30fvR9H

More about Bupa Global
