Cari Merriam

About Cari Merriam

Employee Wellbeing Strategist | Helping employees thrive so their organizations can succeed and scale



Follow the butterflies 🦋//// this is a HUGE moto in my life. Yes there is a strategy for everything... a strategy for happiness, a strategy for deeper awareness, a strategy for financial abundance but there is also divine intuition, natural universal alignment and flow... and when you are connected to the later you don’t need a strategy you simply need to follow the butterflies. #intheflow #exactlywhereimsupposedtobe #mindvalley #afest


The important of investing in you. /// In a society that demands we show up for others... be a good neighbor, an incredible mom or dad, a gold star employee, etc - we haven’t forgotten to take care of ourselves, let alone invest in ourselves so we can thrive not merely survive. We serve everyone except us - hence at the end of the day we are so exhausted all we want to do is Netflix and chill with that big glass of wine. We give and extend our energy, love, compassion, and gifts but how often are we refueling our on cup? Listen in and be inspired to take action and learn how to invest in yourself.


Would you date you? Seriously, would you date you? If you spoke to someone you were dating the same way you internally speak to yourself - would you date you? Let’s discuss more...


Are you ready to become very clear on who you are at the core of your soul, understanding the greatness you possess so you can become a master of your emotional state and... become the creator of your own life?
If you answered yes, you are in the right place.
Breathwork, I have found, is the quickest way to tap into the sense of deep lasting happiness within and it would be my honor to guide you in...
... The breath is the gateway into the highest form of self-healing. The breath can help you clear out past emotional stagnation that is holding you prisoner and awaken you towards more self-acceptance and vibrancy. There is no doubt that you will leave this online workshop feeling refreshed, revitalized, and renewed, all while building community and having a ton of fun.
Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to detox old energy out of your body and mind, connecting you directly to Source. You breathe with an open mouth into the belly to activate the second chakra, bringing new prana into old stories and limiting beliefs. You draw the breath up to the heart chakra working into pure acceptance and love of all that you are. You breathe out of the mouth to release. It will leave you feeling more free, aligned, and open. But more importantly, it will allow you to feel less worried and burdened by the daily grind and rat race of life.
We’ll start with a sacred video circle, sharing with our online community about what is coming up for us, and then move to the breathing! I will be holding space and guiding you through the entire online experience as a cosmic soundtrack relaxes you into a deep meditative state.
Sign up for just $10... it just might change your life. It changed mine. Click here rk
You are safe. You are supported. You are always loved, Cari
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How you feel is how you are experience life. So ask yourself in this moment how do you really feel? Are you feeling like a victim to your life circumstances or are you feeling like the badass spiritual warrior that you are? You deserve to feel your best everyday. You deserve to live your purpose and step into your power. ✨💪🤗 YES you do and YES you can feel Empowered, Amazing, Successful, Confidant, and Clear around where you are headed in life! I can't believe this is really ...happening but in exactly two months time I’m launching the first yoga life retreat in Bali! This self actualization journey is for you if you are ready for more in your life... If you are ready to radically shift your mindset to accelerate your growth into passionate driven purpose. If you are interested comment below, DM me, or tag someone that is ready to make their vision a reality.... eeee cleansing, lots of yoga, belief breaking, like minded empowerment, and so much community love and personal support. Dreams coming true.
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Have you ever had days where you have told yourself that "today is going to be the day I am going to create change" yet... the day comes and goes and you never actually create the change you said you were going to do? Sound like you at all?!?!? We all have a set of habits we live by that are keeping us in a loop. Tune into this live to get clear steps on how to break the cycles that aren't working in your life so you never have one of those days again.


The last 6 months I’ve spent pouring my heart, knowledge and love into my soul purpose to create an incredible, life transformational online course. Find out more here:


If there is one modality I am meant to share with the world it's Breathwork. This practice has been the pillar of my transformational experience and created a community I now call family. I recently finished my third breathwork healer training in Italy and feel so called to share this sacred practice with more people.
The breath is the gateway into the highest form of self-healing. It can help you remove past emotional stagnation that is holding you prisoner and awaken you to...wards more self-acceptance and vibrancy. There is no doubt that you will leave this online workshop feeling refreshed, revitalized, and renewed, all while building community and having a ton of fun.
Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to detox old energy out of your body and mind. You breathe with an open mouth into the belly to activate the second chakra, bringing new prana into old stories and limiting beliefs. You draw the breath up to the heart chakra working into pure acceptance and love of all that you are. You breathe out of the mouth to release. It will leave you feeling more in alignment, more open and less burden by the daily grind of life.
We’ll start with a sacred video circle, sharing with our online community about what is coming up for us, and then move to the breathing! I will be holding space and guiding you through the entire online experience as a cosmic soundtrack relaxes you into a deep meditative state.
Sign up for here just $10... rk
it just might change your life. It changed mine.
You are safe. You are supported. You are always loved, Cari
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If there is one modality I am meant to share with the world it's Breathwork. This practice has been the pillar of my transformational experience and created a community I now call family. I recently finished my third breathwork healer training in Italy and feel so called to share this scared practice with more people.
The breath is the gateway into the highest form of self-healing. The breath can help you clear out past emotional stagnation that is holding you prisoner and aw...aken you towards more self-acceptance and vibrancy. There is no doubt that you will leave this online workshop feeling refreshed, revitalized, and renewed, all while building community and having a ton of fun.
Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to detox old energy out of your body and mind, connecting you directly to Source. You breathe with an open mouth into the belly to activate the second chakra, bringing new prana into old stories and limiting beliefs. You draw the breath up to the heart chakra working into pure acceptance and love of all that you are. You breathe out of the mouth to release. It will leave you feeling more in alignment, more open and less burden by the daily grind.
We’ll start with a sacred video circle, sharing with our online community about what is coming up for us, and then move to the breathing! I will be holding space and guiding you through the entire online experience as a cosmic soundtrack relaxes you into a deep meditative state.
Sign up for just $10 here... rk
it just might change your life. It changed mine.
You are safe. You are supported. You are always loved, Cari
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The universal secrets will reveal themselves to you once you are still enough to sit in the seat of witness within you. ✨ stop trying to figure out what you want and start feeling your way forward into happiness. The most direct route I’ve found is through breathwork. Join me this Saturday for my first online public breathwork healing circle rooted in sacred love. Sign up here rk


The relationship exchange online is off and it's time to change it. Are you feeling the same? Would love to open up the conversation on how you are creating lasting and love virtual relationships that feel supported and evenly exchanged.


You get to choose every single day how you feel... and your feelings are directing your experience in life.
you are safe, you are supported, you are loved
Cari Merriam


Questions people continue to ask me a ton on a daily basis, is that I have the most amazing life. It's a crazy perception that my life is easy and amazing. However, it doesn't mean it's easy. We are spilling all so ask your questions and let's do this.


Your quality of life comes down to how you converse and communicate with yourself and it’s not only the language you speak aloud and internally. The tonality, pitch, sound, etc of your voice and how you use your body (your physical posture, your breath, your gestures, and facial expressions) are a huge indication on how you are experiencing yourself and how you are experiencing your world. For the longest time the mantra in my mind was not kind. I judged my body often like a lot of women in the world. Before I could heal this I had to bring conscious awareness to it. Where do you need to bring conscious awareness in your life? //// PS if you are ready to work on this more DM me for info on our Yoga Life Mastery Course. X


At the core of it all Strength + Surrender is a multimedia content creation and production company with a serious mission: raise global consciousness by raising global happiness. My vision to achieve this starts with the individual that is ready to do the work. The individual that knows there is so much more to life and has already experience glimpses of what that could be but needs a roadmap and a little handholding from a community of like-minded souls to plunge in and do t...he work needed - work that is scary as fuck, but more rewarding than anyone could ever imagine. Our planet is shifting in ways no human has yet to document. I believe it is my responsibility, everyone's responsibility, to wake up and do the work needed. If I can support one soul's transition into a place of deep shadow, choosing to dissolve, choosing to be formless, so they can awaken to the teachings of their soul then I have done my job. Because I know that person will then go on to influence others. This work is a trickle-down effect and once you have truly awoken to your highest truths, all those in your path will be influenced. This is how I believe we will achieve our mission. Sharing my teachings, so they can then be shared with others so we can all rise consciously into expanded versions of happiness. /// whose ready to learn?!? Bali, Italy, and Nicaragua this year in my 7 day training. This is your time.
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✨Stay in communication with the vibration of what you desire. Decide there is more faith, courage, passion inside of you. Reaffirm what you believe in and guide your decisions in the direction of your dreams.✨ ' ' ' #inspiration #inspo #quote #quotestagram #meditation #transformation #spirituality #namaste #desire #dream #strengthandsurrender #motivation #love #selflove #flowers #connection #instagood #instadaily #yoga #manifestation #quotestoliveby


Every morning we get a new opportunity to show up in our greatness. Each new day brings us new vibration, new energy, and new awareness. Yet most of us don’t take advantage of it 🙈🙈🙈! You get to start anew every single morning. When the 🌞 rises it’s your new chance to be illuminated. You get to choose how your day unfolds. Get your morning right and watch how easy the rest of the day becomes. 😘👏


The secret to self ❤️- do you think you know it? Everyday it seems as if I turn on my feed and find yet another person is claiming to have the cure for self love... 🙈! There is no cute outside yourself 🤗 you are the only one that can heal what needs to be healed and bring yourself into a more divine partnership with YOuRSELf! Once you get that complete then all the other components you are trying to fulfill will easily fall into place... writing more about this is my newsletter coming out this Friday with a free self love meditation. Drop me a DM with your email if you want in or sign up directly at

More about Cari Merriam