Caulaincourt Gundogs

About Caulaincourt Gundogs

Caulaincourt Gundogs is run in the County of Norfolk. I currently train, work and compete with retrievers and spaniels.
1-2-1 and Group training on a variety of grounds.
Training is based on positive techniques to encourage handler and dogs to succeed.

Caulaincourt Gundogs Description

I have been involved with all different types of field sports since a young age, but about 10 years ago I competed in my first retriever working test and won, after that I was hooked.
I have a number of ambitions I wish to fulfil over the next few years and this is the aim of this page.
I feel privileged to be involved with such a fantastic sport and have met some wonderful people along the way.
After a few moves I am now settled in a lovely part of Norfolk, a county that offers many opportunities for shooting and gundog folk.

More about Caulaincourt Gundogs