
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 22:00

About Core-Fitness

My mission as a personal trainer is to educate my clients about exercise, diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Create lifelong changes and help them.

Core-Fitness Description

Your Personal Consultation & Discovery session is a great opportunity for you to visit the personal trainer in person and discuss your health and fitness goals and requirements. This will determine your unique personal nutrition exercise plan to get you started and will keep you well motivated during your weight loss journey.



Book Your Pre & Post Natal Personal Training Package Today
At Core Fitness our pre-natal and post-natal training programs provide mothers with one-on-one specialist support that can help them: strengthen their overworked muscles, nourish their bodies, and rebuild their energy levels. -natal-personal-t…/


There are always going to be some exercises that you enjoy more than others, beyond simple capability. For example, just because you can physically do burpees doesn’t mean that you always want to, but you might really like doing squat jumps and sit ups instead.
A Personal Trainer will be able to tailor your training plan to suit you and what you enjoy, as well as encourage you to do the exercises that are best to achieve your goals.
... As well as this, there are always going to be some days when the last thing you feel like doing is a hard workout, and so having a Personal Trainer means that they can tailor your exercise for that day to both accommodate your mood while still making the session helpful.
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Everyone wants to achieve their goals straight away, whether they be weight loss, cheese grater abs or Hulk-like strength. But these are not always achievable, and if you don’t hit them then you may be discouraged and backslide.
A Personal Trainer will not only help you set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve - if you put in the effort, of course - but they will also be able to keep you on track to hit those goals. For example, if your goal is to achieve a ‘bikini body’ for summer, it’s not just about doing 100 crunches a day for a month to work your abs. It’s about altering your diet to eat the correct foods, mixing cardio and weights to work the right muscles, and setting a timeframe in which this can be achieved.
#personaltraining #pinnerpersonaltrainer


Importance of a #PersonalTrainer
3. They Can Help With Your Unique Requirements
Everybody is different, and that means everyone’s abilities and requirements are different when it comes to exercise. This could be anything from having an old injury that requires special exercises to having a phobia that may impact on where or how you workout.
... For example, if you have an old knee injury that required surgery, but since then you haven’t done anything to rebuild the muscles or improve mobility, then you are going to need different exercises and goals than an athlete who is training to run a marathon. This is where a Personal Trainers experience can make a huge difference to your training program.
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Importance of a #PersonalTrainer
2. They Help Perfect Form
Having a Personal Trainer beside you to demonstrate the correct posture and technique is invaluable. A Personal Trainer will ensure clients are performing exercises correctly and efficiently, in order to maximise results. If your form when exercising is not correct, then you are at increased risk of injury as well as not achieving your goals (because nothing kills a dream like 10 weeks of prescribed bed rest!).


There are so many reasons why a Personal Trainer is essential to achieving your fitness goals, whether they be weight loss-based, sports-driven or for athletic purposes. Over the next few days we will share some of the most critical reasons why you should have a Personal Trainer, as well as the benefits that you are likely to achieve... here is the first!
1. Its Educational...
One of the primary reasons that someone should have a Personal Trainer is that they are trained in t...eaching others how to exercise. And while exercise in itself is only a part of fitness, with nutrition and lifestyle playing an essential role in the overall picture if you don’t get exercise right then you will never achieve your goals.
The importance of education when exercising is important for two primary reasons:
1) If you don’t know which exercises are most effective for the goals you have, you are unlikely to achieve those goals. For example, if your goal is to build core strength but you spend all your time on cardio exercises, then you are unlikely to hit your goal.
2) Education when performing exercises is essential in reducing the risk of injury. Many people every year are seriously injured by performing exercises they have not received training for, and this can impact their health and fitness for a long time. Having someone trained in how to execute certain tasks will greatly reduce the level of risk and increase the effectiveness of your fitness routine.
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Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise.
The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability.
Need more convincing to get moving? Check out these seven ways exercise can lead to a happier, healthier you.
...Continue Reading


You Burn the Most Calories at This Time of Day, New Study Shows
Your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, dictates a lot of your day. It tells you when you’re hungry and need to scarf some food, when you’re tired and should hit the hay, and more. That body clock also determines what time of day your body burns the most calories, even when you're at rest doing nothing, a new study shows.
Researchers reporting in Current Biology found that when resting, we burn 10% more calories in the late afternoon and early evening than in the morning. So that means we don’t have to worry about being lazy next time we hit an afternoon slump, right? Our bodies will pick up the slack for us.


3 Bodyweight Moves You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere
Maybe you’re bored at work, or stuck in the airport—and you get a serious urge to move your body. What can you do? Fitness influencer Katie Austin has the answer: use your own weight for a pick-me-up workout. That’s right, you can get your heart rate up and strength train using nothing more than, well, yourself. In video above, Austin demonstrates her three go-to moves for a quickie sweat sesh.
Standing obliques... With your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, and your hands next to your ears so your elbows are sticking out to the sides, raise your right knee up as you bring your right elbow down. Continue for 10 seconds, with your abdomen engaged. Then switch sides.
Squat and booty lift With your feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat. Then push off of your heels, and as you stand, straighten your left leg behind you. Return to standing and repeat, this time straightening your right leg behind you. Continue alternating legs for 30 seconds.
One-legged knee push-up Lower your body into a push-up position with your knees on the ground. Raise one leg up, extending it in a straight line behind you. Bend your elbows, and lower your chest to the ground. Push yourself back up, and repeat. Do this 10 seconds on each side.
#fitnessgoals #keepfit #pinnerpersonaltrainer #personaltrainer
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5 Star: Tahira Northwood, London "My personal training sessions have always been very satisfactory. I have recommended you to a few people in the gym. I would rate the training as 10/10."


Designed to get you looking your very best for the big day.


BICYCLE CRUNCH: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and lift both feet off the floor at a 45-degree angle. Bend your left knee to touch your right elbow with your right leg hovering off the ground. Now switch sides and speed up. Keep your shoulders off the ground.


To target the deep muscles and sides of your stomach, hold a medicine ball, dumbbell, or weight plate and sit on the floor with your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees, feet off the floor. Hold the weight straight out in front of you and keep your back straight (your body should be at about 45 degrees to the floor). Twist your body as far as you can to the left and then to the right and repeat.


RUSSIAN TWIST To target the deep muscles and sides of your stomach, hold a medicine ball, dumbbell, or weight plate and sit on the floor with your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees, feet off the floor. Hold the weight straight out in front of you and keep your back straight (your body should be at about 45 degrees to the floor). Twist your body as far as you can to the left and then to the right and repeat.


BUY A FITNESS BALL Doing hundreds of crunches with no results? Invest in a fitness ball. Because the core has to work harder to stabilise the body on a ball, you’ll work the deeper core and side abdominal muscles that don’t get used when doing standard crunches.

More about Core-Fitness

Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 22:00