Cranio With Lynn

About Cranio With Lynn

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands on modality assisting in bringing us back to emotional and physical wellbeing



On the bank of Loch Lomond or the bonnie banks (as is locally known) where I sat for a wee while over the Easter weekend.
Loch Lomond is a spectacular loch, the largest expanse of freshwater in Great Britain, home to over 30 islands. The Highland Boundary Fault surges right through it, making it a literal gateway to the Highlands. It's at the heart of the much larger Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.
In all it’s beautiful elements in the sensum of stillness and f...luidity it was a welcome place to contemplate and appreciate.
Finding...accessing a peace or neutrality can be increasingly difficult in a world that vies for our attention to communicate. But It’s essential for our mental health and well being. That initial struggle can be a difficult one to overcome in a fraught and anxious mindset.
Craniosacral Therapy helps one listen to body and mind, realising the influence of stress and the body’s store of angst (irritable bowel, migraine,tooth grinding and muscle clenching name a few) Within this process the therapeutic quality of the treatment allows it to begin to heal.
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When a tree is injured (or its growth is affected by the elements) it grows around the injury Gnarly burls and misshapen limbs speak of injuries and obstacles encountered through time and overcome. The way a tree grows around it’s past contributes to its exquisite individuality, character and beauty.
Advocation of traumatisation to build character is not a recommendation but... Since trauma is almost a given at some point in our lives, the image of the tree can be a valuable mirror.
... Trauma can be prevented more easily than it can be healed...

But it can be healed, with the body’s recognition of the patterns of inertia in the body through a modality such as Cranio,it can present and move through those gnarly patterns giving rise to release and change which has a remarkable effect on the physical and psychological. Thus freeing the body and mind to explore and perhaps moving onto the verbalisation of deep rooted trauma. The physical and psychological are one and both needed in recognition, resolution relief and healing from trauma.
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Insomnia? Anxiety?
Our breathing and the control of this can bring about calm. During unsettled nights and days where anxiety grabs, try using the 4-7-8 pattern which can help regulate the nervous system. ... It’s a simple but highly effective technique.
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What is normal?
What if we pause for a moment and contemplate that we all operate on a continuum?


It’s been a week so far ...
One that has presented with many clients with ‘stress headaches’ and enquires online about the effectiveness of Cranio to combat such issues.
The stress patterns that form when our bodies are under strain from worry continue to be fed by the loop in our mammalian brains causing a build up of cortisol. Unless we find an opportunity to discharge this it just continues to build like a pressure cooker.
... Craniosacral Therapy helps to allow your system to show you and the therapist where the places are that you hold the most stress, the identification and subsequent relief makes one realise just how much we ‘hold’ within us causing dis-ease in our bodies. The release will help disperse that tension and pain.
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Neck and shoulder strain and the continued stress through the skeletal system is something I see every clinic day.
We hold ourselves in a position akin to ‘fight or flight’ for hours on end as we meet that deadline and answer all those emails sat in the box. This has implications for not only our posture but also for our limbic system , giving us the message we are in a state of arousal for survival (have you tried to observe what your stomach is telling you during the hour...s spent in front of the screen?)
The evidence to support the unhealthiness of this repetition is there and screaming at you.
Try to take regular breaks
Craniosacral Therapy helps you hear what is going on in the body and will allow these patterns to emerge and discharge. Allowing the space that is needed to bring back health and positive alignment to posture.
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Sense of stillness
Blessed to be back on the blissful island of Gozo.


What an incredible story Hard to keep ‘the faith’ when told such devastating news initially.


What is Craniosacral Therapy?


On this day that many humans in the western world celebrate love I’m sending a reminder for the most important thing we can do for ourselves and that is self love.
Showing up for yourself making sure you honour who you really are in what you say and do and how you live your life is exactly what you owe yourself.
... Take a moment on this hallmark day to look after you.
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There is nothing quite as painful as rejection
Listening to a recent TedTalk about heartache allowed me to open up even more layers into why human heartache affects us all so deeply. Gabor quotes it too.
The conversation loop in our heads that make us see our ex partner with rose coloured glasses is not helpful to our recovery, we need a realistic conversation that lists all that did not serve us before we have the space to let them go
... Cranio treatments allow us to give the space we need to realise, feel and let go. Without conversation. Sometimes words can retraumatise Sometimes we need to let it be To be held in treatment To let it go
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It seems to continue to be proven that Parkinson’s begins in the gut.
As my clients and I are aware that when a Craniosacral therapy session begins the first release we hear is in the gut, peristalsis. Our bodies awareness of the inertia and then the release starts and often continues throughout the treatment.
... Allow your body the space it needs to find healing that is within. Assisting the healing of the gut and release of stress patterns held within the body.
Come back to health.
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Said so eloquently by my Cranio colleague Sarah ... babies respond so well to Craniosacral Therapy.
If you have issues with your new born or young child feel free to pop into the drop in clinic on Friday Mamawellness Gamma 9 ... Masterlord Ramsomes Ipswich
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A drop in clinic for parents to bring babies that are presenting with sleep and feeding issues. Craniosacral Therapy has amazing results in enabling your little ones to release the birth patterns that are the cause of the issue.

Are you struggling with your little one? Sleep deprivation is so difficult to cope with following the birth of your baby. Craniosacral Therapy is highly successful in treating birth patterns that are still apparent and often resulting in sleep and feeding issues.
Drop in Baby Clinic ... Last Friday in every month. Starting 25th Jan 2019 From 12-2pm
Mamawellness Gamma 9 West Road Ransomes Europark IP3 9FJ
Tel: 07816502645
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“Not why the addiction but why the pain?”
Gabor is one of the most inspiring humans I follow. He literally and visually informs my work as a Craniosacral therapist daily.
We are not our addictions they are a soother to the pain that resides in inertia within us.
... I believe Cranio unlocks the ‘stored away’ and brings us back to the health we hold inherently within us all along. Illuminating our path for physical and psychological movement and change.
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Just had my first Cranio session with this very gifted therapist. Beautiful setting and wonderful experience. So glad I have more booked in.


Highly recommend for pregnant women, book a session through the website


After three sessions treating my 14 year old daughter who suffered a sacroiliac injury we are pain and symptom free.

Superb professionalism from healing hands!0


When a tree is injured (or its growth is affected by the elements) it grows around the injury Gnarly burls and misshapen limbs speak of injuries and obstacles encountered through time and overcome. The way a tree grows around it’s past contributes to its exquisite individuality, character and beauty.
Advocation of traumatisation to build character is not a recommendation but... Since trauma is almost a given at some point in our lives, the image of the tree can be a valuable mirror.
... Trauma can be prevented more easily than it can be healed...

But it can be healed, with the body’s recognition of the patterns of inertia in the body through a modality such as Cranio,it can present and move through those gnarly patterns giving rise to release and change which has a remarkable effect on the physical and psychological. Thus freeing the body and mind to explore and perhaps moving onto the verbalisation of deep rooted trauma. The physical and psychological are one and both needed in recognition, resolution relief and healing from trauma.
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Just had my first Cranio session with this very gifted therapist. Beautiful setting and wonderful experience. So glad I have more booked in.


Highly recommend for pregnant women, book a session through the website


After three sessions treating my 14 year old daughter who suffered a sacroiliac injury we are pain and symptom free.

Superb professionalism from healing hands!0

More about Cranio With Lynn

Cranio With Lynn is located at Upper Street, CO76JH Ipswich, Suffolk