Creating Confident Kids

About Creating Confident Kids

Enabling your kids to grow healthily, happily and successfully into well rounded and smart adults.

Creating Confident Kids Description

Part of mindworkz, Confident Kids is the down to earth, easy to understand and implement toolkit for modern parents of modern children.



Well, after a launch day to be remembered where Empowerment Day became live last Saturday, it's been a busy start to the week! Over the past couple of weeks, the team have been really busy just making sense of the beast that was: The Hypnotherapy Clinic in Harwich, Julie Smith Therapies and Fitness in Burnley, Creating Confident Kids, Eleanor Puzzlewit, Empowerment Day ...... oh so complicated! But we're almost there. Mindworkz (all of the above!) is real and happening an...d Empowerment Day 1 was the first occasion when the whole mindworkz Team was out on the road. The mindworkz website is being worked on as we speak and there will be LOADS of interesting stuff on there in the near future, including all manner of affordable downloads, links, books etc.
Tell your friends! The bigger we get, the better we can support you! All best wishes from the mindworkz team.
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IT'S ALMOST ARRIVED! Tomorrow 9am, start with a tea or coffee and a relaxed meet up before the main event begins at 10am sharp! All you lucky VIP Ticket holders ..... sleep tight!


Countdown 8 .....


COUNTDOWN 9 ........


Being a Confident Grown Up has its advantages!


This absolutely says it all


Four steps to becoming who you WANT to be: 1. Learn with a laugh! 2. Experience with excitement! 3. Challenge with support! 4. Feel AWESOME!... Click below for your ticket before they're gone!
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Half of the tickets for this seat limited event are now sold. To make sure that you get YOUR seat, click on Empowerment Day or The Hypnotherapy Clinic on Facebook and use the PayPal app. Easy, quick and safe. We'll see you there .....


Mmm 🤔


Weekends for relaxing? Nah! This weekend sees a massive change for The Hypnotherapy Clinic and all associated and connected commerce as the team of Julie, Malcolm, Jackie and Dave put together the final shape of the new all-encompassing mindworkz! The culmination of nearly a year of planning, discussing, testing, changing and administering approaches as final preparations and decisions are finalised prior to the launch of this exciting and far-reaching superbiz.
Very soon now..., our 1 to 1 therapy services in the North and East of England, Eleanor Puzzlewit and Creating Confident Kids groups and services, Empowerment Day Roadshows, Commercial Services Division, Therapist Training Services and the totally new shopping download department will all be branded and operated under the mindworkz logo.
One new powerhouse of services. Watch out for more news as it occurs. You saw it here. MINDWORKZ. Maling life better!
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This is so very true. We are their role models make yourself a good one


The excitement builds as we put the final touches together for this one-off event in Harwich! Click for more details!…


EMPOWERMENT! So we have already described six things that aid, assist and support Empowerment over the past couple of weeks. What can we deduce from that nugget of obviousness? Well, basically, that; Empowerment isn't always a simple process. Empowerment is often beyond our reach ........ we think.... Empowerment is not some geeky touchy-feely thing. Empowerment is a way of improving not only what we THINK we could do, but actually doing it. Empowerment is about believing in ourselves and our abilities. Empowerment can lift you from feelings of low self-worth. Empowerment can increase your ability to create a better life for yourself. Empowerment can raise your expectations of yourself. Empowerment can give you the 'edge' to go beyond!
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This what I am talking about. It is too easy for us to sit our kids down and give them a gadget to keep them occupied. If this is what it is like in your house, then you are not doing the best for your children. I am probably known as the wicked step mum in our house. I have had to come down hard on my 10 year old as I have noticed a major difference between him my son who is 29. I know in years to come he will thank me for it.


We all want confident kids right? But how do we go about it and what do we need to do. Well firstly I would say limited the amount of time they have on computer games and tablets. Encourage them to play out or take them to a park somewhere that allows them to interact with other little humans. Just take little steps


Book your tickets using the PayPal app on Empowerment Day Facebook page


One third of tickets now sold!


Do you want to get in on one exciting day coming up on 14th April in Harwich? Learn about YOU! About what makes you who you are, what limits you, what restricts you, what makes you think the way you do? Then how you can change all that and prove it to yourself and others on the day doing things you never thought you would?
Are you 'naturally nervous or anxious and wish that you weren't? Do you wish that you were more assertive or confident around people? Do you just want to be 'better?'
Do you work with or care for people who suffer from inadequacies, challenges, anxieties, depression, fears and phobias and you'd like to be able to help support them more, to maybe understand them more and be in a better position to support and encourage them?†¦

More about Creating Confident Kids

Creating Confident Kids is located at 68 West St, CO12 3DA Harwich
01255 308291