Crohn'S & Colitis Uk

About Crohn'S & Colitis Uk




Help us target 15 of the UK’s largest restaurant and pub chains, encouraging them to install new Not Every Disability is Visible accessible toilet signs, and to train their staff to increase awareness of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.


Are you ready to WALK IT with us this summer? Take on 5k or 10k in one of eight cities:
📍 Bristol: Saturday 18 May 📍 Swansea: Saturday 1 June 📍 London: Saturday 8 June... 📍 Manchester: Saturday 15 June 📍 Edinburgh: Sunday 23 June 📍 Newcastle: Saturday 29 June 📍 Birmingham: Saturday 6 July 📍 Plymouth: Saturday 13 July
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YOUR OPINION MATTERS: Have you been switched to a biosimilar version of adalimumab for your Crohn's or Colitis?


Hi I’m Brian, I'm 56 this year. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2008. When I look back l believe I've had it since I was 20. I went to the GP with severe stomach pains and was told I had rumbling appendicitis.
In my late 40s I was passing blood this made me seek advice and led to the diagnosis. At the same time as the diagnosis I was working 80hrs plus a week to set up and run a care farm for people with disabilities.
10 days ago I was rushed to A&E. I really thought... I was dying. I was in such pain and being sick constantly. A scan revealed that Crohn’s is active again in my large bowel and has now spread to the small bowel. I've been told by the consultants the options for me are few and if I have another flare up my only option will be more operations.
I am positive about life. I bought a 15 acre field with my family and friends and built a day service and care farm for people with learning disabilities. I think it does show that even with a disease like Crohn’s you can give something back. Pace yourself, pick your moments but dont be held back. All this is what keeps me going as well as my beautiful supportive wife.
It Takes Guts to talk about Crohn’s and Colitis, this is Brian’s story.
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#ItTakesGuts to live with Crohn's or Colitis.
What's your motivation when you're struggling?


We are excited to announce that Ali Jawad, Rio Paralympic silver medalist and Crohn's & Colitis UK Ambassador will be opening WALK IT Birmingham this July!
Sign up to WALK IT:


‘My IBD Portal’ allows people with Crohn's or Colitis to access their clinic letters, blood results, medications, and current management plans, anywhere in the world.


JOIN THE TEAM! At Crohn's & Colitis UK we are recruiting some brilliant news roles:
💻 Digital Marketing Lead 🙌 Volunteer Development Officers 📰 Campaigns Assistant... 📚 Patient Education Programme Manager 🗝 Senior Fundraiser, Key Relationships 💹 Finance Assistant Apprentice
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'I learned to deal with having to go to the bathroom up to 10 times a day while I was at work, to smile behind the pain hoping no one would notice.'


Don't hide behind the big curtain of shame or embarrassment. #ItTakesGuts to talk about Crohn's and Colitis.


'We just want to be a normal family. We just want to work, spend time as a family, things that everybody takes for granted.'
Michelle Oddy, 43, was diagnosed with Crohn's as a teenager and will soon undergo a rare multi-organ transplant.


'I knew I wasn’t anorexic and there was more to it. I felt hopeless as doctors weren’t taking me seriously.'


"Why poo is no longer taboo"
The Guardian recognise the importance of breaking the stigma around bowels!


'Don't hide behind the big curtain of shame or embarrassment or whatever is is about it, because the more people you tell, the more confident yourself is going to be.'


Check out our Instagram for hundreds of stories of strength in the face of Crohn's and Colitis:


Thousands of you have already signed up... will you WALK IT with us this summer? 🥾
📍 Bristol: Saturday 18 May 📍 Swansea: Saturday 1 June 📍 London: Saturday 8 June... 📍 Manchester: Saturday 15 June 📍 Edinburgh: Sunday 23 June 📍 Newcastle: Saturday 29 June 📍 Birmingham: Saturday 6 July 📍 Plymouth: Saturday 13 July
Sign up here:
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#ItTakesGuts to live with an invisible illness like Crohn’s and Colitis. The Metro are making them visible in their ‘You Don’t Look Sick’ series...


"Having an ostomy doesn't put a stop to your life, it gives you your life back... Ostomies aren't gross, smelly or for old people - they are life-saving devices." #ItTakesGuts


ive just found this page. I have ulcerative colitis since age 8 now im 44.. I had a 10year clear stage. but now its come back with vengeance and im so low don't know what to do. I hate steroids. im trying to find the best diet or food to eat.. or which way to go..


Since I was diagnosed in May with Ulcerative colitis, this supportive page has helped me through the bad times. I felt numb and lost inside, I didn't know what to do at first. My amazing boyfriend as been by side from day one, making sure nothing else bad happens to me, even I'm not well enough to do simple tasks or well enough to go outside. Now I know where and who to turn to.


Really helping me come to terms with my recent diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and seeing how people are coping with ibd is really helping me.

For over a year now my gp kept saying 'its just ibs, take these tablets and youll be fine' but just ovet 2 weeks ago i had a colonoscopy and it revealed the true diagnosis and my GI surgeon was shocked to find out how long id had symptoms for before being referred with how inflamed and severe inside of me was.... im still so angry with how my gp treated me and find it so comforting to find im noy the only one....


My son was diagnosed with Crohn’s & colitis disease in October 2017 he has been suffering since he was born but doctors kept saying it was IBS it’s only when he became 18 and change to adult services and had every test going Mri colonoscopy ,endoscopy ,blood test and bone scan they found out he had Crohn’s & colitis but also found out he had coeliac disease and osteopenia. He started treatment in October his Crohn’s is very active and not responding to his treatment plan he is on azathioprine and steroid tablets and the steroid infusions at 19 and having all this diagnosis he hasn’t been coping well and started having counselling . Reading everyone’s stories about what they are going through has taught me a lot about the illness and how better I can help and support my son thank you Crohn colitis support groups �


I’m currently in hospital years of pain to discover I have crones disease I’m very scared and don’t know where this route will take me weather they have to operate or not. I’m so confused on what I can and can’t eat and how it’s going to effect my life as I’m currently training to be a class room assistant and have three children as a single parent if anyone could inbox me and suggest a good diet and tips to keep me out of hospital would be amazing.


Its amazing to have somewhere with such great information and support. I have UC and during flare ups can feel such intense pain. Its amazing to know im not alone and there are many of us in this together.


It's so helpful to be able to read the stories of how this disease has effected so many lives, after a 5 week wait my colonoscopy is just around the corner, i have suspected UC and it's been 5 long months of hell to even get to this point

I haven't really been given a lot of information on the colonoscopy, no idea what to expect really.

I actually feel slightly left in the dark and was just told by my GP to 'read up on the disease' in the meantime

It's been really helpful to read about some of your struggles and compare my symptoms to others as they were going through their diagnosis stage

Would be great if anybody is reading this who feels they can relate to my situation to get in touch,

Anybody else been diagnosed in their late twenties early thirties with UC?



I was first diagnosed with ulcerative colitis back in December 2016 after 3 months of symptoms, 5 emergency doctors appointments, 4 trips to the hospital and finally an endoscopy. I’m a carpenter and the condition was really disruptive to my work. I used to have to take Imodium just to make it up the motorway to work. I’m lucky in the sense that I’m only just having my 2nd flare up as some of the stories I’ve read on here make me realise that my symptoms haven’t been as bad as some.

I’m on my way to hospital this morning to start a 9 week course of prednisone (I think that’s what it’s called) after my asacol tablet stopped having any affect on the colitis. Anyone else had this type of steroid treatment? I’m not really sure what to expect with it.

NHS staff have been fantastic since I was first diagnosed and the IBD clinic at my hospital have been on the ball whenever I’ve needed them. Found this group especially helpful as it just lets you know you’re not the only one suffering. I joined C&C uk a few months ago and have my card and key should I ever need to use them.


I was diagnosed with colitis when I was 14 (now 26) and had emergency surgery resulting in living with a bag, after feeling embarrassed about the sight of my new body I had the reversal two years later. After years of pain I went back into hospital last year but I had several complications and spent 4 months in hospital and had 6 more operations and have just had my final operation (10th major bowel surgery in total) last month resulting in me living with a bag again...but because of pages and support groups like this I no longer feel embarrassed or ashamed. I hope I can inspire others to wear their bags proudly and feel confident within themselves, just as people have inspired me


I thought I’d give some advise because although this is such a lonely disease and it’s hard to keep a positive head there’s a Facebook link type in search: my Crohn’s team, and Sign Up because also there you have people from all over the world talking about there days and how their feeling and you can relate so much and also make friends � it’s worth a try. I’ve been on it for 1 month and again it’s lovely to hear your not alone �, I hope everyone’s keeping strong ��xx


I spent one year in pain with a lot of problems with my bowel. I had been to the doctors approximately 10 times and was told constantly in that I had IBS in the end they gave me laxatives to try and move my bowel which caused major flare up of my Crohn's disease on many occasions I had told them that my family had Crohn's disease running through it but they told me that my diagnosis was not Crohn's disease it ended in me going into a uni and be taken into hospital for approximately three weeks where they did are number of tests were they eventually diagnosed Crohn's and colitis disease I have now been put on in fleximize in fusions and I have to say they are brilliant my life has changed dramatically I have almost no symptoms of my Crohn's or colitis disease I'm hoping that this will continue forward for the future. It is great to be able to go on a Facebook group and realise that there is other people in my position you have gone through the same symptoms as me massive amounts of pain and also depression and anxiety from the actual condition. I now live my life day today and hope that the pain the condition does not return as it was very very difficult to live my life and work as I was. I am just so thankful that we have an NHS system which has the ability to care for me and give me the drugs that I need to actually be able to live my life day today pain-free and a normal way


Hi, my name is Rosie I’m 19 yrs old. After 6 years of suffering with stomach pain and being told I had something different wrong with me every time I went to the doctors. Being sent home with paracetamol more times than I can remember. Last year I had 5 emergency operations with a total of 15 weeks + off my full time job. I lost around 3 stone and the doctors couldn’t work out what was wrong with me. I had numerous MRI scans, ultra sound scans but still nothing. After finally having a colonoscopy it got confirmed I had Crohns disease in January this year. I also have ulcers in my stomach which are severe! I have been on steroids for over a year, I got put on Azathioprine but had bad reactions. I’ve just started my infliximab treatment and I’m hoping it will work. I’m due to have another operation this year to remove a seton if my medication works! I’ve just started a new job on the side to make up for lost earnings and to give me something else to think about!


Hi guys my I was first diagnosed back in 2002 at age 12 after 8 years of refusing to let the crohns win finally had to have a total collectomy in 2010 since then all was well until recently I'm showing symptoms again I don't need to go into detail you guys know the ones yes it's heart breaking to be back at what seems like square one but I'm taking this on and since stubbing upon this page and reading some people's stories I'm not the only one that's sticking a middle finger up too chrones so here's the question anyone else here going through a flare up that's had a collectomy and j pouch done ?



I'm so glad I can see other people's stories and how they cope with IBD and IBS symptoms.

I do really need some help well more like guidance really. I'm struggling to prove to the doctors something is wrong. I have regular flare up attacks of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. I've had bloods done the first time my platelet count was really high. During these tests my symptoms have gotten worse, I had to go to A&E to get the anti-sickness injection and blood tests just last week! They finally found two inflammatory markers raised in my blood and signs of pancreatitis too. I suffer with chronic pain daily, I've lost a dress size in weeks, I can't eat like I used to. I've always been to the doctors since I was 10 years old with IBS symptoms. They're getting worse as I'm 20 now, I miss so much university and I live in a constant groggy state from my bowels and also from feeling so sick and tired all the time. I just wish my good days would stay and I wish I could find out quicker what's going on.

The doctor at the A&E I had to visit suspects crohns since it runs in my family and my symptoms are matching but I don't have some of the main symptoms of chrons such as anaemia by blood in the stool etc. Therefore my home GP ruled crohns out all together but not it's back in the picture. I feel confused and mislead, I worry I may be misdiagnosed or anything!

If there's anyone who can offer me advice, or even talk to me about their symptoms I'd really appreciate it. I felt like what I was going through for years was normal but now I'm I know I have something wrong with me, I just don't feel right/healthy. I really need it sorting. Im awaiting a ct scan and both endoscopies right now, I just wish it would come quicker.

Hope someone can help

Thanks :)


Having recently had the bowel removal operation following my Crohns diagnosis earlier this year I'm starting to live with the colostomy bags on a daily basis, i'm struggling with certain aspects of this condition and find myself a lot more shy than i used to be, I'm nervous to go out in public and i've only been out once since the operation and I found myself panicking when friends came to give me a hug! Having read through a few stories I realise that i'm in no condition or position to complain, being one of thousands of people with the condition and not being half as bad as some people who's stories I've seen or some people I've met. We're lucky to be here and be able to raise awareness :)


At the age of 15 I was admitted to hospital over Christmas due to horrible abdominal cramps, the doctors couldn’t find what the cause of the pain was so I was discharged with a bag full of pain killers and sent me on my way. I continued getting these pains until mid 2016 when I fell horribly ill and was in and out of hospital with cramps. The doctors still couldn’t find the cause of the pain and after many procedures they had diagnosed me with Crohn’s disease. Once I returned home I immediately started taking Advanced Ambrotose, GI ProBalance as well as MannaCleanse and started seeing results after 2 weeks. I have recently had blood results come back completely clean and normal.

Thank you Mannatech �


My Name is Shannon, throughout my teenage years I always struggled with stomach pain and weight loss. GP’s put it down to just pelvic pain and sent me away with painkillers. April 2017 after a normal day I went from being ok to vomiting 12 in a day and extremely stomach pain. My Gp told me it was a bug and just take paracetamol. By 7pm that evening things got worse. After scans, biopsies, Colonoscopies and bloods I was Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. June 2017 after trying azathioprine and steroids My Crohn’s disease has become so nasty their was a hole and the only way doctors could control it was if I had surgery. I had a part of my small and large bowel removed on 4th August. Since my Surgery I am awaiting the right treatment to stay in remission but Things still aren’t great but I have a great support system and positive People around me.


I get some really useful information through this page. As an ulcerative colitis sufferer for the last 5 years, I know only too well how debilitating it can be. Facing the rest of my life on medication I knew something had to change. I’ve studied nutritional health and am now keeping on top of everything through heart eating. Eating healthily is the key and first steps to all round health. � Thank you for the wonderful work you do �


Waiting for a diagnosis. Have a colonsopy on the 27th,just so scared it's making my symptoms worse. Been in flare on and off since March. Hospital in august with IV antibiotics for an infection and they couldn't do colonoscopy because i was so inflammed -marker nearly 300. I'm down to about 80 know. Gp put me on steroids to help slightly. But still urgency and bleeding and up several times in the night. I'm on anti depressants and it's just so debilitating. Go supermarket and end up in toilet for most of the trip!!just can't stop worrying that this is something worse and I'm petrified of procedure. NEw to this forum.


ive just found this page. I have ulcerative colitis since age 8 now im 44.. I had a 10year clear stage. but now its come back with vengeance and im so low don't know what to do. I hate steroids. im trying to find the best diet or food to eat.. or which way to go..


Since I was diagnosed in May with Ulcerative colitis, this supportive page has helped me through the bad times. I felt numb and lost inside, I didn't know what to do at first. My amazing boyfriend as been by side from day one, making sure nothing else bad happens to me, even I'm not well enough to do simple tasks or well enough to go outside. Now I know where and who to turn to.


Really helping me come to terms with my recent diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and seeing how people are coping with ibd is really helping me.

For over a year now my gp kept saying 'its just ibs, take these tablets and youll be fine' but just ovet 2 weeks ago i had a colonoscopy and it revealed the true diagnosis and my GI surgeon was shocked to find out how long id had symptoms for before being referred with how inflamed and severe inside of me was.... im still so angry with how my gp treated me and find it so comforting to find im noy the only one....


My son was diagnosed with Crohn’s & colitis disease in October 2017 he has been suffering since he was born but doctors kept saying it was IBS it’s only when he became 18 and change to adult services and had every test going Mri colonoscopy ,endoscopy ,blood test and bone scan they found out he had Crohn’s & colitis but also found out he had coeliac disease and osteopenia. He started treatment in October his Crohn’s is very active and not responding to his treatment plan he is on azathioprine and steroid tablets and the steroid infusions at 19 and having all this diagnosis he hasn’t been coping well and started having counselling . Reading everyone’s stories about what they are going through has taught me a lot about the illness and how better I can help and support my son thank you Crohn colitis support groups �


I’m currently in hospital years of pain to discover I have crones disease I’m very scared and don’t know where this route will take me weather they have to operate or not. I’m so confused on what I can and can’t eat and how it’s going to effect my life as I’m currently training to be a class room assistant and have three children as a single parent if anyone could inbox me and suggest a good diet and tips to keep me out of hospital would be amazing.


Its amazing to have somewhere with such great information and support. I have UC and during flare ups can feel such intense pain. Its amazing to know im not alone and there are many of us in this together.


It's so helpful to be able to read the stories of how this disease has effected so many lives, after a 5 week wait my colonoscopy is just around the corner, i have suspected UC and it's been 5 long months of hell to even get to this point

I haven't really been given a lot of information on the colonoscopy, no idea what to expect really.

I actually feel slightly left in the dark and was just told by my GP to 'read up on the disease' in the meantime

It's been really helpful to read about some of your struggles and compare my symptoms to others as they were going through their diagnosis stage

Would be great if anybody is reading this who feels they can relate to my situation to get in touch,

Anybody else been diagnosed in their late twenties early thirties with UC?



I was first diagnosed with ulcerative colitis back in December 2016 after 3 months of symptoms, 5 emergency doctors appointments, 4 trips to the hospital and finally an endoscopy. I’m a carpenter and the condition was really disruptive to my work. I used to have to take Imodium just to make it up the motorway to work. I’m lucky in the sense that I’m only just having my 2nd flare up as some of the stories I’ve read on here make me realise that my symptoms haven’t been as bad as some.

I’m on my way to hospital this morning to start a 9 week course of prednisone (I think that’s what it’s called) after my asacol tablet stopped having any affect on the colitis. Anyone else had this type of steroid treatment? I’m not really sure what to expect with it.

NHS staff have been fantastic since I was first diagnosed and the IBD clinic at my hospital have been on the ball whenever I’ve needed them. Found this group especially helpful as it just lets you know you’re not the only one suffering. I joined C&C uk a few months ago and have my card and key should I ever need to use them.


I was diagnosed with colitis when I was 14 (now 26) and had emergency surgery resulting in living with a bag, after feeling embarrassed about the sight of my new body I had the reversal two years later. After years of pain I went back into hospital last year but I had several complications and spent 4 months in hospital and had 6 more operations and have just had my final operation (10th major bowel surgery in total) last month resulting in me living with a bag again...but because of pages and support groups like this I no longer feel embarrassed or ashamed. I hope I can inspire others to wear their bags proudly and feel confident within themselves, just as people have inspired me


I thought I’d give some advise because although this is such a lonely disease and it’s hard to keep a positive head there’s a Facebook link type in search: my Crohn’s team, and Sign Up because also there you have people from all over the world talking about there days and how their feeling and you can relate so much and also make friends � it’s worth a try. I’ve been on it for 1 month and again it’s lovely to hear your not alone �, I hope everyone’s keeping strong ��xx


I spent one year in pain with a lot of problems with my bowel. I had been to the doctors approximately 10 times and was told constantly in that I had IBS in the end they gave me laxatives to try and move my bowel which caused major flare up of my Crohn's disease on many occasions I had told them that my family had Crohn's disease running through it but they told me that my diagnosis was not Crohn's disease it ended in me going into a uni and be taken into hospital for approximately three weeks where they did are number of tests were they eventually diagnosed Crohn's and colitis disease I have now been put on in fleximize in fusions and I have to say they are brilliant my life has changed dramatically I have almost no symptoms of my Crohn's or colitis disease I'm hoping that this will continue forward for the future. It is great to be able to go on a Facebook group and realise that there is other people in my position you have gone through the same symptoms as me massive amounts of pain and also depression and anxiety from the actual condition. I now live my life day today and hope that the pain the condition does not return as it was very very difficult to live my life and work as I was. I am just so thankful that we have an NHS system which has the ability to care for me and give me the drugs that I need to actually be able to live my life day today pain-free and a normal way


Hi, my name is Rosie I’m 19 yrs old. After 6 years of suffering with stomach pain and being told I had something different wrong with me every time I went to the doctors. Being sent home with paracetamol more times than I can remember. Last year I had 5 emergency operations with a total of 15 weeks + off my full time job. I lost around 3 stone and the doctors couldn’t work out what was wrong with me. I had numerous MRI scans, ultra sound scans but still nothing. After finally having a colonoscopy it got confirmed I had Crohns disease in January this year. I also have ulcers in my stomach which are severe! I have been on steroids for over a year, I got put on Azathioprine but had bad reactions. I’ve just started my infliximab treatment and I’m hoping it will work. I’m due to have another operation this year to remove a seton if my medication works! I’ve just started a new job on the side to make up for lost earnings and to give me something else to think about!


Hi guys my I was first diagnosed back in 2002 at age 12 after 8 years of refusing to let the crohns win finally had to have a total collectomy in 2010 since then all was well until recently I'm showing symptoms again I don't need to go into detail you guys know the ones yes it's heart breaking to be back at what seems like square one but I'm taking this on and since stubbing upon this page and reading some people's stories I'm not the only one that's sticking a middle finger up too chrones so here's the question anyone else here going through a flare up that's had a collectomy and j pouch done ?



I'm so glad I can see other people's stories and how they cope with IBD and IBS symptoms.

I do really need some help well more like guidance really. I'm struggling to prove to the doctors something is wrong. I have regular flare up attacks of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. I've had bloods done the first time my platelet count was really high. During these tests my symptoms have gotten worse, I had to go to A&E to get the anti-sickness injection and blood tests just last week! They finally found two inflammatory markers raised in my blood and signs of pancreatitis too. I suffer with chronic pain daily, I've lost a dress size in weeks, I can't eat like I used to. I've always been to the doctors since I was 10 years old with IBS symptoms. They're getting worse as I'm 20 now, I miss so much university and I live in a constant groggy state from my bowels and also from feeling so sick and tired all the time. I just wish my good days would stay and I wish I could find out quicker what's going on.

The doctor at the A&E I had to visit suspects crohns since it runs in my family and my symptoms are matching but I don't have some of the main symptoms of chrons such as anaemia by blood in the stool etc. Therefore my home GP ruled crohns out all together but not it's back in the picture. I feel confused and mislead, I worry I may be misdiagnosed or anything!

If there's anyone who can offer me advice, or even talk to me about their symptoms I'd really appreciate it. I felt like what I was going through for years was normal but now I'm I know I have something wrong with me, I just don't feel right/healthy. I really need it sorting. Im awaiting a ct scan and both endoscopies right now, I just wish it would come quicker.

Hope someone can help

Thanks :)


Having recently had the bowel removal operation following my Crohns diagnosis earlier this year I'm starting to live with the colostomy bags on a daily basis, i'm struggling with certain aspects of this condition and find myself a lot more shy than i used to be, I'm nervous to go out in public and i've only been out once since the operation and I found myself panicking when friends came to give me a hug! Having read through a few stories I realise that i'm in no condition or position to complain, being one of thousands of people with the condition and not being half as bad as some people who's stories I've seen or some people I've met. We're lucky to be here and be able to raise awareness :)


At the age of 15 I was admitted to hospital over Christmas due to horrible abdominal cramps, the doctors couldn’t find what the cause of the pain was so I was discharged with a bag full of pain killers and sent me on my way. I continued getting these pains until mid 2016 when I fell horribly ill and was in and out of hospital with cramps. The doctors still couldn’t find the cause of the pain and after many procedures they had diagnosed me with Crohn’s disease. Once I returned home I immediately started taking Advanced Ambrotose, GI ProBalance as well as MannaCleanse and started seeing results after 2 weeks. I have recently had blood results come back completely clean and normal.

Thank you Mannatech �


My Name is Shannon, throughout my teenage years I always struggled with stomach pain and weight loss. GP’s put it down to just pelvic pain and sent me away with painkillers. April 2017 after a normal day I went from being ok to vomiting 12 in a day and extremely stomach pain. My Gp told me it was a bug and just take paracetamol. By 7pm that evening things got worse. After scans, biopsies, Colonoscopies and bloods I was Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. June 2017 after trying azathioprine and steroids My Crohn’s disease has become so nasty their was a hole and the only way doctors could control it was if I had surgery. I had a part of my small and large bowel removed on 4th August. Since my Surgery I am awaiting the right treatment to stay in remission but Things still aren’t great but I have a great support system and positive People around me.


I get some really useful information through this page. As an ulcerative colitis sufferer for the last 5 years, I know only too well how debilitating it can be. Facing the rest of my life on medication I knew something had to change. I’ve studied nutritional health and am now keeping on top of everything through heart eating. Eating healthily is the key and first steps to all round health. � Thank you for the wonderful work you do �


Waiting for a diagnosis. Have a colonsopy on the 27th,just so scared it's making my symptoms worse. Been in flare on and off since March. Hospital in august with IV antibiotics for an infection and they couldn't do colonoscopy because i was so inflammed -marker nearly 300. I'm down to about 80 know. Gp put me on steroids to help slightly. But still urgency and bleeding and up several times in the night. I'm on anti depressants and it's just so debilitating. Go supermarket and end up in toilet for most of the trip!!just can't stop worrying that this is something worse and I'm petrified of procedure. NEw to this forum.

More about Crohn'S & Colitis Uk

Crohn'S & Colitis Uk is located at 1 Bishops Square, AL10 9NE Hatfield, Hertfordshire