Dan Osman - Nutritionist Cissn & Performance Coach Ascc

About Dan Osman - Nutritionist Cissn & Performance Coach Ascc

Dan Osman BSc (Hons), Dip. ISSN, CISSN, ASCC - Strength Coach & Performance Nutritionist

PhD Nutrition and Be An Athlete Brand Ambassador



Happy Christmas month!
Yep, I’m that guy and takes the festive season pretty damn seriously... Christmas AF some might say.
I’m now in my second week of prep for the 24 hour sled drag and in honesty I could say it was awful, BUT let’s turn the negatives into positives and like I encourage those I work with take the wins where they come.
... ❌ I’ve had a chest and finger (yes, I said finger) infection so I’ve hardly trained - ✅ I’m rarely sick and this is out the way before Christmas and the start of the training prep.
❌ My antibiotics made me feel nauseated. To the point the thought of eating meat or veg, or food at all sometimes, made it worse not making “ideal” food choices - ✅ I got what I needed in through palatable dairy products, soups and smoothies. Maybe a few biscuits too but this improved through the week.
❌ I’ve been the least active I’ve been in a while and nowhere near my step target of 12,000 per day. Monday I hit below 4K - ✅ This has increased throughout the week and allowed me the rest needed to being close to be over coughing and spluttering and unable to text due to ‘massive finger syndrome’. Ok made that last syndrome up.....
Not everyday is perfect but providing you’re making a conscious effort to improve you for YOU everyday, with you vs. YOU in mind, that’s all you can ask of yourself.
I won’t be writing cards or giving gifts this year because I’ve instead donated to the charity I’m doing the 24 hour sled drag for. Thank you to everyone who’s donated thus far, which now stands at a total of £695 combining the original post and the official page.
If you’re kind enough to even think about sending me a card or gift this year (that’s presumptuous 🤔) I’d instead politely request that you donate a couple of pounds via the Just Giving page attached instead.
Thanks again for all the support, have a great Saturday
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/da n-osman
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Episode 5 is out now! - We discuss why wanting to lose weight sometimes has nothing to weight loss at all. Also, when weight loss can actually go against what you had initially set out to achieve. - If you’re an avid listener please don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review too. We’ve taken on feedback so far and improved the sound quality, so we hope you enjoy!... - #fitnessunfiltered #podcast #gym #training #health #nutrition #lifestyle #lifestylechange #food #wellbeing #truth #discussion #weightloss #fatloss #dieting #thescales #southendonsea #essex
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Jameela Jamil is fast becoming one of my favourite people to call out nonsense diets and products offered by other celebrities. - This gives health and fitness professionals hope because often credentials, experience, and rational explanation of why many diets are a waste of money and at the sacrifice of health just aren’t enough for those we’re trying to help. - “Celebrities” and “influencers” hold a great amount of/often more power when it comes to anything aesthetics and ...health related - That’s a sad truth. - If a “celebrity” is promoting any quick fix diet product without a mention of nutrition and exercise, surely we need to question their motives?? - I’m all for better known celebs and influential persons calling BS on Z listers having sex, getting drunk and ‘mugged off’ on national television promoting diet product rubbish for personal gain - More please! - #Repost Jameela Jamil with @get_repost ・・・ If influencers and celebrities were actually honest with us about some of these Slimming/detox products... #itburns #diet #detox #weightloss #influencers
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Black Friday sales for PT’s - Appease the masses? Is it even relevant for the UK?? - Retailers calm yourselves, I’m talking services. This of course is my opinion. - Black Friday can be thought as “courting the low conscious not the loyal”. That is, loyal customers are usually the ones that buy without discounts, because they value and believe in their investment. ... - It would kinda leave a bad taste in your mouth if you’re a loyal customer of a brand/person/business, yet said body was giving anyone willing to part ways with a little cash a hefty discount, right?? Would they indeed receive the same level of service? 🤷🏻‍♂️ - Black Friday typically offers end of line, soon to be out of season items that were cheaper than bigger/well known brands in the first place. Health is never going out of season or fashion and valuing the loyalty of those that invest and believe in service lead businesses is something I personally hold above all else. - I don’t offer Black Friday sales because I respect those that already invest in my business, services, and strive to deliver as much value as possible. - “Black Friday” is also the informal name given to the day after Thanksgiving in the US... I’m not in the US but I will be giving my thanks to those that I currently work with. - Brand/customer loyalty, professionally and personally - New customers welcome for the same investment as ‘old’/loyal ones. - Enjoy the sales! - #blackfriday #sales #services #value #devalue #smallbusiness #loyalty #branding #brandloyalty #fitness #nutrition #health #personaltrainer #nutritionist #southendonsea #essex
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This guy!... 20kg down since the start of September!!
- Commitment to a non negotiable x 3 exercise sessions a week, although often more. ‘Minimal dose’ commitment means Nick is always winning. Active as possible everywhere else.
- Calorie target and secondary protein target within. What Nick does with his fats and carbs is up to him. Calorie ‘brackets’ weekends to enjoy meals out and takeaways.
... - No more snoring! Better mood, over six inches down around the waist, slim fit suits that have been replaced twice (sorry Nick), better sleep - The non weight number related, health improving aspects of weight loss people forget about.
- Pride! Proud of his own achievements, and why the hell not?!
Oh.... Twickenham, 14 pints of Guinness, 7 G&T’s, the odd tub of Halo top and partridge in a pear tree...
I speak to many who have written off improving their health until the New Year - Why?! Christmas is a week at best, you can still socialise without pressing self destruct for 8 weeks before.
Today I’m inspired by Nick
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The video I shared the other day... Initially instant regret (honestly). Now that's dissipated, it's cemented the fact that without contributing to the solution I was actually part of the problem. I feel better about sharing something hugely personal with strangers, and even those closest to me. I'm a pretty private person, but what other people think is none of my business.
I've received an incredible amount of support and personal messages so far. Thank you to those that sa...t through the much longer than intended video. If you haven't already please do. If I can encourage just one other to seek help when they desperately need it I would consider my minor discomfort totally worth it.
Good Friday (April 19th) 2019 will be the start of the 24 hour weighted sled drag challenge
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/da n-osman…
Thanks again all, have a great Saturday!
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My next big charity challenge: 24 hour weighted sled drag up and down Southend on Sea seafront for the cause CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably).
I felt the most nervous I ever have about posting this, even though I know I ‘shouldn’t’. The first take will have to do, otherwise it might not happen. In truth, I had intended on posting this weeks ago.
Thanks in advance for your patience.


Episode 3 is now up on iTunes! Tribes, beliefs and health bandwagons.
Have you tuned in yet?


Thank you all for your amazing support of the Fitness Unfiltered podcast!! - We managed to reach number 2 in the UK health chart, and top 40 of all podcasts in all the land worldwide, after episode one! - We genuinely had no idea so many would download and subscribe to it, so a huge THANK YOU once again for those whom have downloaded, subscribed, reviewed and been kind enough to share with friends.... - Our very exciting competition has now come to a close and we can happily announce that our winner is..... @gymfecker - Please contact one of us with your details and we will send out your goodie selection which each of us have contributed to. - If you did enjoy the podcast please continue to tune in, rate, review and share - New episodes will appear every Thursday for those subscribed. We want to provide valued listeners with exactly what they want to hear more about fully inclusive of our unfiltered and honest mantra. Any feedback welcome! - #fitnessunfiltered #podcast #gym #training #health #nutrition #lifestyle #lifestylechange #food #wellbeing #truth #discussion
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Feeling pretty honoured and grateful to feature in the latest edition (December) of Muscle & Fitness UK on a double page spread this month!
Thank you Nick and Danni Levy for the opportunity, and main man Fivos for the photography.
You can find my article “Becoming a prisoner of an ideology - Why clean eating is stalling your fat loss goals on page 121.
... There’s some great features and articles from some hugely knowledgable people in the industry. Check it out!
I’ll be a regular columnist if you enjoy my musings. Have a great day all!
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Totally worth the 04:30 start this morning seeing this brobarian @rossedgley complete the truly epic feat of swimming the entire coastline of Great Britain!!
The human body is an incredible thing and this man pushes it to its limits!
Great turnout and show put on by @redbulluk , but also really nice to catch up with @drmikethe2nd @grenadejay @phillearney @mrslearney @ollie_fitness @shaunstafford @rachel_cook86 @jasonvanbiene
... #greatbritishswim #redbulluk #rhinoneck #lemonsherberts
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Very very excited to announce FITNESS UNFILTERED: EPISODE ONE IS NOW LIVE ON iTunes!
The link is below and we really need your help spreading the word, so we have a VERY EXCITING competition to win a fitness unfiltered goodie selection which each of us have contributed to! We have an @esgfitness vest, an @ace_dan_osman selection of protein related paraphernalia, and from @drmikethe2nd we have a selection of some proteiny favourites including a box of @buildandbakefitness bro...wnies and a selection of treats from @nutrimatenutrition55 (including some @proteinpantry)! To win all you need to do is head over to Instagram:
1. Tag two friends in the comments below 2. Follow the 3 of us 3. Subscribe, download and post a review of the podcast on iTunes!
https://itunes.apple.com/…/podcast/fitn ess-un…/id1441069077…
If your friends post a review as well they will also be entered into the draw. Good luck, and most of all ENJOY THE PODCAST! Let us know what you think, tag us if you share and let’s go!
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Wednesday Wisdom - Realistic levels of leanness
Most of us have a skewed perception of where we’re at and exactly how much time is needed to lose a certain amount of body fat.
Do you want it enough and what does it take?! Here’s some rough guidelines with where you should place priority whilst realistically managing expectations and your start point.
... _________________________________________ ___
Fluffotype - Feel uncomfortable day to day in my clothes, socially restricted and I keep a larger set of clothes “just in case”
Firstly, get rid of that extra wardrobe FFS
Small consistent changes, conscious reduction of portion size and generally more active, a better understanding of caloric values of foods typically consumed, a calorie boundary. Focus on small, easily, repeatable habits even if it’s parking at the furthest end of the car park ahead of a food shop.
Your start point! This is the beginning of your journey, stick with it! This won’t be overnight and if it’s taken 30+ years to find yourself here don’t expect a six pack in two weeks.
_________________________________________ ___
I feel ok in clothesotype/more confident nakedotype - Clothes could fit better, I’d rather get into a smaller size but I’m ok really, I just want to feel better naked.
As above with set calorie targets, and perhaps a secondary protein target. Training should become performance focussed - Stronger, fitter, etc. Health markers and hormones will sort themselves out.... Don’t stress about these. This should begin to feel like a lifestyle and something you can stick to.
12-16 weeks of dieting away from “fluffotype”
_________________________________________ ___
Shredzville Tennessee I want to see veins in my ass cheeksotype
Prepare to miss out on social occasions, count/be very experienced being mindful of calorie consumption, realistically gauge/quantity and measure output.
Performance and aesthetically aware of what body responds better to from a carbs and fat perspective within a calorie deficit. You are now an unhappy robot that for the largest part just ‘does’... ‘because’. Be prepared to feel socially ostracised and your life to be predominately dominated by training sessions and focused on eating. You’ll experience much of a fluffotype just with abs including zero libido. Better if you’re single...
20+ diet weeks away from “I want to feel better in clothesotype/more confident nakedotype”
“Otypes” ridiculous concept, right?!
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For those that messaged me to ask - TWO days!
We do exactly what it says on the tin, bringing you a 100% unfiltered perspective of all health and fitness through honest and open debate and discussion.


34lbs down in approaching 10 weeks!
Live weigh in with Nick who was up for the challenge after life changing weight loss. So far...
He discusses a little bit about his journey and how small consistent wins that have lead to his progress and huge changes


10, 000 calorie challenge update: FINAL part...
Stopped exercise at 23:54 with a final number of.....
You’ll have to watch the attached to find out 😉
... Total calories consumed were: 3,958 calories, Pro: 275, Carbohydrate: 607, Fat: 58.
I won’t assume anyone want any details other than that unless asked
Have a great Friday all.... 4 plus hours on a wattbike as one of the many things I did yesterday. I’ve been baptised into a new kind of ‘discomfort’
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10,000 calorie burn challenge so far...
Full round up midday with video snippets from the morning. What would you like to hear more about?
P.S. Two hours on the Watt bike plus a few extras in and around it is quite hard...


10, 000 calorie challenge update part one...
Just hit 4,000 calories...
That’s the equivalent of x 1 Nando’s double chicken breast pitta and a side of chips for lunch, and a Domino’s meatza pizza washed down with a tub of cookies and cream Haagen Daz.
... Intake has been just over 1,700 so far but if you watch the below with sound I discuss strategy, IBS, dietary choices and general considerations.
Run to the gym, full body weights, deadmill aerobic intervals with some added expenditure work elsewhere, and a run home again
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Ssshhh... It’s a secret... By secret I mean it’s not actually at all, tell everyone you know, and obviously download as soon as it’s available 😉
Super proud to announce that these two ‘propa’ humans and I will be launching our podcast VERY soon. We’ll be bringing you a 100% unfiltered perspective of all health and fitness through honest and open debate and discussion.
... Michael (seeds of avocado sadness) is a highly experienced GP who has gone through an amazing life transformation and thoroughly embraced all health and fitness since carrying over into practice - Follow his social media channels!
Emma (salmon spine) is one of the sassiest but also smartest ladies in the fitness industry bringing some serious knowledge. Also produces some amazing content - Follow her social media channels too! - I’m of course the mascot 😊 - Have an awesome weekend all! - #fitnessunfiltered #podcast #gym #training #health #nutrition #lifestyle #lifestylechange #food #wellbeing #truth #discussion
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Working with Dan I've had such incredible results, not just aesthetically but also positive changes in energy levels, digestive issues and strength. I cannot recommend Dan and his wealth of knowledge and experience highly enough


What We love about Dan at halo is that he is super Adaptable for each person or team. Not one rule fits all programmes, this making him approachable and easy to work with. Dan has been working with our academy this year and is committed to continuous learning and evolving with in his industry. Dan’s professionalism and knowledge has inspired my team.

Looking forward to working with you next year!


We had a nutritional talk at Halo this evening and it was so interesting and informative especially as a diabetic it's brilliant! Thanks for answering my millions of questions, let the pedometer challenge commence! �


Simply the best! Helped me overcome a very bad knee injury from a ski accident, without having surgery. I could ski again the following year! Could not have achieved the strength physically, mentally and emotionally without your help Dan. You are a brilliant at what you do, thank you and now to lose this baby weight in the near future!


Professional, experienced, knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and great Personal Trainer. Having worked with Dan for the past 3 years I would have no hesitation in recommending him and his services.

It’s not a ‘one size fits all program’.

Dan has created me a tailored fitness and nutrition plan to suit my own personal needs. I’ve had great fat loss results, which are sustainable and non restricting even with a busy work/life schedule.

Dan also liaised with my physiotherapist and tailored a gym training program to help overcome a back injury.

For anyone thinking of using Dan’s services you will not be disappointed, with the correct attitude and application be prepared to live a healthier and happier life. He is a wealth of knowledge ready to tailor a plan especially for you.


Not only a fantastic PT but also a very humble gentleman.

Dan is full of knowledge but also understands how to make a plan realistic, rewarding and ultimately enjoyable without you over stressing yourself.

It’s one thing being a PT but Dan is able to demonstrate years of life experience of his own battles and that’s what makes him so great as he can relate to you. Wether you are a full time mum/dad or just someone starting out in the fitness world or have been training for years, Dan will give you guidance and support to just the right level so he can help you change the way you look at food and training so that you can still enjoy life at the same time.

5/5 fully recommend.


I've seen Dan for new training programs monthly for about 3 years now, I know my way around a gym but Dan gives a professional edge to my training and he continually adapts them to keep it interesting. I train for sport & he focuses / progresses the sessions around this. Of the PTs I've worked with he's top of the pile.


I started consulting with Dan in November time and working with him from January onwards. I was in desperate need of nutritional and fitness advice especially with a complicated set of circumstances relating to a lifelong digestive issue. Suffering from a severe hiatus hernia of the stomach and a faulty stomach valve, acid reflux has been the biggest factor affecting my health and wellbeing. Dan took this issue into account along with recommendations from my consultant and constructed a back to basics nutritional plan that has turnt my insides in an alkaline zone instead of a painful acidic mess. I have managed to lose 3 stone in the first part of the year with the aim to lose another 2 whilst starting to pack on muscle. I can't recommend Dan highly enough. He listens, is willingly to answer as many or all questions you have no matter how silly they may seem. Working with Dan will definately lead you to your goals!


I have had Dan as a personal trainer and is a wealth of knowledge both in Fitness and nutrition. He gives sensible realistic advice and makes Fitness fun and interesting. He is also a really friendly likeable person who makes you feel at ease and I know whatever your goal you can have confidence you will achieve it with Dan! Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.


I had a couple of sessions with Dan a good few years ago now. Really friendly, approachable guy. Def recommend �


Highly recommend Dan, his absolutely spot on nutritional guidance, coupled with enjoyable, stimulating & motivating 1to1 personal training sessions have increased my personal fitness and stamina no end and most importantly allowed me to shift nearly 9 kilos already, over the last 10 weeks or so! Thank you Dan��


Having consulted with Dan several times in reference to bikini prep for my own clients, I can safely say his knowledge and experience is second to none.

Extremely approachable and friendly...


Great trainer, very knowledgeable, even after 20 years of training I am still learning all the time. Most down to earth and lovely guy. Cant go wrong with Dan. He also has epic hair 😊


Easily the best and I hate to say PT, as Dan is much more than just that. Approachable, friendly, willing, beyond knowledgeable and most importantly in my eyes, realistic! I do not doubt for a second, anyone who is willing to put the work in, listen and learn, will undoubtably succeed in their goals with Dan's help. Any goal can be achieved in a healthy, happy way and you would be a fool not to seek Dan's advice!


Dan's genuine enthusiasm for what he does is what makes him an excellent PT and nutritionist. He has made it easy for me to get in the best shape ever with a realistic and sustainable approach to both fitness and diet.


Dan is more than a trainer, he educates, supports and makes everything easy to understand within your training. He has taught me so much and gave more than I could have ask for.


Dan is a rare find. The combination of his highly qualified knowledge and application of fitness and nutrition is just the start. Dan is focused on the individual's progress and improvement and taylors a program to suit, and then takes it to another level. He has a highly professional and approachable mindset making you at ease and willing to apply his advice. Not training with Dan would be a wasted opportunity.


Dan is a fantastic PT/Coach and a genuinely great guy. Working with him helped me better my physique and knowledge massively! Couldn't recommend Dan enough!


Dan is a fantastic PT who really knows his stuff. The way he trains you is not only firmly based on science but also his own extensive personal knowledge built up over the years.

Thanks Dan!


Working with Dan I've had such incredible results, not just aesthetically but also positive changes in energy levels, digestive issues and strength. I cannot recommend Dan and his wealth of knowledge and experience highly enough


What We love about Dan at halo is that he is super Adaptable for each person or team. Not one rule fits all programmes, this making him approachable and easy to work with. Dan has been working with our academy this year and is committed to continuous learning and evolving with in his industry. Dan’s professionalism and knowledge has inspired my team.

Looking forward to working with you next year!


We had a nutritional talk at Halo this evening and it was so interesting and informative especially as a diabetic it's brilliant! Thanks for answering my millions of questions, let the pedometer challenge commence! �


Simply the best! Helped me overcome a very bad knee injury from a ski accident, without having surgery. I could ski again the following year! Could not have achieved the strength physically, mentally and emotionally without your help Dan. You are a brilliant at what you do, thank you and now to lose this baby weight in the near future!


Professional, experienced, knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and great Personal Trainer. Having worked with Dan for the past 3 years I would have no hesitation in recommending him and his services.

It’s not a ‘one size fits all program’.

Dan has created me a tailored fitness and nutrition plan to suit my own personal needs. I’ve had great fat loss results, which are sustainable and non restricting even with a busy work/life schedule.

Dan also liaised with my physiotherapist and tailored a gym training program to help overcome a back injury.

For anyone thinking of using Dan’s services you will not be disappointed, with the correct attitude and application be prepared to live a healthier and happier life. He is a wealth of knowledge ready to tailor a plan especially for you.


Not only a fantastic PT but also a very humble gentleman.

Dan is full of knowledge but also understands how to make a plan realistic, rewarding and ultimately enjoyable without you over stressing yourself.

It’s one thing being a PT but Dan is able to demonstrate years of life experience of his own battles and that’s what makes him so great as he can relate to you. Wether you are a full time mum/dad or just someone starting out in the fitness world or have been training for years, Dan will give you guidance and support to just the right level so he can help you change the way you look at food and training so that you can still enjoy life at the same time.

5/5 fully recommend.


I've seen Dan for new training programs monthly for about 3 years now, I know my way around a gym but Dan gives a professional edge to my training and he continually adapts them to keep it interesting. I train for sport & he focuses / progresses the sessions around this. Of the PTs I've worked with he's top of the pile.


I started consulting with Dan in November time and working with him from January onwards. I was in desperate need of nutritional and fitness advice especially with a complicated set of circumstances relating to a lifelong digestive issue. Suffering from a severe hiatus hernia of the stomach and a faulty stomach valve, acid reflux has been the biggest factor affecting my health and wellbeing. Dan took this issue into account along with recommendations from my consultant and constructed a back to basics nutritional plan that has turnt my insides in an alkaline zone instead of a painful acidic mess. I have managed to lose 3 stone in the first part of the year with the aim to lose another 2 whilst starting to pack on muscle. I can't recommend Dan highly enough. He listens, is willingly to answer as many or all questions you have no matter how silly they may seem. Working with Dan will definately lead you to your goals!


I have had Dan as a personal trainer and is a wealth of knowledge both in Fitness and nutrition. He gives sensible realistic advice and makes Fitness fun and interesting. He is also a really friendly likeable person who makes you feel at ease and I know whatever your goal you can have confidence you will achieve it with Dan! Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.


I had a couple of sessions with Dan a good few years ago now. Really friendly, approachable guy. Def recommend �


Highly recommend Dan, his absolutely spot on nutritional guidance, coupled with enjoyable, stimulating & motivating 1to1 personal training sessions have increased my personal fitness and stamina no end and most importantly allowed me to shift nearly 9 kilos already, over the last 10 weeks or so! Thank you Dan��


Having consulted with Dan several times in reference to bikini prep for my own clients, I can safely say his knowledge and experience is second to none.

Extremely approachable and friendly...


Great trainer, very knowledgeable, even after 20 years of training I am still learning all the time. Most down to earth and lovely guy. Cant go wrong with Dan. He also has epic hair 😊


Easily the best and I hate to say PT, as Dan is much more than just that. Approachable, friendly, willing, beyond knowledgeable and most importantly in my eyes, realistic! I do not doubt for a second, anyone who is willing to put the work in, listen and learn, will undoubtably succeed in their goals with Dan's help. Any goal can be achieved in a healthy, happy way and you would be a fool not to seek Dan's advice!


Dan's genuine enthusiasm for what he does is what makes him an excellent PT and nutritionist. He has made it easy for me to get in the best shape ever with a realistic and sustainable approach to both fitness and diet.


Dan is more than a trainer, he educates, supports and makes everything easy to understand within your training. He has taught me so much and gave more than I could have ask for.


Dan is a rare find. The combination of his highly qualified knowledge and application of fitness and nutrition is just the start. Dan is focused on the individual's progress and improvement and taylors a program to suit, and then takes it to another level. He has a highly professional and approachable mindset making you at ease and willing to apply his advice. Not training with Dan would be a wasted opportunity.


Dan is a fantastic PT/Coach and a genuinely great guy. Working with him helped me better my physique and knowledge massively! Couldn't recommend Dan enough!


Dan is a fantastic PT who really knows his stuff. The way he trains you is not only firmly based on science but also his own extensive personal knowledge built up over the years.

Thanks Dan!


Working with Dan I've had such incredible results, not just aesthetically but also positive changes in energy levels, digestive issues and strength. I cannot recommend Dan and his wealth of knowledge and experience highly enough


What We love about Dan at halo is that he is super Adaptable for each person or team. Not one rule fits all programmes, this making him approachable and easy to work with. Dan has been working with our academy this year and is committed to continuous learning and evolving with in his industry. Dan’s professionalism and knowledge has inspired my team.

Looking forward to working with you next year!


We had a nutritional talk at Halo this evening and it was so interesting and informative especially as a diabetic it's brilliant! Thanks for answering my millions of questions, let the pedometer challenge commence! �


Simply the best! Helped me overcome a very bad knee injury from a ski accident, without having surgery. I could ski again the following year! Could not have achieved the strength physically, mentally and emotionally without your help Dan. You are a brilliant at what you do, thank you and now to lose this baby weight in the near future!


Professional, experienced, knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and great Personal Trainer. Having worked with Dan for the past 3 years I would have no hesitation in recommending him and his services.

It’s not a ‘one size fits all program’.

Dan has created me a tailored fitness and nutrition plan to suit my own personal needs. I’ve had great fat loss results, which are sustainable and non restricting even with a busy work/life schedule.

Dan also liaised with my physiotherapist and tailored a gym training program to help overcome a back injury.

For anyone thinking of using Dan’s services you will not be disappointed, with the correct attitude and application be prepared to live a healthier and happier life. He is a wealth of knowledge ready to tailor a plan especially for you.


Not only a fantastic PT but also a very humble gentleman.

Dan is full of knowledge but also understands how to make a plan realistic, rewarding and ultimately enjoyable without you over stressing yourself.

It’s one thing being a PT but Dan is able to demonstrate years of life experience of his own battles and that’s what makes him so great as he can relate to you. Wether you are a full time mum/dad or just someone starting out in the fitness world or have been training for years, Dan will give you guidance and support to just the right level so he can help you change the way you look at food and training so that you can still enjoy life at the same time.

5/5 fully recommend.


I've seen Dan for new training programs monthly for about 3 years now, I know my way around a gym but Dan gives a professional edge to my training and he continually adapts them to keep it interesting. I train for sport & he focuses / progresses the sessions around this. Of the PTs I've worked with he's top of the pile.


I started consulting with Dan in November time and working with him from January onwards. I was in desperate need of nutritional and fitness advice especially with a complicated set of circumstances relating to a lifelong digestive issue. Suffering from a severe hiatus hernia of the stomach and a faulty stomach valve, acid reflux has been the biggest factor affecting my health and wellbeing. Dan took this issue into account along with recommendations from my consultant and constructed a back to basics nutritional plan that has turnt my insides in an alkaline zone instead of a painful acidic mess. I have managed to lose 3 stone in the first part of the year with the aim to lose another 2 whilst starting to pack on muscle. I can't recommend Dan highly enough. He listens, is willingly to answer as many or all questions you have no matter how silly they may seem. Working with Dan will definately lead you to your goals!


I have had Dan as a personal trainer and is a wealth of knowledge both in Fitness and nutrition. He gives sensible realistic advice and makes Fitness fun and interesting. He is also a really friendly likeable person who makes you feel at ease and I know whatever your goal you can have confidence you will achieve it with Dan! Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.


I had a couple of sessions with Dan a good few years ago now. Really friendly, approachable guy. Def recommend �


Highly recommend Dan, his absolutely spot on nutritional guidance, coupled with enjoyable, stimulating & motivating 1to1 personal training sessions have increased my personal fitness and stamina no end and most importantly allowed me to shift nearly 9 kilos already, over the last 10 weeks or so! Thank you Dan��


Having consulted with Dan several times in reference to bikini prep for my own clients, I can safely say his knowledge and experience is second to none.

Extremely approachable and friendly...


Great trainer, very knowledgeable, even after 20 years of training I am still learning all the time. Most down to earth and lovely guy. Cant go wrong with Dan. He also has epic hair 😊


Easily the best and I hate to say PT, as Dan is much more than just that. Approachable, friendly, willing, beyond knowledgeable and most importantly in my eyes, realistic! I do not doubt for a second, anyone who is willing to put the work in, listen and learn, will undoubtably succeed in their goals with Dan's help. Any goal can be achieved in a healthy, happy way and you would be a fool not to seek Dan's advice!


Dan's genuine enthusiasm for what he does is what makes him an excellent PT and nutritionist. He has made it easy for me to get in the best shape ever with a realistic and sustainable approach to both fitness and diet.


Dan is more than a trainer, he educates, supports and makes everything easy to understand within your training. He has taught me so much and gave more than I could have ask for.


Dan is a rare find. The combination of his highly qualified knowledge and application of fitness and nutrition is just the start. Dan is focused on the individual's progress and improvement and taylors a program to suit, and then takes it to another level. He has a highly professional and approachable mindset making you at ease and willing to apply his advice. Not training with Dan would be a wasted opportunity.


Dan is a fantastic PT/Coach and a genuinely great guy. Working with him helped me better my physique and knowledge massively! Couldn't recommend Dan enough!


Dan is a fantastic PT who really knows his stuff. The way he trains you is not only firmly based on science but also his own extensive personal knowledge built up over the years.

Thanks Dan!


Working with Dan I've had such incredible results, not just aesthetically but also positive changes in energy levels, digestive issues and strength. I cannot recommend Dan and his wealth of knowledge and experience highly enough


What We love about Dan at halo is that he is super Adaptable for each person or team. Not one rule fits all programmes, this making him approachable and easy to work with. Dan has been working with our academy this year and is committed to continuous learning and evolving with in his industry. Dan’s professionalism and knowledge has inspired my team.

Looking forward to working with you next year!


We had a nutritional talk at Halo this evening and it was so interesting and informative especially as a diabetic it's brilliant! Thanks for answering my millions of questions, let the pedometer challenge commence! �


Simply the best! Helped me overcome a very bad knee injury from a ski accident, without having surgery. I could ski again the following year! Could not have achieved the strength physically, mentally and emotionally without your help Dan. You are a brilliant at what you do, thank you and now to lose this baby weight in the near future!


Professional, experienced, knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and great Personal Trainer. Having worked with Dan for the past 3 years I would have no hesitation in recommending him and his services.

It’s not a ‘one size fits all program’.

Dan has created me a tailored fitness and nutrition plan to suit my own personal needs. I’ve had great fat loss results, which are sustainable and non restricting even with a busy work/life schedule.

Dan also liaised with my physiotherapist and tailored a gym training program to help overcome a back injury.

For anyone thinking of using Dan’s services you will not be disappointed, with the correct attitude and application be prepared to live a healthier and happier life. He is a wealth of knowledge ready to tailor a plan especially for you.


Not only a fantastic PT but also a very humble gentleman.

Dan is full of knowledge but also understands how to make a plan realistic, rewarding and ultimately enjoyable without you over stressing yourself.

It’s one thing being a PT but Dan is able to demonstrate years of life experience of his own battles and that’s what makes him so great as he can relate to you. Wether you are a full time mum/dad or just someone starting out in the fitness world or have been training for years, Dan will give you guidance and support to just the right level so he can help you change the way you look at food and training so that you can still enjoy life at the same time.

5/5 fully recommend.


I've seen Dan for new training programs monthly for about 3 years now, I know my way around a gym but Dan gives a professional edge to my training and he continually adapts them to keep it interesting. I train for sport & he focuses / progresses the sessions around this. Of the PTs I've worked with he's top of the pile.


I started consulting with Dan in November time and working with him from January onwards. I was in desperate need of nutritional and fitness advice especially with a complicated set of circumstances relating to a lifelong digestive issue. Suffering from a severe hiatus hernia of the stomach and a faulty stomach valve, acid reflux has been the biggest factor affecting my health and wellbeing. Dan took this issue into account along with recommendations from my consultant and constructed a back to basics nutritional plan that has turnt my insides in an alkaline zone instead of a painful acidic mess. I have managed to lose 3 stone in the first part of the year with the aim to lose another 2 whilst starting to pack on muscle. I can't recommend Dan highly enough. He listens, is willingly to answer as many or all questions you have no matter how silly they may seem. Working with Dan will definately lead you to your goals!


I have had Dan as a personal trainer and is a wealth of knowledge both in Fitness and nutrition. He gives sensible realistic advice and makes Fitness fun and interesting. He is also a really friendly likeable person who makes you feel at ease and I know whatever your goal you can have confidence you will achieve it with Dan! Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.


I had a couple of sessions with Dan a good few years ago now. Really friendly, approachable guy. Def recommend �


Highly recommend Dan, his absolutely spot on nutritional guidance, coupled with enjoyable, stimulating & motivating 1to1 personal training sessions have increased my personal fitness and stamina no end and most importantly allowed me to shift nearly 9 kilos already, over the last 10 weeks or so! Thank you Dan��


Having consulted with Dan several times in reference to bikini prep for my own clients, I can safely say his knowledge and experience is second to none.

Extremely approachable and friendly...


Great trainer, very knowledgeable, even after 20 years of training I am still learning all the time. Most down to earth and lovely guy. Cant go wrong with Dan. He also has epic hair 😊


Easily the best and I hate to say PT, as Dan is much more than just that. Approachable, friendly, willing, beyond knowledgeable and most importantly in my eyes, realistic! I do not doubt for a second, anyone who is willing to put the work in, listen and learn, will undoubtably succeed in their goals with Dan's help. Any goal can be achieved in a healthy, happy way and you would be a fool not to seek Dan's advice!


Dan's genuine enthusiasm for what he does is what makes him an excellent PT and nutritionist. He has made it easy for me to get in the best shape ever with a realistic and sustainable approach to both fitness and diet.


Dan is more than a trainer, he educates, supports and makes everything easy to understand within your training. He has taught me so much and gave more than I could have ask for.


Dan is a rare find. The combination of his highly qualified knowledge and application of fitness and nutrition is just the start. Dan is focused on the individual's progress and improvement and taylors a program to suit, and then takes it to another level. He has a highly professional and approachable mindset making you at ease and willing to apply his advice. Not training with Dan would be a wasted opportunity.


Dan is a fantastic PT/Coach and a genuinely great guy. Working with him helped me better my physique and knowledge massively! Couldn't recommend Dan enough!


Dan is a fantastic PT who really knows his stuff. The way he trains you is not only firmly based on science but also his own extensive personal knowledge built up over the years.

Thanks Dan!

More about Dan Osman - Nutritionist Cissn & Performance Coach Ascc

Dan Osman - Nutritionist Cissn & Performance Coach Ascc is located at SPT Fitness, Unit 12-16, Marden Works Prince Close, Prince Avenue, SS0 0JP Southend-on-Sea