Democracy Movement

About Democracy Movement

Non-party campaign for a better democracy via a positive, flexible new relationship with the EU based on trade & cooperation, not undemocratic centralisation. Founded: 1998

Democracy Movement Description

The Democracy Movement is Britain's largest non-party pressure group campaigning against the ever-further centralisation of political decision-making in undemocratic European Union institutions. We support international co-operation but oppose the out-dated political integration driving the development of today's EU.



206 days to Brexit: Toyota reveals details of its new Corolla Touring Sports model, to be built at the firm’s Burnaston factory in Derbyshire >>


Brexit reality, from the EU's own research: "The Commission quoted an internal study, which estimated that if the UK is freed from just seven unspecified EU regulations, it would provide savings for British businesses of €6 billion a year, according to two EU officials." Let's get on with it! >>


This is just the latest example of European companies continuing to invest in and expand their UK manufacturing facilities, in marked contrast to the continued political fear-mongering of those who still refuse to accept the majority vote for Brexit at the EU referendum ...


New poll demolishes continuity Remain claims. Half of Brits say "Get on with it!" and want to leave the EU on March 29, with or without a Brexit deal. Plus, more of those changing their minds since 2016 are Remain voters switching to Leave. Read more >>


The great Labour politician Peter Shore speaking against EU membership ahead of the 1975 referendum. It seems little has changed in the scaremongering tactics of the EU's backers ...


Even MPs are starting to regret voting Remain >> "Rossendale and Darwen MP Jake Berry has admitted he got it wrong when he voted to stay in the European Union in 2016’s referendum and would now vote to quit the European Union ..."


Well, this is awkward for the hardcore Remain misery-mongers >> "The figures suggest that uncertainty over the outcome of the Brexit negotiations has not chilled overall investment spending in the UK ..."


This member of the under-30s BBC Question Time audience last night says that all of his friends voted for Brexit and is tired of politicians saying that young people didn't vote for it ...


Unemployment down, inflation down, wage growth up. Can the predictions of Remain campaigners have been any more wrong?


As the House of Lords begins the next stage of their debates on the EU Withdrawal Bill, this article from a year ago bears repeating >>


Soros: "The UK's future with the EU is not a done deal ..." (Apparently a clear majority voting for Brexit isn't a 'done deal' to this anti-democrat)
Soros: "... people across the country deserve to know the truth about the options on the table: one of which is staying and leading in the EU." (We tried that for 40+ years - long enough)


"The plan was to 'raise public support for Remain to a clear and growing national majority by June/July 2018 and channelling that pressure into MPs' mailbags and surgeries" ...


This what we're up against to ensure the referendum result is respected.
But with your help, we can fight back: rt.html


Jeremy Corbyn has snubbed pro-EU Labour MPs in an address to his parliamentary party, by insisting the UK cannot stay in the single market after Brexit.

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