Dr Margriet Health

About Dr Margriet Health

Hi Im Dr Margriet van Nieuwburg, NHS GP and functional medicine doctor. I'm passionate about empowered healthy living, helping you to live your life to the full with gorgeous energy, vitality and joy.
I offer 1-2-1 coaching face to face or via skype, give

Dr Margriet Health Description

Hi, I’m Margriet van Nieuwburg. Thanks for coming over to read more about my story. I’d love to share more with you about why I do what I do, and absolutely invite you to get in touch if you would like to talk further.

“Don’t ask what the world needs from you, but ask what makes come alive because what the world needs is people who are fully alive”

I love this quote from Howard Thurman, and it truly captures what is possible for us: to live our lives fully, with passion, inspiration, joy and vision. Imagine what would become possible if you really maxed this out, every single day?

A life where we can enjoy fantastic relationships, enjoy our work, generate amazing projects, plan stuff, travel, climb mountains, explore, build things, build companies, create. A life where we have all the energy, vitality and health to fully contribute, create, inspire and love.

I love this kind of health and big warm-hearted living. But it wasn’t always this way for me. My own health failed dramatically in 2014, after years of chronic stress: a combo of working hard as a doctor, single parenthood and a lifetime habit of putting everyone else first. This lifestyle was slowly but surely taking its toll and then, with a few traumatic life events thrown into the mix, my health crashed.

And despite all my medical knowledge (I have been a doctor since 1991) and interests in meditation and other self care practices, I eventually tapped into the principles of functional medicine, to really kick-start my recovery. And it worked.

It took me ONE WHOLE YEAR to recover and what it absolutely taught me is this: without our health everything else stops.

So we need to get it sorted. And whilst you might not be sick, or even if you are, are you truly ready to get your health back?

Are you ready to ditch the fatigue, sort out your sleep, lose those stubborn pounds, deal with those aches and pains to name just a few of the common health issues I see in my GP clinic every day. And are you ready to reconnect to what inspires you, has you on fire, and has you buzzing in your life every day?

This is the work I do, to help you get back into the driving seat of your health and your life.

I’m a GP doctor, a functional medicine fan, holistic health appassionata, and a woman who believes we have a huge capacity for self healing, and self empowerment, if only we knew how.

I love to see people come alive. I love to see people move from a place of having to limit themselves, live small, and see them unfold and uncurl into reclaiming their health, their energy and their mojo.

I live to listen and hear what is really going on. We get real, get honest and go deep!

I love to see people relax into receiving the kind of support that will help them face where they are truly at, and start to move into a new direction, instead of hiding behind all the reasons why their health can’t recover, or why living the life they really want isn’t possible for them.

Yes it’s scary to live big, to desire, to dream, to cook up a storm of a plan. . . because we then have to face our deepest selves and our fears.

I love witnessing people seeing new possibilities for themselves, being given permission to shed the cloak of excuses, or limitations, and actually reclaim their own possibilities and desires. There is nothing more wonderful than seeing another person wake up, and really take on their health and their life.

I love the journey we will go on together, because in coaching we travel together. Its powerful stuff, having another person really hearing your story, really hearing what’s getting in the way for you, and then guiding you through to new ways out, so that you can breathe again, and step into who you are really meant to be.

I love talking about the power of food. I love food! And I love to show people about the magic of food, and how it can be so enjoyable again instead of being a source of fear, loss of control, or weight gain, which so many of us struggle with. Imagine just really being in love with food again, and being able to fully enjoy it. That’s what many of my clients experience.

And it fantastic to show people just how miraculous the human body really is. It’s phenomenal. Our bodies are so clever, and when we take away the things that break us, and put back in all the things our bodies need, we come back to life. We start to heal and come back into our natural balance. We all have a huge capacity for self-healing, and I love to show people how to tap into that so they become their own powerful resource.

I love to work with people so they can gain new information, new insights, and start to support them towards their own transformation. It’s the most exciting work EVER! ! !

I am also a huge fan of making the changes that will support our health from a place of deep self care and self nurture. As opposed to working from a place of denial, deprivation or reproach. Ultimately we have to reconnect to deep within ourselves if we want to make some powerful changes, but it’s the most exciting journey you will EVER make. I love to travel this road with my clients and it’s a real privilege.

Our health is our wealth, and who doesn’t want to be rich?

“The man who owns all he wants for the living of all the life he is capable of living is rich”. Wallace D Wattles 1911

I absolutely love this and what I want for you is all the health, energy, joy and vitality that will allow you to live all the life you are capable of living. I want you to be rich in this way.

So my invitation to you is this:

Are you ready to live a big life?
Are you ready to recover your health, your well-being, your energy?
Are you ready to open your heart to its deepest desires?
Are you ready to start living the fullest life you capable of living?

Are you ready to be rich in this way?

We are all so powerful
We are all so beautiful
And we are all capable of living the most incredible life.

Let’s go!



The hardest thing about Christmas is _________?The hardest thing about Christmas is _________?


Mindset Monday!
“Start from wherever you are with whatever you got" Jim Rohn
... Ok, so it might not be perfect. You might not get results straight away. And for a while you might just need to fake it till you make it.
But one of the most powerful things you can do, to get out of 'stuck' and into 'completely fabulously awesome' is to just START!
You dont need a grand plan. You dont need to wait till the time is perfect. You dont need to have more time/ knowledge/ money.
All you need is to just start RIGHT NOW. Along the way you will get everything else you need, to become successful. The important thing is to get moving!
So what have you been putting off untill.....???!! And what are you going to get started on this week??
Happy Monday!
Margriet xx
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Its time!! To get out the Christmas decs, the twinkly lights and put up the tree.
I went to a Christmas market yesterday, whre they had this section all about Finland. The Fins are super 'au natural' about everything it seems. They did a great job and showcasing their country. All that outdoor healthiness!!
... And apparently the Fins are now officially the happiest nation in the world, according to a UN survey. Hmmm...
So I wanna know, when it comes to Christmas trees, do you go for a real one, or a fake one?
Real or fake??
Answers in the comments box please.
Love mxx
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We had a brilliant time last Wednesday on the live masterclass UNDERSTANDING LEAKY GUT.
So many of you joined in, asked questions, had aha moments and we created an awesome session together.
... We talked about:
👀 What leaky gut looks like, in real life! 👌 We had a little biology lesson on gut functioning, so you can easily understand where it can all go wrong! 👀 What causes leaky gut - it's a long list! 👎 Food intolerances 👀 How do you even know if you've got it 👉 What to do if you think you could have leaky gut 👀 The gluten conundrum ✋ Some surprising consequences of having leaky gut 👀 Is it IBS? 👎 Some practical pointers in the right direction
Yes, we covered a lot of ground!!
But don't worry if you missed it, cos you can easily catch up with the replay this weekend.
Just pop over to this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183767482 524862/ and look for the video from Wednesday 5th December.
Get yourself signed up (if you're not already), grab pen and paper, a cuppa, and settle down for some awesome insights into the miracle that is your body.
Love, Margriet xx
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It's so easy to think, I'll be happy when.....
And we usually think about some future thing, or event, or situation that will finally bring us the happiness we yearn for.
... The pay rise, the relationship, recovering from being sick, your dream house. Etc.
And there is nothing wrong with wanting those things.
But it is not what will bring you the peace, happiness and joy that you yearn for.
So what does?
Right here. Right now. For how your life is at this very moment.
This article explains why.
Enjoy and let me know your thoughts.
Love margriet xx
https://nutritioninfocus.clinicaleducatio n.org/flipping-th…/
But did you know that a key ingredient to experiencing
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I was thinking this morning (as you do!) just how many years I spent working in the NHS, being a junior doctor, anaesthetist and in the last decade, a GP!
And how much I love working as a functional medicine doctor now, and all the opportunities this has brought for coaching, teaching and sharing my passion for holistic medicine.
... Awesome health from the inside out. Return to full health, energy and vitality, instead if just 'not sick'.
And it occurred to me there's kind of an equation here. Which looks like this.
DOCTOR +TEACHER +HEALER = possibility for great health.
So I was wondering, what is your equation?
What is the possibility for you, and what are your ingredients??
It's a BIG question, so have a think and I'd love to hear!!!
Love margriet xx
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Would like a free little book that has ALL of the Healthy Advent Calendar 2018 postings so far? So you can print it off and keep it? So you can enjoy it over and over again?!!
... Well, then you need to get your skates on, because you've got untill 3pm tomorrow to get your name on the list! After that you've missed it!
Here is the link to sign up, and this time tomorrow, you too will be the proud owner of the healthy advent calendar part 1!!!
https://www.drmargriet.com/healthy-advent -calendar-2018/
Love Margriet xxx
PS its all FREE!!!
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The free masterclass on "UNDERSTANDING LEAKY GUT"
Do you love an intelligent approach to your health?... Do you love to understand WHY things are not tip top when it comes to your digestive health? Do you love to know HOW to help yourself when it comes to creating awesome health and high energy living?
Then this FREE MASTERCLASS is for you!
We are live at 8 30pm tonight!
This session is for you if you:
💥Struggle with bloating. 👎Live on medication just to keep your digestive system under control 💥Have to be really careful with what you eat, to avoid upsetting your tummy. 👎Struggle to lose weight 💥Feel tired and yuck a lot of the time 👎Brain not working properly 💥Catching every cold under the sun.
Then COME and JOIN ME!
Its free to join, all you have to do is pop over to this link, request to join and you’re all good to go.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/183767482 524862/
See you there!!
Love, Margriet xx
PS you are absolutely allowed to share this post out!! Thank you xx
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That 90% of your serotonin is made in your gut? And that if you have leaky gut issues, your serotonin or 'happy' chemical production goes downhill.....So you feel even more down in the dumps.
If you struggle with digestive issues.... you need to come to my masterclass on ' Understanding Leaky Gut'
... If you struggle with depression........ could I recommend that you come to my masterclass on ' Understanding Leaky Gut'?!
If your struggle with BOTH, then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???
Come and sign up for my brand new masterclass:
Its FREE Its LIVE And its right here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183767482 524862/
Join me tomorrow night WEDNESDAY 5th Dec at 8 30 in the gorgeous Dr Margriet's Clinic FB group.
See you there!
Love, Margriet xx
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5 BENEFITS OF HOT WATER AND LEMON (aka Healthy Advent Calendar Day 4 !!)
Today it’s time to think about hydration. But not just any old hydration. We want ‘liquids with benefits’!
... So let me introduce you to the 5 BENEFITS OF HOT WATER AND LEMON
💖It is super -hydrating.Yes!! We love this because super hydration gives us energy and sparkle. 💖Vitamin C a powerful antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down the natural ageing processes, and protect our cells and DNA from damage. We love this one!! 💖Awesome digestive support: its acidity stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, to that we can break down and absorb the nutrients from our food much better. 💖Vitamin C has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it’s your ‘go-to’ for when you feel a cold or sore throat coming on. 💖Both vitamin C and superhydration will support the liver, as it tackles all those detoxification jobs it has to do. Especially when we are ‘ indulging’ a little!!
You can drink it any time, anywhere, but if you really want to max out the benefits, then drink a cup first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Do this every day till Christmas, and you’re bound to notice the changes.
You can even jazz it up a it by adding in fresh ginger, or some mint.
Happy hydration!!
Love Margriet xx
Have you signed up for this FREE Healthy Advent Calendar 2018 yet? Where every single day you get a healthy top tip to help you get through the season with more energy, happiness, bounce and joy!!
You can still sign up and get your very own copy, by clicking on the link below: https://www.drmargriet.com/healthy-advent -calendar-2018/
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Do you recognise this?
👀 Bloating and feeling like you’re 9 months pregnant, if not at the start, then certainly by the end of the day.... 👌 You get lots of queasy tummies. 👀 Discomfort that you just can’t put your finger on, or get answers to. 👎 Indigestion 👀 Living on medication just to keep your digestive system under control 👉 You have to be really careful with what you eat, to avoid upsetting your tummy. 👀 Struggling to lose weight ✋ Feeling tired and yuck 👀 Brain not working properly 👎 Catching every cold under the sun.
If this is you, then leaky gut could be what is keeping you stuck.
None of these things necessarily mean that you are ‘sick’. You might not even have a diagnosis. But deep down you know that things are not right. The truth is, this kind of stuff saps your energy, depletes your reserves and stops your body from functioning at the top of its game.
Leaky gut can be at the root of so many of our symptoms, that the list is almost too long!! So come and join me for this free live masterclass, on this important health topic.
We will be talking about:
What do we even mean by leaky gut? What is going on in your digestive system when you have leaky gut? What causes it in the first place? How do you know if you have got it? And what’s the way out?
I would love for you to join me for this LIVE masterclass on Wednesday 5th December at 8 30 pm.
The class itself will take place over in the closed FB group : Dr Margriet’s Clinic. It is LIVE, so you can ask your questions, and be part of the conversation.
If you have not yet joined this group, you can easily do this via this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183767482 524862/
I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
Love, Margriet xx
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I love this time of year. It feel exciting, everywhere seems to be buzzing, and there’s this sort of collective sense of ‘we’re all getting ready’... for you know what!!
With all of that going on, the pace of life speeds up, there’s more to do and all those extra little jobs to attend to. And in the background we are still doing all the usual stuff as well, like going to work…It can get all bit stressy!!
... So giving yourself a little extra self-care this December will go a long way, to helping you stay fit healthy and well.
How can you do this, when there is already so much to do??
Simples! You sign up for THE HEALTHY ADVENT CALENDAR 2018.
I have planned it all out for you! Everyday there will be a little nugget of self-care that will take you about 5 -10 minutes to do, so that by the time the big day comes, instead of feeling stressed, hassled and fed up, you’ll be all shiny and happy!!
Want one??
Just pop over here, sign up and its yours for free.
https://www.drmargriet.com/healthy-advent -calendar-2018/
Happy December!!
Margriet xx
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If you struggle with fatigue, exhaustion and feeling run down as your ' normal', dont you just wish you had a reset button?
A button you could press, to fire up those energy levels, get your vibrancy back on line, and reclaim your joy and love of life??
... But wishing you had a reset button, or a reboot option, or even just a 'return to factory settings' option, isn't going to cut it.
The truth is that if you struggle with fatigue, flagging energy levels and just feeling generally below par, you could be suffering from adrenal fatigue.
To find out if this is you, and what you could do to help yourself, pop over to watch the replay of the live masterclass we held last wednesday: ADRENAL FATIGUE: the what, how and why.
Its easy to catch up with it: just pop over to the Dr Margriet Clinic page.
You can join via this link if you aren't already part of it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183767482 524862/
The replay is on this link: https://www.facebook.com/…/18376…/per malink/209854689916141/
Hope you enjoy it, and if you have questions, pop them in the comments box or message me!
Margriet xx
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We’ve all done it. The weeks leading up to christmas. Done too much, pushed ourselves and got to Christmas exhausted, frazzled and burnt out.
Its easily done. We take on too much. Said yes to christmas parties at friends houses AND promised to bring a plate of food. Offered to help out at the local panto…. And do all the planning, organising, posting stuff out on time, shopping, cooking, cleaning, preparing,….The list of all stuff that comes with ...Christmas is endless.
So at a time when we need to take extra care of our health, upleveling our self-care, and boost our immune system, we DO THE OPPOSITE!! And burn the candle at both ends!!
So this year, let’s do things a little differently. Together we can do this!
So before you do this, let me just introduce myself! I’m Dr Margriet and I am absolutely passionate about awesome natural health. Every day I see just how powerful even simple changes in food and lifestyle can be, and I want you to have this too. Especially at this time of year.
I have created THE HEALTHY ADVENT CALENDAR especially for you so that you can get to Christmas, feeling fit, vibrant and healthier than before! And avoid getting sick!
The Healthy Advent Calendar is absolutely FREE. When you sign up you will get your daily dose of:
Healthy tips Self-care Powerful stress busters Inspiration Support Mindfulness Mood boosters
Each day there is a little nugget of ‘health wisdom’ to unwrap!
Something to help you relax, take just that little bit better care of yourself, feel inspired and invigorated in the month of December. So that you can feel healthy and vibrant this december. So that you get to Christmas day feeling great, happy and relaxed.
I am really excited about this, because I know that small steps taken every single day can make a huge difference to our overall health. And this is what I want for you.
You can get your very own copy, just sign up here, and you’re in!!
https://www.drmargriet.com/healthy-advent -calendar-2018/
Margriet xx
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Come and sign up fro your very own FREE copy of this gorgeous, fun, health inspired advent calendar that will help you stay relaxed and happy throughout December!
Margriet xx


whoops Im back!!


The Healthy Advent Calendar!!!


Come and join me for this wonderful live free masterclass where we will be diving into:
... What do we even mean by adrenal fatigue? How do you know if you have got it? The impact of adrenal fatigue on your health. How taking simple actions can bring you big results. And what does the road to recovery actually look like?
Please come and join me, and feel free to invite others to join you. It’s simple, just share this post and tag them in!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/183767482 524862/
See you there!!
Love, Margriet xx
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Love these little guys!! Please do come and join me this evening, for this lovely little masterclass x

More about Dr Margriet Health

Dr Margriet Health is located at Mallard House Business Business Centre, IP13 6LT Woodbridge, Suffolk