Drive Therapy

About Drive Therapy

Online & phone counselling

Drive Therapy Description

I am so happy and excited to introduce “Drive Therapy” that it’s hard for me to believe that this system of overcoming driving difficulties was an idea I first thought of in 2005. Now I am no longer am a driving examiner (I have conducted over 25, 000 tests, so I think that’s enough. ) I am at liberty to combine my 25 years of road safety experience with many years of therapeutic work as a Psychotherapist, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist.

Drive Therapy is designed to fill a gap I have observed while working as a driving instructor and driving examiner. Many qualified and learner drivers have difficulties with driving that driving tuition can’t help them to overcome. Drive Therapy helps you understand how your thoughts, feelings and beliefs can affect your driving ability, confidence and behaviour.
By exploring how and why we make the driving decisions we do, it is possible to change a behaviour, attitude or anxiety that is unhelpful.

By combining the skills of psychotherapy, counselling and hypnotherapy with my experience of driver behaviour and road safety I am uniquely placed to help you achieve a long lasting result.