Enlightenment Therapy

About Enlightenment Therapy

Regular workshops in Northern Quarter, helping you to instantly learn effective, simple hypnotherapy techniques for your well-being and also workshops for spiritual development.



A clearer home, a quieter mind, a calmer nervous system, more ease, space and light-- and a lot more happiness.


You can't see the light without going through darkness. You can't appreciate spring without having winter. So if you feel you are in the darkness, it means the light is near. And remember, the light always dominates the darkness.


"A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it." by Einstein.


Happiness can be a really simple thing....


"One of history's iron laws is that luxuries tend to become necessities and to spawn new obligations. Once people get used to a certain luxury, they take it for granted. Then they begin to count on it. Finally they reach a point where they can't live without it." from Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Then people need to work harder, have less time and more stress and anxiety to maintain the luxury. Let go of it to have an easier, relaxed, happier life.


Wish Everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year !!Wish Everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year !!


When you stop receiving gifts bought from shops, you will start receiving gifts from God. Believe it or not, it happened to me.


If you can't decide whether you want to do something or not, don't do it because you don't want to do it. You decide straight away and do it even when other people try to stop you if you really want to do it.


The more you have the more stressed and anxious you become and the less time you have to enjoy yourself. It costs a lot of money, effort and time to maintain what you have. Declutter your house, your relations to create space to receive new better ones. If you don't have a lot, lucky you! Stay at it and enjoy what you have.


Don't worry about what other people would think. That's not actually what other people are thinking. It's all in your head. Even if you ask other people their opinion, they won't tell you what they are really thinking about you. Actually other people are too busy worrying about themselves (or what other people would think about them!) and usually they have no time to think about you. So no point doing it.

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