Enya'S Childcare

Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Enya'S Childcare

At the heart of our ethos is the importance of celebrating what it is to be a child and unlocking their imaginations.

Enya'S Childcare Description

Enya’s Childcare is a nest away from home in which we will love, care for and nurture your child. With a tailored approach to teaching and an emphasis on parent involvement, we pride ourselves on offering a bespoke preschool with a genuine promise that the needs of your little one lie at the heart of our ethos.

Experiences within a child’s formative early years are exceptionally important. Active early education is both fundamental and instrumental in helping to mould and establish your child’s views, values and vision. Our curriculum and teaching philosophy is based on play. We have created developmentally appropriate surroundings where children may explore, experiment, touch and feel to learn about the beautiful world around them.

We encourage the children in our care to use their imagination and believe in magic, the world needs more dreamers!



Pebble painting in process! The children love creating little treasures to hide in and around our community for people to find! We hope you are all having a lovely Saturday!


“The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the mud kitchen this week. We have been looking at different types of fruits and vegetables and investigating what’s inside of them. The children particularly enjoyed the pepper, describing the texture as “bumpy” and “hard”. We have also used the mud kitchen as an opportunity to practise our fine motor skills when using the knives to cut the food. Alongside this, the children role played many different scenarios such as restaurants, shops and having family dinner at home. It was clear to see the washing up bowl was lots of fun as well. Following on from this, we have decided to buy some more unusual fruits and vegetables that will extend the children’s curiosity even further.” - Aunty Ellie


We are always looking for fun ways of focusing the ‘rising fives’ cohort on literacy and numeracy and this little washing line has been a huge success! Thank you @johncoverdaleewprojects_ we absolutely adore your products!


At Enya’s Childcare, we feel it is our duty to instil in the children the concept of Reduce - Reuse - Recycle at the earliest opportunity. Teaching children to care for the environment is a learning experience that is an important part of growing up. It gives them skills in respect, empathy, patience, responsibility, and teaches them about consequences. But it also teaches them valuable lessons about sustainability and how we want to leave the world for future generations. Showing children how to recycle properly is like passing the baton to them for a cleaner and brighter future ♻️🌳🌿


We are really excited to be offering a 2 hour first aid course for parents, covering first aid for babies and children. From birth to puberty.
This will be lead by 'The Village Midwives'. All of the midwives are registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council and are insured for work outside of the NHS with the Royal College of Nursing and/or the Royal College of Midwives.
This session will be a hands on, fun, friendly and practical two hour workshop that will teach you the ...life saving skills you need in an emergency. Although we hope you will never need to use them, we will be covering:
Choking CPR Bleeding Burns Bumps, sprains and breaks Head injuries Raised temperatures Meningitis
Please feel free to invite partners, grand parents or anyone that you leave your child/ren in care with.
This workshop will be held at Enya's Childcare on Wednesday 27th March at 19:00pm.
The cost is £25 per person. Complimentary cheese and wine or alternatively tea and biscuits included! Limited spaces, BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Please call 01733 687422 to book.
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“Last week, we had some bread that had ran out of date so instead of throwing it away we asked the children if they wanted to go and see if we could find some ducks to give it to. The children were really excited about this, so we all wrapped up and set off for the river Wellend. On our way the children met some wonderful animals including, 3 dogs (one who’s name we didn’t catch, a “big” dog called Oliver and a “small”, “cute” dog called teddy). We also saw a cat and the chil...dren wanted to name it “Buzz” from Toy Story, so after some healthy debate about the cats name, the children took a vote and finally decided on “Buzz”. We also saw the horses the children were asking lots of questions for example are they cold, why are they outside, do they like eating bread etc. One of the children told everyone that the horses wear coats like us to keep warm. Another said they wanted to know what the horses were called and made their names up too, calling them “Woody, Bullseye and Jessie”. After this, we finally arrived at the river and the children observed that it was frozen, pointing at it and telling the Aunties. They told us “it’s too cold, there’s no ducks”. We decided that they must be hiding somewhere warm so we would throw a little bit of bread around for them anyway. The children called for them as they did this. They had such a wonderful time and showed such kindness towards all of the animals we saw. Well done friends!” - Aunty Shannon
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Unsure how to recycle your milk bottles? We’ve used ours to hold and categorise our colouring pencils! 🖍


Enya’s Childcare have now signed up to the Teracycle collaboration with Walker’s crisps to recycle crisp packets; single use plastic that would otherwise end up in landfill or making it’s way into our oceans. The children have shown a real interest in this so we have been setting up lots of small world scenarios which requires the children to remove litter and plastic from the ‘ocean’ to help protect the sea life. #Preschool #earlyyears #eyfs #nursery #earlyyearseducation #reggioemilia #natural #childcare #montessori #playandlearn #learningthroughplay #sealife #saveouroceans #terracycle #walkerscrisps #recycle


Today we explored feelings and expression alongside our Children's Mental Health activities and the little ones found this particular activity extremely entertaining!


Children's Mental Health Week 2019


This Children’s Mental Health Week, we’re taking steps to be Healthy: Inside and Out.
When we think about healthy living, we tend to focus on looking after our bodies – our physical wellbeing – through food, being active and getting enough sleep.
However, in order to be healthy overall, it’s important that we look after our minds – our mental wellbeing – too.
... Our bodies and minds are actually very closely linked, so things that we do to improve our physical wellbeing can help our mental wellbeing as well. When we take steps to be Healthy: Inside and Out, it helps us to feel better in ourselves, focus on what we want to do and deal with difficult times.
We are encouraging our children to look after their bodies and their minds with lots of activities such as yoga, mindfulness and meditation, games such as emotion bingo and engaging in open and honest conversation.
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Enya's Childcare has been awarded the ‘Green Flag’; the highest honour in the Eco-Schools England programme. The children have worked extremely hard over the last year to achieve bronze, silver and finally the green flag award and are now leading the way for Peterborough’s early years sector in environmental awareness.
The Eco-Schools programme is an international scheme running in 64 countries. Enya’s Childcare are 1 of only 2 early years settings in Peterborough, to have a...chieved the Green Flag award.
“The idea behind Enya’s Childcare stemmed from the desire to make a positive change to the world by nurturing the minds of the next generation; tomorrow’s movers and shakers. It is our duty to instil in children, at the earliest opportunity, an enthusiasm for caring about our planet, a yearning for expression and creativity and the child-like magic of believing anything is possible. We registered to Eco-Schools England as a conscious decision to make sustainability an integral part of our curriculum. The Eco-Schools programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers our children to lead change within our setting and have a positive impact in our wider community.” - Enya Mooney
The Eco Schools programme has encouraged the children of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness. They held an election to form an Eco-committee, including individual roles such as ‘water monitors’ and ‘recycling warriors’. This new focus has had a positive impact on the children at Enya’s Childcare, including increased confidence, development of leaderships skills, improved well-being and greater motivation for learning.
The children have learnt alongside 9 topics; transport, waste, water, litter, school grounds, healthy living, energy, biodiversity and global perspective. They are now focusing their attention on the newest Eco School topic, ‘Marine’ supported by David Attenborough. They have been looking at the ocean and the effects of plastic waste. The children have an understanding of how rubbish enters the ocean and how we can help in this world-wide crisis by reducing the amount of plastic we use. This includes recycling, package free shops, taking our own bags to the supermarkets and reusing single use plastic such as water bottles and takeaway cartons.
Enya’s Childcare have now signed up to the Teracycle collaboration with Walker’s crisps to recycle crisp packets; single use plastic that would otherwise end up in landfill or making it’s way into our oceans. In addition, Enya’s Childcare have banned the use of glitter in their setting as this is a classified micro plastic that is also entering our oceans and harming the sea life, starting with plankton.
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This weekend, the Enya’s family attended the Nursery World Show 2019 in Islington, London. It was a fantastic opportunity to inspire the team and to keep abreast of current best practice and the latest early years resources. We listened to some wonderful guest speaker’s specialising in developmental areas and special educational needs, we also invested in some innovative new resources to aid mark making, numeracy and lots of the children’s next steps. We came across some exciting literature that we have ordered to have onsite in our setting to help us continue to improve and provide our outstanding service 💙💛💙


Enya's Childcare has been awarded the ‘Green Flag’; the highest honour in the Eco-Schools England programme. The children have worked extremely hard over the last year to achieve bronze, silver and finally the green flag award and are now leading the way for Peterborough’s early years sector in environmental awareness.
The Eco-Schools programme is an international scheme running in 64 countries. Enya’s Childcare are 1 of only 2 early yea...rs settings in the whole of Peterborough, to have achieved the Green Flag award!
“The idea behind Enya’s Childcare stemmed from the desire to make a positive change to the world by nurturing the minds of the next generation; tomorrow’s movers and shakers. It is our duty to instil in children, at the earliest opportunity, an enthusiasm for caring about our planet, a yearning for expression and creativity and the belief that they can change the world. We registered to Eco-Schools England as a conscious decision to make sustainability an integral part of our curriculum. The Eco-Schools programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers our children to lead change within our setting and have a positive impact in our wider community.” - Enya Mooney
The Eco Schools programme has encouraged the children of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness. They held an election to form an Eco-committee, including individual roles such as ‘water monitors’ and ‘recycling warriors’. This new focus has had a positive impact on the children at Enya’s Childcare, including increased confidence, development of leaderships skills, improved well-being and greater motivation for learning.
The children have learnt alongside 9 topics; transport, waste, water, litter, school grounds, healthy living, energy, biodiversity and global perspective. They are now focusing their attention on the newest Eco School topic, ‘Marine’ supported by David Attenborough. They have been looking at the ocean and the effects of plastic waste. The children have an understanding of how rubbish enters the ocean and how we can help in this world-wide crisis by reducing the amount of plastic we use. This includes recycling, package free shops, taking our own bags to the supermarkets and reusing single use plastic such as water bottles and takeaway cartons ♻️🌳🌍
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“The children have been really interested in exploring one of our new numeracy resources. It is a tower of wooden log slices that each have a number of dots painted on them. The children initiated counting the dots to determine which number the slice was and then go on to stack them one to ten. They were fantastic at this and were able to count the dots the majority of the time. Together, we was able to practice counting slowly one by one in order to end up with the correct number. This practiced maintaining concentration and perseverance. Well done, friends.” - Aunty Ellie. 🌿


The after-school club have been really engaging in our new greeting buttons! Sometimes they choose an Aunty to greet and other times they choose a friend who may need a hug or a boost! It’s a lovely way to build confidence and reinforce friendships within our nest 💙💛💙


The after-school club have been really engaging in our new greeting buttons! Sometimes they choose an Aunty to greet and other times they choose a friend who may need a hug or a boost! It’s a lovely way to build confidence and reinforce friendships within our nest 💙💛💙


“Following the children’s interest of how to be eco friendly, I decided to set up an activity that would allow them to explore the topic of littering. Using the tuff spot, our sea animals and ice, the children explored how rubbish makes it’s way into our oceans. We also discussed how this affects our lovely sea animals. Many explained to me that this happens when people put their rubbish on the floor (instead of in the bin) and after it rains the litter ends up going into the... sea down drains. Through the eco-committee circle times, the children had an acute awareness that the rubbish would hurt the animals because they think it’s food - this gives them a poorly tummy. I was very impressed with all our friends and how they thought logically about this, using enthusiasm and emotive words to describe the situation. The children also used tweezers to develop their fine motor skills and break the ice open to dispose of the rubbish properly (using our recycling bin). We will definitely continue preparing a range of activities that will focus on our environment and how to care for it. Lovely playing friends, well done everyone.” - Aunty Ellie
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“Over in the tuff spot, we used salt to represented snow and included lots of other shiny resources that followed our Christmas theme. I demonstrated how to make marks in the snow and even wrote a few letters. The children responded really well to this and began mark making themselves. Some wrote their names and the different letters inside it and other chose to mark make on their own accord. We saw lots of Christmas trees and wiggly lines, even some shapes such as circles and triangles. Many children returned to the tuff spot throughout the day to explore the textures again. Some suggested that the snow was sugar or fairy dust while others used their senses to determine it was salt. For instance, some children described what to feels like, looks like and smelt like. This was such a lovely activity, well done everyone.” - Aunty Ellie


I spent a little under a year searching for the perfect nursery/childcare for my son and feel so completely grateful to have found Enyas.

I can leave my son feeling so relaxed, knowing that he is looked after with as much care and love as he would receive at home (which for any parent would be truly heartwarming). I can tell he has built an amazing bond with the aunties and children already in the 7 months that he has been attending, by the way he runs in happily, and the affection he shows for all the aunties and children, especially Sophie! I would truly recommend Enya’s to anyone.

Thankyou to all xx


I feel completely at ease when my son is at here as I know he’s well cared for and having loads of fun. The staff are incredibly approachable and the kids always seem to be having a ball whenever I arrive. Enyas ticks all the boxes for me and my son and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending it.


I cannot recommend this setting enough. If it was a 100 mile round trip I would still bring my Daughter :) The owners and the staff they employ make an absolutely wonderful team that make you feel like you are taking your child to stay with family whilst you head to work. 5*? More like 1,000*!


Enyas is so wonderful I can’t praise them Enough, my daughter has been attending since she was 2 and loves going- she wants to go every day. Enya and Arron are so friendly and all the aunties are very caring and kind. The activities at Enyas are diverse and varied- I love the outdoor time the children get every day and the values the aunties teach the children about kindness and compassion are wonderful. Fantastic setting highly recommended.

More about Enya'S Childcare

Enya'S Childcare is located at 34 Hall Street, PE6 0EW Crowland
Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -