
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 21:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Equilibrium-Birthing

Antenatal and Hypnobirthing Classes to shift your mindset into a more positive way of thinking, preparing you for the right birth on the day.

Equilibrium-Birthing Description

This complete antenatal programme offers women and their birth partners an education into how the mind and body work throughout pregnancy, labour and birth



4 days postpartum - learning how to get that latch just right after a real struggle yesterday. . After minimal sleep I managed to make my way over to @vanessa_theparentandbabyclinic in Wadhurst for a breastfeeding coaching session with my newborn and WOW what a difference! . Straight away we found a comfortable latch! ... . Vanessa was so amazing and so accommodating for me and my little one, i just cannot reccomend her enough. Also, her private baby clinic is absolutely beautiful and instantly makes you feel more relaxed - essential for breastfeeding mamas! . Thank you Vanessa for seeing us so quickly and helping us on our breastfeeding journey. Best money I've ever spent. . (Vanessa can also come to your home address, which is amazing.) . Oh, and that amazing baby blanket in the background there with the gold dandelions on it is from @adenandanais and I love it. . #newborn #postpartum #4daysold #breastfeeding #baby #latch #relax #sohappy #kent #adenandanais
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The moment you scoop up your newborn and take in all the awesomeness of what you have just achieved.💪🏻 . This Saturday we welcomed our little boy into the world, at home calmly, happily and very healthy, yet still totally intense at the same time.👶🏻 . Also, YES to midwives who are so hands off they leave you to birth instinctively and take pictures instead. (As per our request.) 👏🏻... . #birth #childbirth #newborn #power #strength #hypnobirthing #baby #homebirth #normal #natural #breathe
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At 35 weeks, this baby of mine still likes to spin! Click the link below to find my newest blog post on what it feels like to carry a breech, transverse and cephalic baby towards the end of my pregnancy. . https://www.equilibrium-birthing.com/…/ THIS-BABY-LIKES-TO-S…


BUT WOMEN AREN'T DESIGNED TO GIVE BIRTH, ARE THEY? . Click the link to read my newest blog post about how misinformed we are when it comes to our birthing bodies compared to other mammals. This comes after a conversation I had with a friend about a month ago. . https://www.equilibrium-birthing.com/…/ BUT-WOMEN-ARENT-DESI…


Oxytocin - the hormone of love. It is what gets our surges going in the first place and keeps them going throughout the progression of your labour. . Oxytocin is strongly connected to our emotions, so you can keep the flow of them all by yourself through laughter, kissing, cuddles, relaxation, warm bath and any positive visualisations. . You will find oxytocin at it's absolute peak during orgasm when making love, and secondly when you are birthing your baby. Who knew an org...asm and childbirth could be so closely connected? Food for thought ladies, food for thought. . The most amazing thing about oxytocin..... it stimulates endorphins, which are your bodys natural pain releif. And voila...a more comfortable birth. . #oxytocin #hormones #birth #childbirth #labour #pregnancy #pregnant #baby #orgasm #sex #makelove #feelgood #lovehormone #love #hypnobirthing #antenatal
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Hello third trimester!! So, I officially look like an egg on legs. Click the link below to find my newest blog post, which talks all about how I feel being in my third trimester. ❤️ . #sevenoaks #hypnobirthing #antenatal #pregnancy #pregnant #babybump #mumtobe #thirdtrimester #happy #cooked #growing #strong #baby . https://www.equilibrium-birthing.com/…/ OH-HI-THIRD-TRIMESTER


...and celebrate every single surge of your body.💕 . Remember, a surge is just your uterine muscles working in perfect harmony together to dilate your cervix. They are normal, natural and necessary for your labour to progress.💕 . Don't fight them. Work with them. Celebrate each and every one as bringing you closer to meeting your baby.💕... . #hypnobirthing #celebrate #birth #natural #normal #necessary #birthing ##babybump #victory #antenatal #baby #chilbirth
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These dangly frozen grapes are fabulous for two reasons. . The first being they can be a fabulous snack for you to suck/nibble on when you are in labour to keep your energy levels up. You won't want to be munching on a burger in between those surges, so small, sugary snacks are the way forward. . Secondly, if you're anything like me then the free dangling of these fruits will make you giggle a little, or a lot. Oxytocin anyone?? It is what gets your surges going in the first ...place. It's up to you keep them flowing or stop them in their tracks. Keep them flowing i say!! Give me dangly frozen grapes any day to keep my labour progressing please! Happy birthing everyone! . 📷 @jamieoliver . #grapes #fruit #snack #frozen #dangle #doyouseewhatisee #labour #pregnant #pregnancy #baby #babybump #mumtobe #yummy .
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Is your little one turning 1 this month? BabyPhotography here in Sevenoaks have only a few spaces left for a bargain discount in their #cakesmashmonth !! Book before they are gone!


⭐Giving birth to your baby is an experience you will only have once together.⭐ . ⭐Give it your all. You've got this. ⭐ . #pregnancy #pregnant #birth #moment #special #baby #mumtobe #hypnobirthing #happy #incontrol #positive #moon #stars #moonandstars #calm #relaxed


BIG YAWN. Feeling as sleepy as a baby in your pregnancy? It's not surprising. Your body is making a heart, a set of lungs, skin, hair and eyeballs! You've grown a brand new organ, the placenta, to provide oxygen, blood flow and nutrients to your baby. Hormonal changes in your body have you feeling fatigued during early pregnancy, and your growing baby and extra weight during your final trimester definitely takes some of your usual energy levels away. Do not feel bad for having early nights or daytime naps. Snuggle up and rest if that's what you fancy. Listen to your body. . #pregnant #pregnancy #fatigue #tired #babybump #baby #sleep #yawn #blackandwhite #babyphotography #newborn


This is what I want! With hypnobirthing you have to imagine how you want your birth to be. Really imagine it. I get my clients to write down every little detail of their birth story as if it has just happened. This is to get a real idea in your mind as to what you really want for your baby’s birth. NOT what you don’t want, but what you DO want. By creating an ideal, a structure to that day, and feeling that real sense of achievement from all of your expectations will help you... on your journey to creating a positive mindset. . This new mum in this photo, do you think her birth went to ‘plan’? Possibly not. But she has just experienced the birth of her baby in all of its rawness. Hair sweaty, out in nature (are they in a tent?) her birth partner at her side. Look at all of that togetherness and love! . What I love about birth is that we can’t predict it. The duration, the time of day, where we will be, how many nudges the baby will make etc… But by creating a positive mindset and imaging all of the amazing aspects of birth from the incredible love you feel, your strength, the power of your body!!! You will start to create a future memory. Imagining all of the good that could happen and the experience you can create because of your mindset. How amazing is that? . Birthing your baby with all of these things in mind will allow your body to remain more relaxed when you are in labour, looking forward to the moment you have your baby in your arms. Rather than being afraid of what is to come, tensing your body and slowing down your body’s natural labour process. . Positive births happen all the time, we just don’t hear about them often enough. Believe in yourself. I for sure cannot wait to give birth again! . #hypnobirthing #sevenoaks #pregnant #pregnancy #antenatal #baby #newborn
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My baby is still growing nicely but it's taking everything i've got! . Click the link to find my newest blog post, which talks about how i'm finding it so tricky to keep a balanced diet now i'm pregnant with my second. . https://www.equilibrium-birthing.com/…/ ARE-YOU-EATING-LITTL…... . #pregnancy #pregnant #nutrition #wellbeing #fruit #veg #babybump #sevenoaks #antenatal #hypnobirthing
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I'M CHANGING MY MIDWIFE. . Click the link to read my newest blog post to find out my reasons for taking back control of this pregnancy, standing firm and changing my midwife from the get go! . I feel pretty proud of myself for even taking this step.... . Trust your instinct ladies! . https://www.equilibrium-birthing.com/…/ IM-CHANGING-MY-MIDWI… . #sevenoaks #kent #hypnobirthing #pregnant #pregnancy #mumtobe #birth #childbirth
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One for the ladies!! 😍 I just cannot wait to see my husband snuggle our newborn this winter. The thought makes my oxytocin levels reach sky high!! . With all of my teachings at the moment I seem to have forgotten my hypnobirthing practices myself, which means my husband and I have not been reaching those levels of deep relaxation and trance that help to distract my mind during labour.... . Last night we practiced the ‘birth partners script’ for the first time this pregnancy and it was utterly gorgeous! . I’m always teaching others how to relax their mind and body and teaching how birth partners can help with this, but I’ve put our own practices on the back burner...until now. . ⭐️It felt amazing to practice together. ⭐️It felt amazing having some ‘us’ time. ⭐️It felt amazing opening and closing my eyes again and taking myself into a deeper state of relaxation every time. ⭐️It felt amazing to have the candles twinkling on the fireplace. ⭐️It felt amazing to hear trigger words in his voice. ⭐️It felt amazing to have his touch as a relaxation anchor. . It was all just so perfect. . Don’t underestimate the power of your chosen birth partner. They are there to support you and make you feel safe. . #pregnancy #pregnant #newborn #dad #newdad #baby #hypnobirthing #hypnobirth #positivebirth #positive #positivevibes #blackandwhite #newbornphotography #photography #sevenoaks #equilibriumbirthing #kent #mumtobe #oxytocin 📷 @marianodivai @thewisehippo
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Pregnant with a breech baby? Want to know your options? . Hear how hypnobirthing antenatal classes helped me achieve a home birth with my breech baby. . Filmed back in 2017 for The Wise Hippo.
... #breech #breechbaby #childbirth #homebirth #beautifulbirth #calm #relaxed
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More about Equilibrium-Birthing

Equilibrium-Birthing is located at 13 pembroke road, TN13 1XR Sevenoaks, Kent
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 21:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00