Farmhouse Five For Females

About Farmhouse Five For Females

On 26th March 2017 a five mile multi-terrain event for female runners of all abilities at the lovely Lux Farm, Ipswich IP5 1DA

Farmhouse Five For Females Description

A five mile multi-terrain event for female runners of all abilities on Sunday 26th March 2017 at the lovely Lux Farm, Ipswich IP5 1DA



Even though we haven't been able to bring you the Farmhouse Five this Mother's Day, we hope all of you mums and all of you daughters head out for a run this morning, and celebrate being special...
Smile and enjoy it...and give a nod to every other mum or daughter that you see out there going for a run! : )
We will be back next year to bring you the gorgeous Fynn Valley race, and just for a heads up - we're looking for a brilliant and dynamic team to help unfold the event.
... If you're interested in getting involved, please drop a line to us at
Many thanks ladies, and enjoy your Mother's Day! : )
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Although we're not staging the Farmhouse Five this year...we know that there are other races to enter! ; ) Whether you're a first time racer or well seasoned to the starting gun, here are the best of our tricks to finishing like a winner...
This is a long post, so grab a cuppa, take 5 and enjoy...
And if you'd like more insights to help your running, come over to the Living Green Health Facebook page here:
...Continue Reading


Dear all Farmhouse Fivers
We hope that 2018 has started off smoothly after a merry old festive period! We also hope that your winter running is going well…
We have some good news for you, and some not quite so good news…
... The good news first! We are just about to launch a new project into the big wide world called Living Green Health. Living Green Health brings together Dawn’s holistic physiotherapy and running worlds to enable you to enhance your running, overcome your physical ails and helps you understand the bigger connection to your overall health.
If you enjoy your running, then Living Green Health will keep you interested, motivated and thinking about your running and health in a different way!
We’re super excited about the website and if you’d care to stay in the know then head on over to the Facebook page @runbreathelivegreen until the website is up, and well, running! We look forward to seeing you there : )
And the less good news?
Well, we’re really sorry to announce that because we have been absolutely tied up with the new project, we are not going to be staging the Farmhouse Five this coming spring : (
We are so so sorry about that!
It will be back! But as you know, you can only give so many things your all at any one time… ; )
Even though we’re really looking forward to launching the Living Green Health website in the coming months, we will miss the amazing atmosphere that the Farmhouse Five generates!
Living Green Health will incorporate our Green Health Events - like the Farmhouse Five! - so stay connected with us to get all of the updates about all the forthcoming events.
We will be in touch about the next running of the race, and we’ll let you know when Living Green Health is live so that you can join us on the journey…See you on the LGH Facebook page in the meantime : )
Either search 'Living Green Health' or use the @runbreathelivegreen
With our very best wishes for 2018!
Dawn and the Farmhouse Five Team
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Running in the heat! We wait all year for a spot of lasting sunshine and then it ends up being all a bit too much for us! ; )
Running in the heat is currently one of my areas of intimate knowledge, having been based in the Middle East for the last year!
The biggest learning that I can offer for this is to work with your body type and funnily enough, not against it. What I’m referring to is based in the Ayurvedic philosophy about our body types or ‘doshas’…
... The idea is that there are 3 distinct types (vata, pitta & kapha) and we are all generally dominant in one type (often 2 prevail, but usually one is dominant). Our type literally determines how we function in the world – from how we metabolise food and hold on to excess, to how quickly we learn and retain information as well as how often we ‘go’ (ie our constitution!).
Different times of the day are also governed by the different doshas, in 4 hour blocks, moving from one to the next throughout the day, and their characteristics describe nature’s ebbs and flows, essentially…
So how does this affect your running?! Well, as an example, I’m largely pitta, and its dominant time during the day is from 10am until 2pm. But this is the worst time of the day possible for me to run!
This is because, it’s the time when naturally my constitution is heightened. Pitta is governed by heat…ie the heat of the day, so wow – I don’t need any more of that! Particularly not in the height of the summer (ie the pitta time of year!) It sends me way over the edge! So my firey pitta becomes ‘out of balance’…and that’s not always ideal for everyone! ; )
The key is, of course, to keep us *in balance*… (hence the cucumbers – perfect cooling food for us pitta types … : )
So, for me, it’s best to run early morning, when it’s cool outside and my whole system hasn’t been through a day’s worth of heating up…
Running then can be a little more sluggish and possible feel heavy, because this is the kapha time of the day (between 6am-10am), and these are its characteristics…
It’s really worth working out what works for you – because we all have a different make up. Which could be why you have different reactions to running at different times of the day to, say, your running buddy – another reason to understand more about yourself, and how you operate optimally…and to not give yourself a hard time!
So enjoy the sunshine (most definitely enjoy the sunshine!), just go steady in the heat…especially if you’re a pitta!
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Running a race for a second time is always an easier experience. Always. Even if the race was a helluva race the first time!
And the reason is this: because you know what to expect. You already have an intimidate knowledge of the route and the terrain and the profile, and even if the actual recorded time on the clock is not as swift as the first time...the time that you *experience* will be swifter. Because you recognise it. And when your brain sees familiar sights, it has 'work' to has less to process. It's processing which takes energy, & appears to us to be taking forever.
It's why the days go so slowly & summer's last forever when you're little - such a lot is new! Every day! And it’s why the years fly past as we get older...the pattern is familiar, we, & our brain, already know what's afoot.

But something else happens when you've already raced a race before...especially if it was that helluva race, which is that in our minds we heighten the hellish bits... We recall the enormity of the struggle up all those hills, we replay the endlessness of the final straight, we repeat the challenges over & over in our minds so much that we have built up the expectation of the hideously difficult experience.
And then when we get there for the second time, and, 'oh, it wasn't as bad as I remember'!
You're expecting an uncomfortable experience, & yet when you arrive, your brain has switched off noticing, in the same new way, all that you found so challenging before... Things will seem rosier.
It happens over & over.
And so the trick? Firstly to eliminate all expectation as far as feasibly possible. (Ok, so that's rarely completely possible!) But be open to however the experience pans out...that's all you can do in any given situation, after all. And secondly, know that going back to tackle the challenge a second time will always be easier...
In other words, even if you cross the finishing line in a heap...never say never again!
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Super news - I have managed to secure a larger venue for the Accessing Running Magic workshop for women on Saturday 20th May, so we have space for you to join us!
You will see massive changes in your running, no matter where you’re starting from. Your relationship to your running will change forever... You will have a great day in the process!... And you will receive a tonne of take-homes (starting with your guide to keep you motivated from the very outset!)
So sideline your usual Saturday chores, plan your running wardrobe to leave your best lycra on top and come and join us to Access your Running Magic!
Accessing Running Magic Workshop for Women Saturday 20th May, 9.30am-4pm Kesgrave Community Centre £79 investment (and so much more to gain than from your normal weekend errands! ; )
Delicious, nutritious snacks provided! Oodles of info to keep you amused (& on track) for ages… Huge amounts of fun to boot. And! your guide to 3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time!
Email Dawn at to book your spot.
You *will* see your running shift in terms of ease and speed, enjoyment and reward in more ways than you’ve even been dreaming about…
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Would you like a free guide to keeping yourself connected and motivated in your running?!
Would you spend 5 minutes of your precious time to complete the quick questionnaire here so that I can send your invaluable guide to you!?!
Thanks so much : ) It’s just a handful of tickboxes to tick, so feel free to share with your running/yoga/health-conscious friends as well – here’s the link:
... a9622dcc
As it happens, I’m in the throes of putting together a project that has been on the cards for a good little while now (it’s called Living Green Health…to keep the insatiably inquisitive / nosy happy! ; ) And I’d really like to know what you’re interested in, what you’d like to know about and the best way to deliver this to you!
Thanks so much – it’s really appreciated - and hopefully you know that we do good little freebies! ; )
Best wishes Dawn, x.
You can stay in the loop with this new venture by clicking here:
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How to turn your pair of nearly has-been trainers into go-fasters in one great day..
What if, instead of buying a new pair of trainers, you learnt how to truly excel in the ones you already own...?
What if you could turn your faithful old trainers into sparkly go-fasters…within the space of a few hours. Go-fasters that really enabled you to Go. Faster. Go faster running that was actually easier too!?!
... What if you could learn how to run, so that you felt amazing and enjoyed it as well!

What if the minutes (yes, minutes!) started disappearing off your PBs?!
What if the others in your running group start to turn to you to glean your new found tips and tricks..(that no one else out there is teaching!)!?!

What if all of the above was possible (and believe me, you absolutely have it in you to be that running goddess that you know deep inside that you are…), and most of all it was an absolute hoot as well?! What if it left you with that warm feeling of sharing some hilarious moments and connecting insights with your fellow female runners and so energised that you want to go and try out the new techniques right now! Feeling so incredibly satisfied not only to have had a belly full of fun, feasting on fabulous new information, but also being shown how you can simply and effectively change your running forever…?
What if all of that was perfectly possible for you?

Charge someone else with walking the dog, put the weekly shop on hold, make a pack-up and come and join us to Access your Running Magic (for the last time in 2017)!
Accessing Running Magic Workshop for Women Saturday 20th May, 9.30am-4pm Venue TBC (no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich) £79 investment (the results will be much longer lasting than those new shoes you’ve been eyeing up…; )
Delicious, nutritious snacks provided! Plus a multitude of take-homes. Huge amounts of fun to boot. And! your guide to 3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time, when you book up by midnight Wednesday 3rd May. Places limited.
Email Dawn to make your booking –
Further details on Women Running Free Facebook group or by email.
Ps. You know it’s not the trainers that make you go faster in any case, don’t you…?!?!
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Only when you know the rules, can you know how to break them.
When you know how to break them, then you can go crazy and be creative….
Or, put differently, when you know *how* to move…really how to move…then you know how to change what’s not moving.
... When you know how to change what’s not moving, then you can go crazy and wipe minutes off your PBs…
Come and learn how to move, and be the crazy rule-breaker that you know you can be ; )
Accessing Running Magic Workshop for Women Saturday 20th May, 9.30am-4pm Venue TBC (no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich) £79 investment to change your running for good (last course in 2017!)
FINAL CHANCE TO BOOK – midnight Sunday 30th April. Email Dawn at
Delicious, nutritious snacks. A multitude of take-homes. Huge amounts of fun to boot. And! your guide to 3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time, when you book up by midnight Sunday 30th April.
It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it…
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How to turn your pair of nearly has-been trainers into go-fasters in one great day..
What if, instead of buying a new pair of trainers, you learnt how to truly excel in the ones you already own...?
What if you could turn your faithful old trainers into sparkly go-fasters…within the space of a few hours. Go-fasters that really enabled you to Go. Faster. Go-faster running that was actually easier too!?!
... What if you could learn how to run, so that you felt amazing and enjoyed it as well!

What if the minutes (yes, minutes!) started disappearing off your PBs?!
What if the others in your running group start to turn to you to glean your new found tips and tricks..(that no one else out there is teaching!)!?!

What if all of the above was possible (and believe me, you absolutely have it in you to be that running goddess that you know deep inside that you are…), and most of all it was an absolute hoot as well?! What if it left you with that warm feeling of sharing some hilarious moments and connecting insights with your fellow female runners and so energised that you want to go and try out the new techniques right now! Feeling so incredibly satisfied not only to have had a belly full of fun, feasting on fabulous new information, but also being shown how you can simply and effectively change your running forever…?
What if all of that was perfectly possible for you?

Charge someone else with walking the dog, put the weekly shop on hold, make a pack-up and come and join us to Access your Running Magic (for the last time in 2017)!
Saturday 20th May, 9.30am-4pm Venue TBC (no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich) £79 investment (the results will be much longer lasting than those new shoes you’ve been eyeing up…; )
Delicious, nutritious snacks provided! Plus a multitude of take-homes, not least starting with your guide to '3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time', when you book up by midnight Sunday 30th April.
Email Dawn to make your booking – and for any further details.
Ps. You know it’s not the trainers that make you go faster in any case, don’t you…?!?!
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A running workshop for women who wish to improve their running experience…
…whether that means getting stronger and faster, or whether it means knowing how to best help your body to avoid getting injured, or even if it means having more fun from your running and staying motivated, then the Accessing Running Magic workshop will help you meet these objectives!
You will watch your running become easier as well as faster (yes, this is possible!) and learn how to look after your r...unning body and become fully inspired with tonnes of physio-based take-homes! You will understand how you can keep your motivation levels high with lots and lots of tactics to apply to your physical self as well as the mental game (that running equally is!).
Accessing Running Magic Workshop for Women With physiotherapist Dawn Meredith-Davies Saturday 20th May, from 9.30am-4pm Venue TBC (but no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich), £79
Email to book by 30th April and receive your initial guide to 3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time!
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Inspired by yesterday’s London Marathon? Super keen to harness that motivation and drive to see you through a summer of running?! Particularly if you’ve signed up for a cheeky little autumn half marathon (like the Great East Run!?!)…!
Access your Running Magic on Saturday 20th May, and watch your running become easier and faster, learn how to look after your running body and leave fully inspired with lots and lots of take-homes!
Accessing Running Magic workshop for women with... physiotherapist Dawn Meredith-Davies, 9.30-4pm, venue TBC (but no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich), £79.
Book by 30th April by email to and receive your free guide to 3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…Every time.
Please PM or email for more details about the workshop (the last one for 2017!)
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Our huge Charity Raffle raised a whopping £475 for Lighthouse Women's Aid in Ipswich! We are thrilled to bits that we've been able to support such an invaluable resource. Lighthouse support women and their children who have been subject to domestic using our event to give the support right back to women is hugely important for us - thank you everyone who gave raffle prizes, and everyone who bought tickets!


If anyone left a black gilet at the massage tent on Sunday please message us to collect. Many thanks, Dawn


Photos and photos and photos...coutesy of the lovely Ruth Leach Photography. Follow the link and we're all good to go with results and photographs! nd-photos/


Race Results ladies! nd-photos/


We're in the East Anglian ladies! Great photos, great weather, great morning! Thank you all. Results & photos to follow tomorrow... We hope you enjoyed the rest of your Mother's Day...…/farmhouse_five_ for_females_five_mil…


And superb support from our splendid sponsors...


Running a race for a second time is always an easier experience. Always. Even if the race was a helluva race the first time!
And the reason is this: because you know what to expect. You already have an intimidate knowledge of the route and the terrain and the profile, and even if the actual recorded time on the clock is not as swift as the first time...the time that you *experience* will be swifter. Because you recognise it. And when your brain sees familiar sights, it has 'work' to has less to process. It's processing which takes energy, & appears to us to be taking forever.
It's why the days go so slowly & summer's last forever when you're little - such a lot is new! Every day! And it’s why the years fly past as we get older...the pattern is familiar, we, & our brain, already know what's afoot.

But something else happens when you've already raced a race before...especially if it was that helluva race, which is that in our minds we heighten the hellish bits... We recall the enormity of the struggle up all those hills, we replay the endlessness of the final straight, we repeat the challenges over & over in our minds so much that we have built up the expectation of the hideously difficult experience.
And then when we get there for the second time, and, 'oh, it wasn't as bad as I remember'!
You're expecting an uncomfortable experience, & yet when you arrive, your brain has switched off noticing, in the same new way, all that you found so challenging before... Things will seem rosier.
It happens over & over.
And so the trick? Firstly to eliminate all expectation as far as feasibly possible. (Ok, so that's rarely completely possible!) But be open to however the experience pans out...that's all you can do in any given situation, after all. And secondly, know that going back to tackle the challenge a second time will always be easier...
In other words, even if you cross the finishing line in a heap...never say never again!
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How to turn your pair of nearly has-been trainers into go-fasters in one great day..
What if, instead of buying a new pair of trainers, you learnt how to truly excel in the ones you already own...?
What if you could turn your faithful old trainers into sparkly go-fasters…within the space of a few hours. Go-fasters that really enabled you to Go. Faster. Go faster running that was actually easier too!?!
... What if you could learn how to run, so that you felt amazing and enjoyed it as well!

What if the minutes (yes, minutes!) started disappearing off your PBs?!
What if the others in your running group start to turn to you to glean your new found tips and tricks..(that no one else out there is teaching!)!?!

What if all of the above was possible (and believe me, you absolutely have it in you to be that running goddess that you know deep inside that you are…), and most of all it was an absolute hoot as well?! What if it left you with that warm feeling of sharing some hilarious moments and connecting insights with your fellow female runners and so energised that you want to go and try out the new techniques right now! Feeling so incredibly satisfied not only to have had a belly full of fun, feasting on fabulous new information, but also being shown how you can simply and effectively change your running forever…?
What if all of that was perfectly possible for you?

Charge someone else with walking the dog, put the weekly shop on hold, make a pack-up and come and join us to Access your Running Magic (for the last time in 2017)!
Accessing Running Magic Workshop for Women Saturday 20th May, 9.30am-4pm Venue TBC (no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich) £79 investment (the results will be much longer lasting than those new shoes you’ve been eyeing up…; )
Delicious, nutritious snacks provided! Plus a multitude of take-homes. Huge amounts of fun to boot. And! your guide to 3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time, when you book up by midnight Wednesday 3rd May. Places limited.
Email Dawn to make your booking –
Further details on Women Running Free Facebook group or by email.
Ps. You know it’s not the trainers that make you go faster in any case, don’t you…?!?!
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How to turn your pair of nearly has-been trainers into go-fasters in one great day..
What if, instead of buying a new pair of trainers, you learnt how to truly excel in the ones you already own...?
What if you could turn your faithful old trainers into sparkly go-fasters…within the space of a few hours. Go-fasters that really enabled you to Go. Faster. Go-faster running that was actually easier too!?!
... What if you could learn how to run, so that you felt amazing and enjoyed it as well!

What if the minutes (yes, minutes!) started disappearing off your PBs?!
What if the others in your running group start to turn to you to glean your new found tips and tricks..(that no one else out there is teaching!)!?!

What if all of the above was possible (and believe me, you absolutely have it in you to be that running goddess that you know deep inside that you are…), and most of all it was an absolute hoot as well?! What if it left you with that warm feeling of sharing some hilarious moments and connecting insights with your fellow female runners and so energised that you want to go and try out the new techniques right now! Feeling so incredibly satisfied not only to have had a belly full of fun, feasting on fabulous new information, but also being shown how you can simply and effectively change your running forever…?
What if all of that was perfectly possible for you?

Charge someone else with walking the dog, put the weekly shop on hold, make a pack-up and come and join us to Access your Running Magic (for the last time in 2017)!
Saturday 20th May, 9.30am-4pm Venue TBC (no more than 10 minutes from Ipswich) £79 investment (the results will be much longer lasting than those new shoes you’ve been eyeing up…; )
Delicious, nutritious snacks provided! Plus a multitude of take-homes, not least starting with your guide to '3 essential, but unexpected tricks to keep you motivated to go running…every time', when you book up by midnight Sunday 30th April.
Email Dawn to make your booking – and for any further details.
Ps. You know it’s not the trainers that make you go faster in any case, don’t you…?!?!
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More about Farmhouse Five For Females

Farmhouse Five For Females is located at Playford Road, IP6 Ipswich, Suffolk

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