Fermier Ltd

About Fermier Ltd

This business is now permanently closed.

Fermier Ltd Description

I make and sell handmade silver articles, generally from Fine Silver (999% ) but I also work in Sterling Silver (925% ).

I accept commissions, so please get in touch and let me know what you are looking for.



Nice little video tutorial.


Absolutely infuriated!
Just had a call from 020 7138 9067, using my first name and insisting that I requested investment information! Bull! I pointed out that my mobile number is private and requested that my details be removed from their database immediately and was asked "Why? You asked for information!" How flaming rude!!
I thought the data protection act 2018 was supposed to ensure my right to erasure of my information on request? Evidently some companies feel entitled... to ignore that...
If you are a manager in the company that telephone number is registered to, I suggest you immediately fire your call centre operatives and ditch whoever trained them ... they are doing a wonderful job of ensuring that you never get any clients and are probably also being paid by your competitors - to sabotage you).
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Cats ... what can you do?


Amazing craftsmanship!


Absolutely true!


Libraries are brilliant!


A glimpse at a beautiful carving technique.


Useful to know...


Absolutely gorgeous ammonite fossil, showing full range of colour spectrum. This deserves to be put where people can study and admire it.


Really interesting ideas about using resin


I like the design ... very light and elegant.


A fascinating view of the creation of a ring with an inset stone


Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art . — Leonardo da Vinci.


A very clear article with crisp images and links to further material.


Now I know why people are usually only too willing to pay for someone ELSE to make a website for them! If only!
Having had to scrap the first draft site due to irreconcilable issues, I'm having to start over again for the second time. The free versions of the software that I was using,turned out to require a lot more skill than I possess (if, indeed the limits could be overcome at all) So, duly re-armed with a few paid-for components, I'm giving it another go.
Masochism... or determination, I hear you ask: hard to say ...
Unfortunately the little I do recall of web design from my uni student days is nearly 20 years behind the times. Creating a website is FAR from the proverbial 'walk in the park'; even following along with YouTube tutorials (Unless by 'walk' you mean a slog through 3 ft of mud in the pouring rain, after dark and without a torch, with the term 'park' encompassing any long-forsaken wilderness area ... in which case the phrase is entirely accurate!)
Oh well, it's all valuable experience ... 👩‍🏭
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Astounding skill! Love watching the image develop!

More about Fermier Ltd

Fermier Ltd is located at SG12 8HG Ware