Firewalking Uk

About Firewalking Uk

Official Facebook page of the UK's ONLY dedicated firewalking school. Established in 2010, Steve Consalvez has trained over 400 people to become a Firewalk Instructors. Based in Peterborough, UK contact us on 01733 849999
www. firewalk. co. uk

Firewalking Uk Description

Official Facebook page of the UK's ONLY dedicated firewalking school. Based in Peterborough, UK contact us on 01733 849999
www. firewalk. co. uk



Imagine if you could let go of all that “stuff”, whatever that is for you.
Imagine if you could change the things you wanted to change, if only the things that were bothering you weren’t getting in the way.
Imagine letting go of past hurt, past pain, past trauma, letting go of fear, all those things that no longer serve you.
... Imagine if we could help you make those changes that could make that happen.
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Steve’s had a busy weekend doing some gardening.
Have you enjoyed sunshine and taken to the garden wherever you are ?


If you know you’ll know.


Do you think women need to feel empowered more than men do?
Whilst scanning through looking for quotes on empowerment it seemed most of them were aimed at women. Are there men out there who can benefit from feeling empowered?
What’s your thoughts?


Andy Winson from Andy Winson World was trained as an Instructor with Firewalking UK, and became a Master Firewalking Instructor alongside our own Barry Collins in 2016 with Tolly Burkan Today, he shares this video on International Day of Humility... Let your voices ring out and celebrate at 8:20pm GMT


Many of our delegates that attend our Empowerment Intensive and Firewalking Instructor Training are coaches and therapists.
When all this is over and the world gets back to “normal” more than ever are people going to need you. How do you become the best version of you to help them? On our courses you can discover what has held you back from being that version.
Now more than ever do you need to be in the “right place” to help others.


We understand that you may have done empowerment courses before and felt that they didn’t help.
You’ve invested time and money trying to find that thing that you know is in there, but you’re just not sure where it is. Perhaps you feel that you’re beyond help, we want you to know that you’re not.
It’s never too late to transform how you feel. Many have attended our courses, spent thousands of pounds on empowerment and wished they’d been on to us sooner.
... We’ve helped hundreds of people find what it is that they were looking for.
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One of our firewalk instructors Andy from Andy Winson World has shared this video on International Day of Humility


We'd love to know where in the World are you.


What is it that causes you fear?
What is it that’s holding you back from overcoming that fear?
Imagine being over that fear and how life would be different for you?
... How good would that feel, to be able to do the things you’ve put off because of it, to be able to go places that you didn’t think you could, to face challenges that once scared you.
When you’re ready to change that, let us know. We can hell you change it forever.
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Is it better to live a life without ego, or a life with ego?


Trust the Universe ✨


How much has your priorities changed in the last 2 weeks?
Before it may have been making sure you got that report completed on time, meeting deadlines, busy, busy, busy, no time to sit and eat with loved ones, let alone go for a walk or do something, anything together.
For some they may still have deadlines, but in a completely different way or ones they had never even considered before.
... Are you make you the main priority?
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108 has many meanings. Here’s another


How was your weekend, did you manage to catch up with friends? We did


We look forward to the time we can welcome delegates back to our Empowerment Intensive and Firewalk Instructor Training


Steve’s is still busy fixing the fence that was knocked down by a tree in the recent storms.
Getting it all ready for when life is back to a new normal and we can welcome delegates back to the retreat.


Just thought we’d share this with you.

More about Firewalking Uk

Firewalking Uk is located at The Retreat at Knarr Farm, PE6 0TS Peterborough