
About Firstcommissionpainting

Commission miniatures painter specialising in Historical, Fantasy and 40K. Suitable for gamers or collectors.



SandS models terrain for a regular customer in france playing 20mm Modern Warfare. This is all done to represent 'somewhere in Africa' with all the models based on pictures of Shanty town type buildings. The Bus and Pick up barricades took a lot longer than anticipated due to the amount of detail hiding in there...


Imperial assault stuff - more random bits and pieces Nexus, Murne Rin, Tusken Raiders and Ugnaught Tinkerers....


Starks - Bowmen and Riders. As usual basing will be done in one go and will be snowy i think, or at least partial snow.


Imperial Assault Randomers 2 Wampas doing some bizarre courting dance...2 ISB agents blending in perfectly in Prince's house and Agent Blaise doing his infamous rude hand gesture at somebody who has just cut him up on the galactic motorway.


Tullys from a song of ice and fire.
My eldest daughter tells me its bad to post more than once a day as it annoys people but im trying to keep customers updated as far as possible with several commissions running at same time and lots being painted,,,,


Gloomhaven minis. These are some of the worst minis i have come across recently. They are almost flat and the designer has had to try and get something into them while limited by the flatness. Additionally the casts are not crisp to show what detail there is....rassen frassen frissen farssen as muttley would mumble!


First of the Starks - swornswords in a blue grey


Lannister Knights - painted red and yellow as in heraldry yellow represents Gold and this seemed appropriate for the Lannisters. Also reminiscent of Spanish Gendarmes of the Italian Wars of the 16th Century in colours if not armour and Spain wasn't short of a bit of 'New World' gold at that time.


First guys from a big Imperial Assault commission comprising of...almost everything. I chose these at random. Lando, some Rebel Saboteurs and some Rebel Troopers. Will post more as they are completed.


All the Early War German stuff in one post. Currently on ebay

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