Geek Shelf

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00

About Geek Shelf

Geek Shelf is a Stowmarket based geeky collectables store - you can find us locate in DJ Collectables 37 Ipswich St, Stowmarket
Email: sales@geekshelf. co. uk

Geek Shelf Description

Geek Shelf was created because Ipswich was lacking in geeky collectables and memorabilia. From Funko Pop Vinyls, to Kotobukiya and Bishoujo, to Bombshells and much more.

You can find us on Saturday's at Ipswich Market on Princes Street in Ipswich Town Centre but of course we also sell online and post all round UK.

We have grand plans for Geek Shelf and giving Ipswich the Geekiness it's been lacking - but we can't do any of it without all of you, so thank you all for your support so far and here's to the future : )



What makes our payment plans unique? YOU DO..
◼️Pay 10% deposit for the item to secure it.
◼️ YOU tell us, how much you want to pay off and how often - (£10 a week? £25 every other Sunday.. £60 on last Friday of the month? - whatever works for you..)
... ◼️Pay off item over your agreed timeframe then item is yours to take home
Our payment plans are available on all items over £50 - if we do not have the particular item in stock, please let us know and we will see if we can buy it in for you
Any questions? Just let us know 👍
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A selection of Funko pops available in store or for posting
£11 each ↪️ Moana ↪️ Missy... ↪️ Fauno ↪️ Mary Poppins ↪️Travis Barker ↪️ Ulysses Klaue ↪️ Evil Lyn ↪️ Dr Ian Malcolm ↪️Torbjorn ↪️ Miles Morales ↪️ Zarya ↪️ Shock ↪️ Seymour Krelborn ↪️ Lara Croft
£8.50 each ↪️ King Tut ↪️ Baze Malbus ↪️ Batgirl ↪️ Locust drone
🔥Find us at DJ Collectables in Stowmarket Town Centre 🔥
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Currently in store or available for posting
Marvel Gallery figures : £35 each ↪️ Captain Marvel
... Funko Keyrings : £6 each ↪️Daenrys ↪️ Goose the cat
Rock candy ↪️ Lady Sansa £11
↪️Dark Horse comics Daenrys £25
↪️Cryptozoic Linda Carter wonder woman £25
🔥Find us at DJ Collectables in Stowmarket Town Centre 🔥
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This is now one of my favourite things on the Internet!


Have you seen the new Aladdin trailer? (Best not to ask our thoughts on such blasphemy!)
Back to the original though we have Genie and Aladdin movie moments and PRINCE Ali and Jasmine funko pops in stock.
Available in store or for UK posting
... 🔥 Find us at DJ Collectables in Stowmarket Town Centre 🔥
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🔥Season 7 smashed 🔥 Below is our S7 and general summery of the show
Jon snow f**ed his Aunty - haha! Poor Jon Snow he knows nothing!
... FYI - end of S6 we though it be revealed he was Baratheon /Stark, but called the Targaryen side after he made dragon friend. Didn't get the full connection, obviously, until the big reveal! WOW!
Petyr Balish finally got his comeuppance - we thought Sansa was becoming a little brat again but she proved us wrong and served him up a plate of "how dya like them apples" with a side of his own medicine and good ol Arya sliced his throat! There was much cheering at 1 this morning when that happened!
Jaime is generally a good ol stick but he needs to sack off f that wench of a sister/lover she is the ultimate c*** in the history of c***s that's ever been somewhat c****y
Had missed the Bron /Tyrion banter need more of this
Loved the final words of Lady Olenna about the death of Joffrey, she was great!
As much as Cersei is Captain C***, her poison kiss revenge on Ellaria Sand's daughter was just perfect. Her and her stupid long neck!
I would like to take a minute to celebrate the survival of our favourites - Samwell, Bron (Aka Soldier, Soldier) , Tormund Giantsbane (Aka Red), Davos (Aka Davros), Jorah (for which we have Samwell to thank!), The Hound, Brienne and Varys was slowly working his way up the faves ladder too
Angry dead dragon, completely destroyed The Wall quicker than Theon runs away!
Daenrys is great, she is one dragon down and has boned her Nephew, but gosh darn is she is still awesome!
Loved everyone's response to Bran's achievement of being the 3 eyed Raven : "I don't know what that means" 😂
We now understand the Game of Thrones hype, it is now one of our fave shows.
Thanks for following our little emotional journey as we binged 7 season in 5 weeks--there has been so many feels its been unreal! - but quite enjoyed sharing it with you guys!
Maybe we'll do this again with another series that we can binge for the first time! - watcha think?
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🔥Season 6 - done! 🔥
Jon Snow is alive! The Hound is alive! Samwell survived!... Daenrys wants Jorah to get better and return to her!
So much to celebrate but let's focus on the biggest celebration of all : the defeat, mutilation and death of Ramsey Bolton! Ah such sweet sweet joy that brought!
Battle of the bastards? More like battle of a bastard against a cowardly smug little p***y just sat back and watched! Big fat hairy gut rash to you Ramsey Bolton!
The Wrath of Cersei was strong and savage - she's now Queen of the c**t throne
This god of many faces (or house of 1,000 corpses as it seems easier to remember) is such a lot of faff. I wouldn't know if I was coming or going - good thing Arya knows what she's doing!
Can we have a season where the horses don't get brutally sliced up to buggery? Poor lil ponies!
Davros one of our faves, even more so now without Stavros!
Sansa fast became pretty awesome
Not as awesome as Daenrys though. She has big angry dragons. She is great. She is friends with Tyrion now. She is great.
Ellaria Sand has a really long neck. It's quite distracting.
To sum up : there were more twists and turns than a twisty turny thing!
Nearly caught up now!!
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✨Fake vs Real✨ I'm seriously considering starting buying fake/bootleg/unofficial figures and doing comparisons to the real deal*
Would there be an interest in vlog/blogs on this subject?
... I've always been integuied by what's on wish for a start - how 'genuine' are they, what the quality is like for the money paid etc
*This will not include custom figures, but figures people are trying to flog as genuine or just a blatenant rip off
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All going in store this afternoon - 🔥 find us at DJ Collectables in Stowmarket Town Centre 🔥
All available + p&p to posting to UK
... Harley Quinn Sepia Bombshell £100
Funko pops : £11 each ↪️Prince Ali ↪️Jasmine ↪️Coraline with cat ↪️ Missy
Linda Carter wonder woman £25
Marvel Gallery figures : £35 each ↪️Iron Man ↪️ Captain Marvel
Funko Keyrings : £6 each ↪️Daenrys ↪️ Goose the cat
Rock candy ↪️ The shining twins 2018 fall convention exclusive £25 ↪️ Lady Sansa £11
Dark Horse comics Daenrys £25
Super emo friends stranger things eleven vs demogorgan loot crate exclusive (Ltd edition) £25
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Season 5 = watched!!!!!!!!
Eerrmerrgerrrd! Where to start!!
Right so let's get it out the way:
... DID NOT KNOW JON SNOW DIED!!! Totally gutted, Matt is in actual denial and "does not accept that death". The dirty little scummy turncoat bastards killed him!
On a lighter note: Cersei : Shame. shame. SHAME! that was *brilliant* comeuppance! Loved her shaming, she is a complete arse. That said though, the wrath of Cersei and the new improved and highly indestructible looking Mountain will keep her flying high up the C**t ladder
Samwell survived *another* series! This makes us super happy, he even got to have a cheeky bit o lovin. All HAIL Samwell, the unsuspecting survivor of more than 1 Episode. (I also had a dream that John Bradley was our friend in real life but I kept calling him Samwell. We went to Brighton and had drinks. He was a great friend - haha!)
This season on "someone from the show reminded me of something else" WAS Ramsey Bolton hia smug little c***y sadistic face and actions reminded me somewhat of Alex De Large from a clockwork orange.
Petyr Balish, I mean come on now he has double crossed every one so many times I can't even keep up! Rediculous!!
Yes, Theon! Come on my son, bring it back!
I hope Ramsey Bolton lives a long and tortured life at the hands of Theon, or Lady Sansa... Preferably both.
Stannis (Stravros) , what the actual f**k!! We were warming up to you and your partner in crime, davros, but you are a proper SHIT.
Everyone Brienne buddies up with makes an awesome partnership - her and Pod are such fun!
We were sad when Jorah was sacked off, we were happy when he returned. We were sad when he got caught the dragon scale stuff, We were sadder still when he was sacked off once more but cheered when he came back! Determination!
SHE RODE A DRAGON!!! Daenyrs is still BADASS. She is great.
It has been decided that drogon is in fact, our cat, Ripley. Goes off by itself, gets grumpy when hungry, is affectionate when is suits them, doesn't like others.
Loving what Arya is becoming but what the actual dickens is all this gods of many faces malarkey! Good lord seems a lot of hard work.
Love Lady Margaery King Tomin is a sap Lord Varys has stepped up his game in this season. We like. Ellaria Sand is a proper twat. White walkers, good lord!
Lots and lots of blood, fighting and war. Lovely stuff.
I thought the medieval looking era with hordes of skeletons fighting reminded me of army of darkness
Matt thought it was like Lord of the rings on acid.
Think that sums it up.
Until next week, ta-ra!
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Season 4 is done! Ruddy hell each season genuinely gets better and doesn't lack in surprises!
Here's our season 4 summery :
... JOFFREY IS DOWN! the little smarmy git is gone! Hip hip hurray
Petyr jumped up a few rungs on the Ladder O'C**t
He earned brownie points when he shoved Auntie Lysa out the moon roof though
Arya is a resilient little sausage, like her a lot
Award for greatest fight goes to The Hound and Brienne
This seasons "I can't see [insert name here] without thinking of [insert pop culture reference here]" goes to Stannis and Davos.... To me they were Stavros and Davros
Daenrys' Dragons are getting a tad naughty now! Uh oh
SAMWELL HAS SURVIVED ANOTHER SEASON! so happy about this! Don't know if he lasts much longer but gosh darn it he's lasted longer than we expected, what with him being one of our faves.
Tyrion, oh my, the poor poor lamb! A mega stitch up throughout the whole thing, we cheered so loudly when he cained papa Lannister I think they could hear us down the road!
Cersei is still a massive turdburgler
Jaime, I believe is still being a good egg... On the whole.. I mean he did rape his sister on the corpse of their son
Jon snow has *finally* seemed to have realised where he belongs and what he's up to, and has Ghost back - whoop
We cheered when Sansa slapped Robin We cheered when Hodor kicked ass
Ramsey Bolton is running fast up the c***t league
Poor ol Theon /Reek
Phew, for blimey what a season!
Watch this space in a few days time when we would have watched season 5
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🔥Please help🔥 We're doing some research for our website and want your feedback to help us create the best site we can - there are only 8 questions if you can please take a few moments to help us out
Peace love and geek stuff ✌️ ❤️ 🤓
... Geek Shelf x
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Season 3 = smashed
Woooooooowwwwww! A crazy awesome season!
And to sum up:
... Samwell was told he was a wizard and has so far survived! YAY
Okay so Jaime Lannister is actually not too bad it seems, he did some pretty good deeds
Cersei is still a proper arse biscuit
Joffrey is still a tit
Petyr Baelish still holds the crown for slimiest little toad in all the land
Daenerys gets more and more hardcore still. Love her and her dragons.
Jon snow still doesn't know if he's coming or going but gawd love 'im he's trying!
Tyrion is still a legend
Arya and the Hound are fun.
Liking the Hound more and more.
Everytime Thoros was on screen all I could see was Mike Strutter 😂
And the red wedding!!!!! Good heavens above, crikey o blimey and holy moly! Did not expect that, did not see that coming! The Starks are a dying breed it seems!!!
Poor Theon, I mean he was a proper numpty and dad is a git but cmon now, poor lad!
The Lannisters should look out there are new c***s in town looking to steal the title of 'chief c**t' and they are Walder Frey and Ramsey Bolton
That said it'll take some beating to take the "c**t" crown from Tywin Lannister.
Are we sure this show isn't actually called Game of c***s?
Fab season, watch this space next week for our season 4 thoughts
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WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! The Rick and Morty Portal Gun with sound effects is available in store for £17 (or +£3 for p&p)
🔥 Find us at DJ Collectables in Stowmarket Town Centre 🔥
... Peace love and geek stuff ✌️ ❤️ 🤓 X
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🎥Season 2 🎥 1 week later and another season done - Our thoughts below 👇 👇 👇
It was just as fab and addictive as S1
... Well Cersei is still an utter scumbag
Joffrey is still a total bell end
Sansa is less of a drip (hurray)
The Starks are still awesome
Jon snow, oh Jon Snow, you don't half get yourself in to a pickle or two!
Theon is a naughty little gimp
Charles dance, on a shitting horse, in front of Joffrey was amazing
Daenrys just gets more badass every scene she's in
Tyrion is still as legendary as ever, more so with such a hardcore scar
Brienne and Jaime Lannister were amusing, but Jamie is still an arse
Petyr Baelish is dirty little torag
Also huzzah and hurrah to the Hound for his "fuck the king" speech
Some of our other favourites have survived S2 - *phew*
We swore plenty, exclaimed lots of shock and excitement and "oh that's who that Funko Pop is.."
Also lots of singing "up on the roof" whenever Bronn was on screen
More emotional roller-coaster rides had and looking forward to the next lot in season 3
P. S. Hodor
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What are your thoughts on the new Aladdin trailer, and more importantly, Will Smith's Genie?


So Season 1 completed and below
Ruddy hell that was good!! So to sum up :
... All Lannisters are absolutely the scummiest of scum pots from planet filth and betrayal (apart from Tyrion, who is just epic)
All Starks are heroic (apart from Sansa, who is a wet blanket)
Rhaegar Targaryen was a little shit
Daenerys Targaryen is awesome
Sean Bean lasted longer than expected (congratulations!)
Plenty of other characters we loved, who I won't mention as I'm sure they will die.
I still want a puppy
But the burning question from the whole of season 1 is: Do you think Momoa was cold throughout the filming?? He wore less than the whores!
Season 2 viewing will commence this weekend.
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🔥FIND US at D J Collectables in Stowmarket Town Centre 🔥 Available now in store or for posting
£11 pops Aquaman (245) ... Dr Eggman Dr Ian Malcolm (547) Evil-Lyn (565) Fauno (603) Groot (207) Harry Potter Pjs (79) Heman battle armor Hans Gruber (669) Lady Justice (89) Lara Croft (333) Mary Poppins (with kite) (468) Miles Morales (403) Moana (417) Orko (566) Richie Tozier (540) Seymour Krelborn Skeletor Battle armor Torbjorn (350) Trap Jaw (487) Travis Barker (84) Ulysses Klaue Wendy Torrance (457) Zarya (306)
£10 pops Bev Marsh Gosalyn Mallard Launchpad Roo
£8.50 pops Batgirl (136) Baze Malbus Beagle Cruz Duff McKagan Ego Hippolyta Jyn(138) Jyn(152) King Tut Locust Drone Steve Trevor Vaun Wonder Woman (178)
Agent 13 £5
OTHER FUNKO Movie Moments Aladdin's first wish £25 Movie Moments Cloud City Duel £25 Ron Weasley riding Chess piece £25 Rick and Morty Portal Gun £17 Treebeard £17 Zootopia Mystery Minis £5 each (full box available) Snowball Keyring £6
OTHER Hawk Woman mini £5 Rick Grimes Vinyl Idolz £10 Aquaman Figure £10 Spider-Gwen Bishoujo £60 Gremlins Vynl 2 Pack £20
P&P to UK only: Standard size pops 1-3 = £3 second class 4+ = £5 second class
For larger items and orders we will quote p&p on request.
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More about Geek Shelf

Geek Shelf is located at 37 Ipswich St,, IP14 1AH Stowmarket
01449 771015
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00