Gooby'S School Of Motoring

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00

About Gooby'S School Of Motoring

Calm, Patient & Friendly Driving Instructor Covering Sudbury, Colchester, Bury St Edmunds and Surrounding Areas.

Call or Message Today To Book

Gooby'S School Of Motoring Description

Local Driving Instructor for Sudbury and surrounding areas
Discounted block booked lessons available
Call today to book!



Wahey!! Happy Wednesday!! ЁЯШЭ
I'd like to congratulate Max for absolutely smashing his driving test this morning in Bury St Edmunds on his FIRST ATTEMPT, with only 4 minors!! Fantastic result!! ЁЯОЙ
... Max had to complete the forward bay park Manoeuvre right at the beginning of his test, follow directional signs for 20 minutes and battle Burys busy morning traffic!
It's been an absolute pleasure teaching you bud, going to miss the chats! Hope you enjoy your new freedom, and enjoy all the journeys your mates are planning on throwing at you! ЁЯШВ
All the best! ЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧ
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Who else is beginning to miss the days of having a constantly clean car?ЁЯЩД
So difficult to keep up with the shine this time of year! ЁЯШВЁЯЪЧ


First test of 2020... First PASS of 2020!!
What a result! ЁЯШЭЁЯОЙ
I'm absolutely over the moon to announce that Sam has managed to smash his driving test this morning in Bury St Edmunds!
... Sam had to follow directional signs for 20 minutes as his independent drive and complete a forward bay park in a very busy car park!
Absolutely thrilled for you mate I knew how much you wanted this! Massive congratulations - I hope you enjoy your new freedom! ЁЯШЭЁЯЪЧ
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Would just like to say a massive Merry Christmas to all my past, present and future students! ЁЯОЙЁЯОД
I hope you all have a fantastic day and that you all stuff your faces with that well awaited Christmas Dinner! ЁЯШП
Enjoy this amazing day and I'll see you in the new year! ЁЯШЭЁЯОЙ


Final test of 2019 and we finish with a BANGЁЯОЙ
I am thrilled to announce that Archie has managed to absolutely smash his driving test this morning in Bury St Edmunds on his FIRST ATTEMPT!!ЁЯШЭЁЯОЙ
... Archie managed to produce an excellent drive, battling this delightful weather and busy morning traffic! Might as well have been captaining a boat with the amount of floods out there this morning! ЁЯШВ
Seriously happy for you mate, could see how much you've wanted this and you've worked insanely hard to get this result!!
Enjoy this freedom and have a fantastic Christmas!! ЁЯШЭ
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Starting the week with a BANG!!ЁЯОЙЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ
Absolutely over the moon to announce that Natalie has managed to smash her driving test in this not so delightful weather earlier this morning! ЁЯШЭ
Getting up excruciatingly early and starting the day when it was still pitch black outside has all been worth it! ЁЯОЙЁЯШЭ
... Natalie had to follow direction signs, perform a Turn In The Road due to a road closure and then finish her wonderful drive with a perfect reverse bay park back at the test center!! ЁЯСН
It's been an absolute pleasure! So happy for you that you've achieved this! Stay safe out there and watch out for that Colchester rush hour traffic!! ЁЯШВЁЯЪЧ
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Who said Wednesday's are rubbish?!?! NOT TODAY! ЁЯОЙЁЯШЭ
Today we have to congratulate Lauren who absolutely Smashed her driving test on her FIRST ATTEMPT in Bury St Edmunds this morning!! ЁЯШЭЁЯШЭЁЯОЙЁЯОЙ
Lauren had to drive forward into a bay then reverse out, follow satnav for 20 minutes and she absolutely perfected it!! ЁЯЪЧ
... Couldn't be happier for you! Your face was priceless when you heard the result! ЁЯШЭЁЯШВ
It's been an absolute pleasure!! Make sure you look after yourself on that road and enjoy this freedom!!
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Going into the weekend with a bang! ЁЯОЙ
Been a very successful week with 2 out of 2 tests passing and a total number of only 4 MINORS between the two of them!!! ЁЯШНЁЯОЙ
This time I'm absolutely thrilled to congratulate Cory for smashing his test in Bury St Edmunds with just the 2 minor faults!! Absolutely cracking drive!!
... It's been an absolute pleasure getting you through this journey bud! Really hope you enjoy this freedom!! ЁЯШЭ
Best of luck for your football match tonight! Again it's been an absolute pleasure!! ЁЯШЭЁЯОЙ
Don't forget to wave when you drive past!! ЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧ
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Absolutely amazing start to the week with a FIRST TIME PASS!! this time going to Roxie who managed to smash her test on her first attempt with myself in Bury St Edmunds this morning with ONLY 2 MINORS!! ЁЯСА
Roxie had to follow satnav for 20 minutes, perform an emergency stop and then finally finish with a perfect reverse bay park back at the test center to complete an amazing drive!! ЁЯОЙ
... Absolutely thrilled for you as I knew how much you wanted this!!! Enjoy your new found freedom and don't forget to wave!! ЁЯШЭЁЯЪЧЁЯОЙ
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Who said Mondays are rubbish?!? ЁЯШПЁЯОЙ Absolutely amazing way to start the week with an early morning pass!!
This time for Callum Denson who managed to smash his driving test today in Bury St Edmunds!! ЁЯШЭЁЯОЙ
... Callum had to follow satnav for 20 minutes and had to complete a forward bay park and reverse out again!
I knew how much you've wanted this result and it shows by the amount of effort you've thrown into this! The relief on your face when the examiner told you the result today was absolutely priceless!! ЁЯЪЧ
It's been an absolute pleasure helping you along this journey, I know you (and everyone who's been giving you lifts ЁЯШЙ) are so so happy with this result!
Make sure you take care on the roads, I'm sure I'll find out if you've picked up any bad habits! ЁЯШЙЁЯШЭ
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Due to recent passes and upcoming tests it's looking like we will have some availability to start new students from October onwards!!
If you're looking to be passed by the end of the year get in touch ASAP to give yourself the opportunity to do so!! ЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧ
... For any new starters throughout the month of October you can take advantage of this special offer!!
тЬи10 hours for the price of ┬г240 - Worth ┬г275тЬи
This offer is valid once only and only valid for students who begin their lessons in the month of October!
Don't hesitate to give me a message to avoid missing out! ЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧ
07538678625 ЁЯШЭЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ
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2 Passes in the same day? On a Friday? YES PLEASE!! ЁЯШПЁЯОЙ
As you can see by the picture, this one deserves extra credit, as Holly not only managed to over come her nerves and smash her test today in Bury St Edmunds... But she did it in her own car aswell!! ЁЯШЭ
It's been an absolute pleasure guiding you along your journey to that pink licence! I hope you enjoyed your lessons and make sure you enjoy that well deserved freedom!! ЁЯОЙЁЯЪЧ
... Take care and if you see me on the road, don't forget to wave! ЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ
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Got that friday feeling!! ЁЯШПЁЯШП
Absolutely Massive well down to Joe who managed to smash his driving test this morning FIRST TIME!! In bury st Edmunds!! ЁЯОЙ
Joe had to complete an emergency stop, parallel park and follow a satnav for 20 minutes - no problem!! ЁЯШПЁЯОЙ
... Absolutely over the moon for you mate, you had a lot of pressure riding on you with the others passing first time as well! ЁЯШВ
Make sure you enjoy your freedom and don't forget to wave! It's been an absolute pleasure!! ЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧЁЯЪЧ
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Happy days!! ЁЯШП First test since holiday and it's an absolute blinder!! ЁЯОЙ
It's time to congratulate Jake for absolutely smashing his practical test on his first attempt this morning in Bury St Edmunds!! And with only 5 minors!! ЁЯШЭ
Jake had to follow satnav for 20 minutes and drive forward into a car park space then reverse back out! He absolutely smashed it!!
... Massive well done to you mate, hope you enjoy the freedom! ЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ
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Last day in Sunny Beach today! Safe to say I've had an amazing time! (Despite burning on the first day and having to hide in the shade!!) ЁЯЩДЁЯШВ
Will be back to work on Monday and I'm looking forward to seeing each and every one of my students making progress throughout the coming weeks! ЁЯШПЁЯОЙ
Current availability is looking into September so make sure you book in advance! Don't want to be missing out! ЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ




Quick message to all of you lovely people!... For the next week I am going to be soaking up the sun and sitting by the pool!
So any messages I receive in the mean time I will try to respond to them as quick as I can!
Thank you for your patience! ЁЯМЮЁЯМЮЁЯШЭЁЯШЭ


Earlier this morning I received a phone call from Charlotte - "I did it! I Passed!!" I could hear the absolute joy from her voice!!
Charlotte had previously been learning with myself, but unfortunately when we managed to get her test booked in for, my diary and her working schedule not working out meant that we couldn't get many lessons in prior to the test!
So I would like to say a massive thank you to Pete Wright for offering to help out and manage to fit Charlotte in for ...those extra lessons and getting her through her test!
I'm unbelievably happy for you as I knew how much you've wanted this! All this hard work has paid off, everyone knew you could do it and you absolutely smashed it!!!
The most important thing to us Driving Instructors is to get you safely on the road, sometimes things get in the way and we can't take you all the way, so we have to come together to help eachother out! We all want was best for you, and this is the outcome we all wish to achieve!!!
So once again a massive congratulations to Charlotte for gaining her freedom and a huge thank you to Pete for helping Charlotte achieve this!!
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More about Gooby'S School Of Motoring

Gooby'S School Of Motoring is located at Second Avenue, Sudbury, Suffolk
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00