Hifi Lounge

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:30
Sunday: -

About Hifi Lounge

HFL are offering something different in hifi sales, based in a beautiful converted Granary in central Bedfordshire, offering the best in quality hifi for the home where the customer service will always come first.



Super excited to be attending the Lotus 70th Anniversary celebrations today, its going to be an amazing day, apparently we are all attempting a world record later, already an amazing collection of Lotus Cars here, as far as the eye can see šŸ‘


A nice install this morning swapping out a Naim Audio DAC for the #new NDX 2 #streamer, a really nice #upgrade šŸ‘ #hifi #audio #music #audiophile #naimaudio #highendaudio


Donington Race Weekend Report!
Hi Everyone,
So a couple of weeks ago we raced at Donington Park, I have to say that is one of my favourite tracks so far, we actually had 3 days there so 2 days of testing which we shared with taking our competition winners out in the car and then qualy and race day, I went in to the event determined to throw caution to the wind and to try and make some real progress which I feel I did at the end of the 2 days of testing then we got to race da...y where it all went horribly wrong.
Basically the weather was pretty mixed, when full wet on the Thursday I tip toed round without any mistakes but on race day for Qualy we had a damp drying track which was interesting trying to find the grip but in the end I got pole in both races in my ā€˜Fangioā€™ Class which I was happy with, but that was the last time I was happy with anything for the rest of the weekend as for the first race we went out on dry tyres and the rain really started to come down and I actually spun 3 times on my out lap, more a lack of skill than anything to be honest, doh, that really took being a novice to a new level, once I settled into the groove though times werenā€™t too bad but the damage had been done but at least we finished the race which quite a few didnā€™t, then for race 2 I went out on wets as it had been raining a fair bit and although it had stopped I thought the track would be damp but in the end it was really dry so I made a bad choice there.
It was such a shame as I really felt we were going to have a good race day but in the end it was a real weekend of ups and downs, we found more speed in the dry but was rubbish in the wet and in this country racing in the wet is a skill that needs mastering, more experience learned I guess.
So there is only one race weekend left now, Brand Hatch in November, really canā€™t believe it is nearly all over, it is all still to play for though in the Fangio Trophy as we are 2nd just 9 points of the lead, hereā€™s hoping for a dry race day :-)
Thanks as ever to Darren Winter at UPE Motorsport Ltd, Tom Gladdis for trying to make me go quicker and Oliver Read for these awesome pictures.
Cheers, Paul.
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Stax SR-009S 1st Listening Impressions, So SR-009 or SR-009S?
Hi Everyone,
So I was here last night till 10pm listening to the new Stax SR-009Sā€™s, to be honest I could have stayed a lot longer but I got hungry :-)
... So the million dollar question, how do they compare to the Mighty SR-009? well firstly the new SR-009Sā€™s are definitely a SR-009 Earspeaker if that makes sense, I had heard that the S was going to be a bit smoother and I thought it may be closer to the SR-007 but I am happy to say that you get all the detail, insight and separation that I love with the 009 so the S is basically a different flavour of 009, but is it better?
Well after lots of back and forth with both Earspeakers and also using the Stax T8000 and Trilogy H1 Energisers what I found was that the SR-009S is definitely more refined at the very top end and luckily not at the expense of any detail, also the overall presentation is definitely slightly fuller which is very noticeable with vocals, they just have a bit more texture and warmth making them sound more natural, when you go back to the SR-009 they sound a tad thinner, as for bass weight, there is a little more but nothing like the SR-L700ā€™s but it is noticeable, but for me as the overall balance is a little weightier which really helps with the transients, you can hear everything stop and start better which seems to give more definition and separation which in turn seems to make the music flow better and more rhythmic, you just seem to get into the music a little more, well I did last night, once I put Radiohead on I just couldnā€™t take the SR-009Sā€™s off :-)
So if youā€™ve got SR-009ā€™s should you upgrade to the SR-009S? Difficult really as these improvements are definitely noticeable, personally I would have to change now I know I prefer the SR-009S and will be listening to these going forward but all I can say really is that if you have SR-009ā€™s I would definitely recommend coming in to spend a few hours with the SR-009Sā€™s and see what you think as the improvements are there it is just if you think the cost to change is worth the step up you are getting.
Good job though Stax, for me you have just made the best headphones in the world even better which really is an amazing achievement.
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Stax SR-009S Earspeakers Now On Demo, The Wait Is Over!
Hi Everyone,
Well Christmas really has come early for me this year, as a Stax SR-009 user myself when Stax announced the new and supposedly improved SR-009S a few months ago I must admit I got a little excited, well the wait is finally over as our demo pair have just arrived, this will be a short blog as I canā€™t wait to compare these to the SR-009ā€²s, it will be fascinating to see how Stax have improved what many consider... to be the best headphone in the world.
Now then what energiser do I use? the Stax T8000 or the Trilogy H1, decision, decisions :-)
http://www.highendheadphones.co.uk/ā€¦/st ax-sr-009s-electrostā€¦
Hereā€™s a few unboxing pictures -
Cheers, Paul.
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Introducing the New Pioneer 4K Blu Ray Players, OPPO Who ;-)
Hi Everyone,
So I was worried when OPPO pulled out of the market that we had lost the truly universal disc spinners but I neednā€™t have worried as Pioneer have stepped forward with 2 new models which look to fill the void and hopefully even improve on what OPPO achieved.
... I have always loved Pioneerā€™s highend disc spinners, I remember when the BDP-LX-91 was released, long before HFL, I was at the front of the queue for one of those at home so I am really excited by these 2 new players, it is almost like we have gone full circle.
There will be 2 players in the range, the UDP-LX500 at Ā£999 and the Reference UDP-LX800 which is the one I am most excited by, you can read more below about each model -
Both will be on demo shortly at HFL so if youā€™d like anymore information please feel free to get in touch.
Please find a few more pictures of the UDP-LX800 below -
Cheers, Paul.
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A Radical Day Out At Donington For Our Competition Winners :-)
Hi Everyone,
A bit late with this one as it was a couple of weeks ago but just back from our hols so just got round to posting, just wanted to say thanks to our competition winners for coming along to Donington Park for 5 laps each round the full GP track in our Radical Sportscars SR1, there were a lot of smiles once everyone got out the car, I think everyone was blown away by the braking power and cornering speed....
Thanks also to Tom Gladdis for taking everyone round and for Darren Winter at UPE Motorsport Ltd for helping run the day that went off without a hitch, well till the end of the day when the diff failed but at least everyoneā€™s passenger laps were completed by then so it was good timing to be honest, also thanks to Oliver Read for taking the excellent photoā€™s of the day.
Finally thanks to Chord Electronics and PMC Speakers for helping support the day and great to meet the guys and girls from our new sponsors Hifi Pig, hopefully we can do it again next year :-)
Please find a few pictures below from the day -
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McIntosh MC275 Valve Amp Now On Demo, Happy Days :-)
Hi Everyone,
So I must admit this demo product is a bit of an indulgence on my part as I have always promised myself that one day I will put a McIntosh Laboratory Inc. MC275 on demo as for me it is such a beautiful looking classic amp, it is almost the amplifier version of a classic car as it was first introduced in 1961 and is now on itā€™s 6th iteration, amps really donā€™t get anymore iconic than this, so I am really pleased... to say that at long last we now have the McIntosh MC275 on permanent demo.
Please find more info below and a few un-boxing pictures, if youā€™d like a demo anytime please let me know beforehand as it could be out on a home demo at the time, I wonā€™t say whose home it might be though ;-)
http://hifilounge.co.uk/mcintosh-mc275-am plifier
Cheers, Paul.
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Hi Everyone,
A nice offer from Chord Electronics when you buy a Hugo 2, please see below.


One more 50th Birthday post, anyone see a common thread in these pictures from various presents for my 50th, Iā€™m a very lucky man šŸ˜€, thanks again to Stephen Hill for his amazing work on the awesome painting, on show at HFL soon šŸ‘


Had some #awesome presents for my #50th #birthday but this is one of my favourites, a #unique #painting of every #car I have owned so far, how many can you name? A massive thanks to Stephen Hill #epic šŸ‘ #sportscars


Had a great day today with our competition winners enjoying their hot laps, I think it was a little too fast though as the car broke at the end of the day, going to be a late night for the boys changing the diff šŸ˜¬


Yesterday ended up being a bit of a wash out for testing at Donington, hereā€™s hoping for better weather today as we welcome our competitions winners for their passenger laps šŸ‘


Hi All,
Just a quick heads-up really to say that we will be closed until the 18th September for a holiday to celebrate my 50th birthday, hereā€™s hoping life begins at 50 :-)
... Paul.
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An amazing install today of the Naim Audio ND555 with 2 x 555PSā€™s into a truly #stunning #highend #hifi #system, I could have stayed all day listening, truly #epic šŸ˜šŸ˜ #audiophile #music #audio #luxury


Lovely day to spend at Silverstone today to watch the GT Open and the Radical European Masters, look what I just found in the car park though šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


And The Winner is.......
Hi All,
So we finally just got round to making the draw for one lucky person to win 5 laps around Donington Park in our Radical Sportscars SR1 on my 50th Birthday, September 7th, firstly Iā€™d like to thank everyone who entered, shame everyone couldnā€™t come along really.
... We recruited Wendyā€™s Mum, Sandi West to make the draw, and the lucky winner is, cue drum roll....... - Mark Roughley
Well done Mark, look forward to seeing you at Donington on Friday, the weather is looking good so there will be plenty of grip for some nice fast laps :-)
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She's Alive :-)
Well after a very troubled start to our relationship it looks like the Esprit is now finally ready to start a new chapter in her life as at long last she seems to be running well and I actually got her to work this morning, thanks to Sparky who worked his magic on her šŸ‘
Everywhere you park her it is a Leica moment in my eyes šŸ˜šŸ˜
... Cheers, Paul.
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Naim NDX 2 Now On Demo!
Hi Everyone,
Just a quickie to say that the much anticipated Naim Audio NDX 2 Network Player is now one demo, well I only un-boxed it a couple of hours ago so it is going to need some running in but already it is sounding really good.
... This is due to be the popular streamer in the new range as it is much more affordable than the brilliant ND555 as the NDX 2 is priced at Ā£4999 and can be run with itā€™s own internal power supply unlike the ND555, saying that I have tried our demo model quickly naked then added a XPS and the step up really isnā€™t subtle so I can see a lot of NDX 2ā€²s ending up with an XPS or even a 555PS at some point.
If you have an NDX then I would say the new NDX 2 is definitely worth looking at as this new range really is a big step up in not just features but also sound quality, if youā€™d like to come in for a listen anytime please feel free.
http://hifilounge.co.uk/naim-ndx-2-networ k-player
Cheers, Paul.
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Wow.... What a wonderful place to enjoy HiFi / Cinema with staff dedicated to helping you purchase a totally fulfilling system, importantly the rooms are good with no major acoustic problems that could cloud your decision....


Welcomed with coffee and the demo room already set up with kit that Paul thought would suit our needs. He was bang on the money too! A few minor kit switches for sound trials later and we are looking forward to receiving our new hi-fi in a couple of weeks - would highly recommend, knowledgeable and friendly service, nothing too much trouble.


This place is a treasure. Mind, I haven't actually *bought* anything from them yet, but I'm looking forward to giving them my business. Very nice people and an absolute heaven for people who love music and gear. Their headphone selection -- the reason I went there -- is probably unmatched in the UK, and they just give you an easy chair, access to amps and dacs and all the headphones and just let you listen. No sales pressure, no attempt to influence -- just advice if you ask for it. Fantastic. It's over an hour from me (two in traffic) but still worth it.


Really friendly welcome, great coffee and a comfortable demo room. We turned up on spec but the owner bent over backwards to make sure everything was as we wanted. A thoroughly recommended hi-fi dealer well worth the journey.


Paul and Wendy run the most relaxed and friendly hifi shop ever ! Good company and coffee and snacks on show days !


Paul & Wendy are always ready with a smile to listen to your needs. Fantastic range of products to suit the discerning music lover. I wouldnā€™t go anywhere else and neither should you.


Impressive place ! Paul & Wendy were very helpful when I needed a repair for a quite old Arcam Solo; I will not hesitate to return when I need some new HiFi equipment.


I have known Paul and Wendy for a number of years now and I can honestly say that this is the best place to buy your top end HiFi period full stop. Not only are they very knowledgeable about their products and offer suggestions, their personal customer service is second to none. So if your in the market for top end HiFi in a fantastic relaxed Bedfordshire countryside retreat....look no further than HiFi Lounge. You will not be disappointed.


Great range of products to suit most tastes and budgets and genuinely passionate about helping me choose the best equipment to satisfy my taste.

Lovely rural location enables a relaxed experience and the unhindered ability to turn up the volume.

Sincere approach to service and very knowledgeable about Hi-Fi, that I find valuable when looking to spend relatively high sums.

I can't recommend Paul and Wendy at Hi-Fi Lounge highly enough.

Kevin Faulkner.


Great Business! Paul is such a passionate individual. His knowledge about his products, stunning! Great experience.


Fantastic setting and awesome equipment hosted by two well informed and helpful people.


Fabulous in every possible way. Fantastic variety of highest quality products with Wendy covering both locations on Paul's day away, juggling customers, dispensing expert advice and guidance whilst making a brew in the most relaxing and beautiful surroundings. High End Headphones and HiFi Lounge are worth visiting just for the experience and I defy you to walk out without either having invested or making plans to come back to do so.


Excellent service. Recently purchased headphones from them, their demo facility offers a massive choice. Well worth seeking them out. Good coffee as well.


Excellent service, really lovely surroundings, friendly welcome: This is actually my local (proper) hifi store and is just a stones throw for me. Paul and Wendy gave me a really friendly welcome, set up the speakers I was looking at (PMC & SF), chucked me an iPad and let me relax into a listen..... didn't take too long as it was a quick decision for me given my shortlist and existing kit, but it might not have been so easy if the room and the kit weren't set up so well to demonstrate them. No doubt I'll be back being a bit of a Grado fanboy Lovely place you have there, I still can't believe the rates:-)


Excellent service and very helpful owner, if you are looking for a knowledgeable independent Hi-fi dealer I would highly recommend giving Paul a visit.


Excellent and friendly service from Paul and Wendy (Owners of HFL) from the initial telephone call to my visit for speaker demo - totally unhurried and pleasurable experience. Ordered Focal speakers which Paul delivered to Leics and installed for me.

Absolutely first class service.


Best place if you want some fancy audio equipment! I have brought my devialet amplifier plus two gold phantoms from there, Paul is a great guy and very helpful also walked me around the studio and give me few demos. Will definitely go back. 5******


Amazing place to listen to the finest selection of HiFi equipment in a feel@home, friendly and beautiful environment :D


Although being 70 miles from where I live, I will not go anywhere else. Paul and Wendy have created a fantastic brand which is current, magnificently executed and most importantly has wonderful customer service.

More about Hifi Lounge

Hifi Lounge is located at 4 Millow Hall Farm, SG188 Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
01767 448121
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:30
Sunday: -