About Intergalactic Geniuses Hub Ltd

Is our mission to promote and facilitate change and transformation into greatest levels of wellness and wholeness by means of Reiki, Essenian Healings Level 1 and education on achieving greater states of inner wellness.

Intergalactic Geniuses Hub Ltd Description

Your journey to greater levels of wellness and wholeness -
Get Started Today!

It is our mission to promote and facilitate change and transformation into greatest levels of wellness and wholeness by means of Reiki, Essenian Healings Level 1* and consciousness expanding knowledge from fields of epigenetics, quantum physics, neurobiology as well as ancient wisdom of spiritual masters.

We consider it a privilege to be able to serve and help in those pivotal times when all old paradigms are collapsing and the new order of oneness, love and collaboration is emerging.

At Intergalactic Geniuses Hub we live with passion & purpose we base our perception of reality on the following facts:

Atom is 0. 0000000000001% matter and 99. 9999999999999% energy - the significance of that statement is that there is much more to life than meets the eye and it is indeed the energy that influences and shapes the matter.

By consciously changing and aligning our energy we bring our body to homeostasis (felt as greater levels of inner balance and harmony), which then enable us to achieve greater levels of creativity, flow and joy of life.

Each person has the potential to become a greater, more unlimited version of themselves, and it is only our limiting beliefs and energy blocks that prevent us from accessing that potential.

Life has always been happening for us and not to us. What might seem like our greatest obstacles are in fact amazing opportunities to purify our karma and change our behaviours. Those situations facilitate insights, expand our skills set so we become greater, more authentic and unlimited versions of ourselves. Perception is key!

Wellness is so much more than being free from illness: it is a process of overcoming the triggers, change, growth towards a mentally and physically more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

Energy can be transformed either by means of energy healings or by raising consciousness through knowledge of how reality is. Intergalactic Geniuses Hub Ltd can facilitate both.

More about Intergalactic Geniuses Hub Ltd
