Juliette'S Kitchen

About Juliette'S Kitchen

Juliette's Kitchen shows you how delicious food can be your medicine.
We have lots of interesting recipes, articles and videos.



Super excited for my new intro to an amazing episode coming soon called Healing Plants.. there will also be short clips coming in the coming days. Hope you enjoy https://youtu.be/e_Hb_Kj0ick


If you would like to book a free 15 minute call with me to see if my new mentor ship program is for you here is the link. https://www.juliettebryant.com/book-onlin e I am so excited about taking a small group on this deep journey of healing and discovery


Another amazing testimonial- My husband was diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS 3 years ago, just after our daughter was born. We went to all the hospital consultants appointments and the treatment options were quite extreme for someone who had only mild symptoms, the disease modifying drugs risks just didn’t seem the right path at that stage and there was very little information to assist in other ways. I started to do some research online and found that some people had ...seen some great results with alternative options but frankly had no idea where to start. We saw one Nutritionist but the diet was quite extreme with very little help how to transfer from a standard meat/dairy/gluten eating diet to Vegan and Gluten free. It was also a one size fits all diet, with very few meals that we looked forward to eating! (that could have been my cooking as I had no idea how to cook these new vegan meals) A friend then recommended Juliette to me, and thank god they did. In fact Juliette’s suggestions were tailored to my husbands needs (he trains regularly) she also took into account our busy lives with a baby and helped with recipes whilst giving some great options for healthy store bought, quick fixes. But most importantly she doesn’t forget the joy in food…there are loads of healthy delicious refined sugar free treats! You just don’t feel deprived! Not only this but she recommended supplements to support my husband overall health, clear parasites, restore gut health and support him through all the germs a little one brings home and it shows, he feels great, with all symptoms of his MS subsiding but also giving him all the energy he needs to be the hands on/active dad. We have continued with all the doctors appointments/MRI’s etc and they are really pleased with my husbands progress.
It has transformed our lives as a family. we have learnt so much that we can now make informed choices that benefit us all health wise.
See More


Lovely testimonial just came in from someone who has done a lot of my course. This is why I do the work I do. - Juliette’s classes and courses have empowered me with so much knowledge and wisdom to nurture both mine and my families health and well-being. I trust Juliette’s advice implicitly and she’s always my go to authority on healing and health; which has proved invaluable time and time again.


A few pics from today’s workshop. If you want me to come to your home and run and tailor made workshop for you and your friends pm me. Xxx #julietteskitchen27 #workshopsfromhome #plantbased #vegan #healthyfood #mindbodysoul #nourishing


Transformative Health Mentorship Program - https://mailchi.mp/…/transformative-hea lth-mentorship-progr…


a little video about my new program coming this Septmeber.. If you would like to book a free 15min chat to see if this is right for you pm me. xxx


So excited for what is coming.. I have spent over 20 years working with people to help them heal on all levels and from that I have created a new mentor ship program. Message me if you want to know more #julietteskitchen27 #transformativehealth #plantbased #healing #mentorshipprogram #learntothrive


Book at www.juliettebryant.com/events-1 Do you want to learn: -food can give you more energy -foods to boost the immune system - foods that heal
... Do you want to feel more empowered with what you are cooking for you and your family Do you want to learn some simple and delicious recipes free from animals, gluten and refined sugar.
Then book a space on this fun and interactive masterclass
See More


28th July come and join me for a plant based food and foraged/medicinal food masterclass in Clare from 10-3 £50. Payment needed to secure your place. It’s going to be an amazing day making healing balms, superfood smoothies, an amazing vegan cheesecake, and so much more. We will learn about the amazing healing power in the food we eat and creative fun ways to harness this. Book here www.juliettebryant.com/events-1


Lots of smiley faces after today’s divine desserts workshop. We made some amazing treats. Mint choc cheesecake, zingy chocolate brownie, chocolate caramel flapjack.. all raw, gluten free and refined sugar free and filled with love.. oh and a lovely cbd supercharged hot Chocolate. Yum. #julietteskitchen27 #divinedesserts #glutenfree #vegan #refinedsugarfree #madewithlove


Don’t forget to make the most of the sale just 24 hours left.. use the code July special at checkout for the 15% discount. Any trouble message me.. this discount applies on all my online courses and products xx www.juliettebryant.com/shop-1


July Special sale - http://eepurl.com/gwWb75


“July special” is the code to use for the next 48 hours to get 15% off anything in my shop. Visit www.juliettebryant.com and click the shop tab. Why not try my new cbd hot chocolate mix or my cleanse and detox course at the reduced price


This Thursday join me in Clare, Suffolk where we will be making some divine desserts. Workshop 10-12 including tasters £25. Booking essential. #glutenfree #vegan #howtothriveonaplantbaseddiet #refinedsugarfree #divinedesserts #julietteskitchen27


Answering questions about my new cbd miracle chocolate drink..

More about Juliette'S Kitchen

Juliette'S Kitchen is located at 6 Cavendish Road, Mulberry Cottage, CO10 8PH Clare, Suffolk