
About Keys2Life

We are relationship experts helping you to overcome challenges in your relationships and life. Our aim is to empower you to survive and thrive after infidelity. Our book The MANScript is an Amazon best seller and can be found on Amazon and Waterstones.



Empowered Women Empowering Women
"To all the little girls who are watching, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams."
Hillary Clinton
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Join us for an uplifting networking event with a difference, hearing from our Keys2life founders about how they have become ‘empowered’ and are now on a mission to empower others.


Letting go of something you have been used to for a long time can be extremely difficult. Although it may seem your whole world is falling apart, know that you will become stronger and more beautiful than ever. Do not let a situation change who you are as a person, rather use it to help you grow and blossom into the beautiful flower that you are.


Its normal to feel lost, its not normal to stay lost. Overcoming an affair is extremely difficult at first, but its completely normal. However, its important that you eventually find yourself again and become the person you truly want to be.
If you have any questions, or feel like you're struggling to do this you can contact us at and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.


Turning the resentment of an affair into a motivating factor is a lot easier said than done. We've found that setting small goals for yourself is a great first step. In the initial phase, you might not be able to do this, but as time goes on it is helpful to think about how you would like your life to be in the future.


Love can be a tumultuous journey, with ups and downs, good times and bad, beginnings and endings. No matter what you go through always keep love in your heart and you shall receive it in some form or another.


#Repost @exploring.therapy ・・・ It’s a simple question but our responses can be telling. If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I’m a huge fan of repairing the unhealthiness of negative self talk. If you’re the kind of person that tends to be your own worst enemy because you’re more focused on your failures than your successes, this one is for you. . When you find yourself criticizing (yourself or others) simply ask: Is this coming from the best place inside me?... If it is, awesome! If it’s not, search for what the best version of you is saying deep down inside. (It’s usually something much, much kinder.) . . . . . #mindfulness #meditation #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #psychologytoday #remotework #digitalnomadlife #clinicalpsychologist #psychology #psychologist #meditate #inspire #selfhelp #iamwellandgood #psychologists #therapists #exploringtherapy #mentalhealth #wellness #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #losangelesgrammers #santamonicalife #workremote #digitalnomad #doctorsofinstagram #igpinay #positivepsychology #wellnesswednesday
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Wow, this is so beautiful ❤️


Often times when we go through a traumatic experience such as being cheated on, we look for all the things that we could lose. Instead, during these times its important to look at all the things we could gain from the situation. An increased level of independence, more focus on our careers, more time with our friends and anything else that you feel you have lacked during your relationship.


The pain caused by your partner's infidelity is no doubt excruciating, but the fact is you can either allow it to cripple you, or empower you. When you use pain in the right way, it can become a motivating factor towards positive change.


We cannot avoid the pain having been betrayed by someone we love dearly and whom we thought loved us the same. However, with the right mindset we can learn to control the pain and emotions that come with it after finding out we have been cheated on.


Love is something that can come and go, the important thing is to now allow your other senses to prevent you from loving or being loved.


If someone truly loves you, they will place your happiness ahead of theirs. Infidelity is definitely a case of your partner placing their happiness ahead of yours.


This is amazing. If you've gone through a tough time in a relationship, definitely give this a watch.


Acknowledging your feelings after being cheated on plays a key role to the process moving forward. When finding out that you've been cheated on, its important to remember that it was his choice to have an affair, and not your responsibility to prevent him from doing so.


In many cases, the feelings associated with being cheated on, anger, fear and shame can become a motivating factor towards a positive change in your life. Find out how Julia Keys used these emotions to make a positive change in her life in The MANScript. You can purchase The MANScript via our website


Take responsibility for your future happiness. Don’t leave it to someone else to decide what is best for you #beempowered #Happiness


Have you heard excuses like this before? If so it may be a sign that your significant other is lying to you.
- You don't show me affection - We never have sex - It's all in your head... - I was drunk - It only happened once - She means nothing to me
What other excuses have you heard that you did or did not believe were true?
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Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. If you cannot love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

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