Locker Room Power

About Locker Room Power

Locker Room Power: #1 Amazon Bestseller - Define yourself - Tools to create an edge - Learning the difference between belief & confidence - The two weapons

Locker Room Power Description

International Tennis Coach David Sammel successfully instils the concept of Locker Room Power to serve players and coaches on and off the court, utilising his vast experience, knowledge and understanding of the mental aptitude required to succeed as a professional athlete and coach.

Locker Room Power aids an athlete’s focus, defines their weapons and refines their skills to establish competitive advantage to deliver a winning performance. The ‘locker room’ is the public domain – How you practice, train, dress, talk, your persona and ultimately your results determine your Locker Room Power.

Anyone can develop Locker Room Power if they show by their actions they are on a mission. Desire is evident and with the will to work hard, weapons start to emerge and the belief as a competitor begins to shine through. It’s a winning formula you cannot ignore.

David has decided to share his theory of Locker Room Power in his first book Locker Room Power: Building an Athlete's Mind. An introduction from Judy Murray plus interviews with Tim Henman, Samantha Murray and other examples from some of the big names of tennis ­including Nadal, Murray, Federer, McEnroe, this book has been receiving great reviews.

“I am proud that I have named a phenomenon we all know exists and feel. Athletes, coaches and in many ways all of us can improve our performance and be more successful in life by understanding Locker Room Power – both by using it and defending against it” - David Sammel

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