Masjid Ghousia Peterborough

About Masjid Ghousia Peterborough

Official Page for Markazi Jamia Masjid Ghousia Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat Peterborough, Cambridgeshire



ðŸŒđâœĻ🌷Jummah Mubarak🌷âœĻðŸŒđ
The Prophet ‎﷚ said: “When one of you eats some food, let him say Bismillah, and if he forgets to do so at the beginning, let him say Bismillah Fi Awwalihi Wa Aakhirihi (In the name of Allah at the beginning and end).
[Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, 1781]


ðŸŒđâœĻ🌷Jummah Mubarak🌷âœĻðŸŒđ
Rasulullah ‎﷚ said: "Friday is the "mother" of all days and the most virtuous in the sight of Allah ‎ï·ŧ. In the sight of Allah ‎ï·ŧ it has more greatness than Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Ad'haa. " (Ibn Majah)
Rasulullah ‎﷚ said: "The Muslim who passes away on the night or during the day of Friday, Allah ‎ï·ŧ saves him from the punishment of the grave." (Tirmidhi)


ðŸŒđâœĻ🌷Jummah Mubarak🌷ðŸ’ŦðŸŒđ
Fasting six days of Shawwal after the obligatory fast of Ramadan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not waajib. It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwal, and in this there is great virtue and an immense reward. Whoever fasts these six days will have recorded for him a reward as if he had fasted a whole year, it has been reported in a hadith from the Prophet ‎﷚ Abu Ayyoob (May Allah be Pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah ï·š said: “Whoever fasts Ramadaan and follows it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime.”


Prayer Timetable (June) *UPDATED*


Congratulations to the Hufaaz who have beautifully led Taraweeh throughout the blessed month and completion of the Holy Quran Al Hakeem. Allah ‎ï·ŧ grant them with a long healthy life with prosperity.


ðŸŒđ🌟 EID MUBARAK from us to you 🌟ðŸŒđ
May Allah ï·ŧ accept from you and us.
May Allah ï·ŧ shower His blessings and continue to guide us.
... May Allah ï·ŧ forgive our sins, and continue to allow us to turn to Him for repentance.
May Allah ï·ŧ give us barakah in our earnings and help us refrain from haram.
May Allah ï·ŧ keep us steadfast upon the deen and bestow knowledge upon us.
May Allah ï·ŧ keep us humble and remove our pride.
May Allah ï·ŧ keep us healthy and allow our illnesses as a means to expiate our sins.
May Allah ï·ŧ keep us smiling and remove our sadness.
May Allah ï·ŧ accept our charity and help those that are unfortunate.
May Allah ï·ŧ protect our brothers and sisters around the world and give them strength and courage.
May Allah ï·ŧ destroy all the oppressors or guide them away from oppressing, and turn them to the Haqq.
May Allah ï·ŧ remove the terrorists and help us establish the truth and bring justice upon our lands.
May Allah ï·ŧ bring victory to the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad ï·š
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Itikaaf Mubarak âĪïļ Allah Kareem accept your efforts and give you steadfastness.


Wednesday 5th June 2019 will be the 1st Shawwal 1440.
We request for those who live nearby to please walk it to the masjid. Those parking in the masjid we urge you to avoid blocking other cars.
... First Eid Namaaz - 8:30am (Mufti Abdul Qadeer Sahib) Second Eid Namaaz - 9:30am (Allama Shahid Rizvi Sahib)
Eid Al Fitr Fitrana - ÂĢ4
Allah Kareem accept our fasts and Ibadah in this blessed month. 🙏
On behalf of management committee we wish you Eid Al Fitr Mubarak!
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Ramadan 1440 | Day 29
Our guest is leaving and as he slowly walks away, he turns to us and say: “Farewell my dear friends and good companions. Know that I may not see you again after this day.” The shocking reality strikes, we need to make sure that he leaves happy and satisfied and therefore, we concern ourselves with the acceptance of whatsoever we offered of hospitality, even if it was little. It is no longer how much we did; it is how much was accepted and approved. We tu...rn to our guest and present our case and say: “Please, accept the little of our hospitality, for what you saw was indeed the utmost we could afford of our generosity.”
Ali bin Abi Talib â€ŽØąØķŲŠ اŲ„Ų„Ų‡ ØđŲ†Ų‡ said, “Be concerned more over the acceptance of your deeds than over the deeds themselves for Allah does not accept deeds except from the righteous. (Al-Ma’idah 5:27)
Abu Ayyoub al-Ansaari May Allah be pleased with him narrated the Messenger of Allah ‎﷚ said: “Whoever fasts Ramadan and then followed it with six days of Shawwal, it would be counted for him as if he had fasted the whole year.” (Muslim)
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Ramadan 1440 | Day 28
Ibn Rajab's Advice on Parting with Ramadan "O Servants of God! The month of Ramadan has resolved to leave, and only a little of it now remains. Those among you who have done well in it, let them see it through till its end. Those who have fallen short, let them finish it with goodly action. Enjoy the remaining few days and nights that are left of it. Bid it farewell with righteous deeds that will testify in your favour before the All-Knowing King. See it... off by parting with it with the purest greeting of peace. O month of Ramadan, be gentle! The tears of the lovers are streaming down at your departure and their hearts are torn asunder at the pain of separation. How can a believer not shed tears upon its (Ramadan) departure, when he does not know if he will live to see it again?
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Eid Al Fitr 2019 Information
Masjid Ghousia follows the local moon sighting calendar.
According to scientific data from reliable sources the new moon is expected to be sighted in the UK as well as Morocco, South Africa and other countries on Tuesday 4th June 2019.
... Therefore it is very much expected 1st Shawwal will be on Wednesday 5th June.
The FINAL confirmation announcement will be made on Tuesday (4th June 2019) night.
[Please make sure you have given your Eid Al Fitr Fitrana before Eid day.]
Also, we HIGHLY encourage everyone to revive the sunnah to go out and sight the moon on Tuesday night.
Eid Al Fitr Fitrana - ÂĢ4 First Eid Namaaz - 08:30am Second Eid Namaaz - 09:30am
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#TarawihPrayers #Turkey #PresidentErdogan More then 300,000 gathered in Salatul Taraweeh in Istanbul, Turkey last night with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reciting the Holy Quran at the end.
SubhaanAllah a beautiful heart touching voice! âĪïļ
... Allah Huma Zidh Fa Zidh
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Ramadan 1440 | Day 27
Al-Rabia’ bint Mu’awwidh reported: We would order our children to fast and we would make toys for them out of wool. If one of them cried for food, we would give them those toys until it was time to break fast.
[SĖĢahĖĢiĖ„hĖĢ al-BukhaĖ„riĖ„ 1859]
... Ibn Qudamah said, “Fasting the month of Ramadan is an obligation upon every adult, sane Muslim capable of fasting, and children are ordered to fast if they able.”
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Ramadan 1440 | Day 26
Laylat-ul-Qadr is an honorable night which Allah ‎ï·ŧ gave great characteristics to show its virtue and status, of which: - It is the night in which the Qur'an was revealed as Allah ‎ï·ŧ says: "Verily, We have sent it (this Qur'ÃĒn) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree)."
... [Surat Al Qadr: 1]
- Allah ‎ï·ŧ described it as a blessed night by his saying: "We sent it (this Qur'ÃĒn) down on a blessed night (27th Ramadan) in the month of RamadÃĒn - the 9th month of the IslÃĒmic calendar. Verily, We are ever warning [mankind that Our Torment will reach those who disbelieve in Our Oneness of Lordship and in Our Oneness of worship]." So, it is blessed because of its abundant goodness, great virtue, and the great rewards which Allah ï·ŧ gives to those who perform Qiyam (Voluntary Night Salah) out of faith and hoping for Allah's Reward.
[Surat Ad-Dukhan: 3]
- Allah ï·ŧ states: "The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping AllÃĒh in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months)."
[Surat Al Qadr: 3]
Blessed people today InshaAllah the Khatmul Quran will be completed at Jamia Masjid Ghousia. We cordially invite all to come masjid at 10:55pm. There will be a short programme consisting Tilawath, Naats and a short speech by none other than his eminence Mufti Abdul Qadeer Sahib.
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The Alimiyyah Programme (Dars E Nizami)
Coming soon to Peterborough!
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ðŸŒđâœĻ💐Jummah Mubarak💐âœĻðŸŒđ
Ramadan 1440 | Day 25
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, ‎﷚ made it an obligation upon people to pay charity at the end of Ramadan (Zakat al-Fitr), a portion of dates or barely upon every freeman and servant, every male and female among the Muslims.
... “Wealth will not be decreased by giving charity. And a forgiving slave must be rewarded by Allah with authority.”
[SĖĢahĖĢiĖ„hĖĢ al-BukhaĖ„riĖ„ 1433] [Muslim, no. 2588]
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Ramadan 1440 | Day 24
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, ‎﷚ encouraged standing for night prayer in the month of Ramadan, without imposing it on them. The Prophet ‎﷚ would say, “Whoever stands in prayer during Ramadan due to faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” After the Prophet ‎﷚ passed away the matter continued like that, then continued like that during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr Siddiq ØąØķŲŠ اŲ„Ų„Ų‡ ØđŲ†Ų‡ and in the early part of the Caliphate of Umar Ibn Khatab ØąØķŲŠ اŲ„Ų„Ų‡ ØđŲ†Ų‡.
[Sahih Bukhari 1905]

More about Masjid Ghousia Peterborough

Masjid Ghousia Peterborough is located at 406 Gladstone Street, PE1 2BY Peterborough