Md Pt Fitness

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About Md Pt Fitness

Bournemouth Health & Fitness Coach, Helping people LIVE their best life, STRIVE to be the best version of themselves and THRIVE in the healthy world they create. "TOGETHER WE'LL SCALE EVERY MOUNTAIN & BASK IN THE BEAUTIFUL VIEW. "



Great fun being involved in the making of this video. Reid Performance series bikes, something for all terrains and every style of rider.


How's your breathing? See how improving this technique can enrich your life in many ways. šŸ˜Ž give it a try and see how you get on.ā€¦/2 376ā€¦/d31641c46cb6850a


Here is some food for thought....
What are your limiting factors to achieving your health and fitness goals? There are probably 100's we could list, but why not try taking a look in these 5 categories as i think one way or another your may fall into one of them.
... 1- Genetics - Sure we're all different but are you truly near your genetic potential, I'm mean if your genetics are more geared to the opposite of what your asking then maybe here is your limiting factor. built for long distance running yet trying to be a sprinter its not going to help!
2- Exercise - How many steps a day do you take? sit at office, sit in car drive home, sit on sofa watch telly eat sleep repeat, Imagine you had a physical job, walked to work, played sport in the evening. big difference hey!
3- Physiology - if your practicing good exercise and nutrion habits and things just not shifting the way they should then maybe just maybe somethings not functioning properly. but if your not working with your nutrition and getting your exercise in then don't jump to this option.
4- Mindset - having all the knowledge in the world means nothing if you don't take action. Create good habits, Practice Daily and repeat. its in all in your mental attitude.
5- Nutrition - Poor nutrition holds you back good nutrition propels you forward.
Try and identify some of your limiting factors, put them on paper and see how you could make some small changes.
I'll bet after some time of practicing the better habits you'll see your Goals getting ever closer.
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Love this, and so true.


When we create a grand vision of how things ā€œought to beā€, itā€™s natural to feel a bit of disappointment afterwards. We're often happier about the idea or vision of something than the thing itself. This is especially true if you have a case of The Shoulds.
The Shoulds
... "Comparison is the thief of joy."ļæ½ā€”Theodore Roosevelt
The Shoulds is a horrible disease. Nobody is immune. People who have The Shoulds suffer mental and emotional torment.
* They think they should run (or [insert activity here])ā€¦ even if they hate itā€¦ because thatā€™s what ā€œfit peopleā€ do.ļæ½ * They think they should look like a fitness magazine coverā€¦ even if that image is total BSā€¦ because thatā€™s what ā€œfit peopleā€ look like.ļæ½ * They think they should be leanerā€¦ even if itā€™s not right for them, or even if they have made amazing progressā€¦ because thatā€™s what ā€œfit peopleā€ are.ļæ½ * They think they should have worked harderā€¦ even if they did their bestā€¦ because thatā€™s what some imaginary GI Joe is probably doing right now.ļæ½ The Shoulds is a nasty affliction. The Shoulds will run through your innards faster and more painfully than an extra-spicy bran burrito. The Shoulds will fill your head with the snot of a thousand unfulfilled dreams. The Shoulds will choke your lungs with all the things you cannot express because you are ashamed and afraid. The Shoulds will make you ache all over with the pain of inadequacy and despair. As your psychic Kleenex and spiritual vomit accumulates, you think you are the only weirdo on the planet who does not love or do all these things you should do. Your flesh will be a testament to your failure.
You ā€œcompare and despairā€. You are convinced that everyone is better, smarter, fitter, leaner, more together, etc. than you.
You make ā€œif-thenā€ rules about the universe such as: * ā€œIf I lose 10 (20, 50 etc.) pounds (or gain those same pounds of muscle), then I should be happy forever.ā€ļæ½ * ā€œIf I have a perfect diet/training program, then I should have a perfect life.ā€ļæ½ * ā€œIf I follow PN Coaching perfectly, then all my problems should go away.ā€ (Well, that part is true.)ļæ½ This is a tragic wasting disease. You waste your life, your time, your energy, and your warrior spirit on The Shoulds.
There is a cure: What IS.
What IS rather than ā€œwhat should beā€
What IS, is real. It is authentic. It is who you truly are, in all your warty, majestic, flawed and gloriously human splendor. It is this magnificent moment, RIGHT NOW. It is the deliciousness of imperfection that is honestly experienced and the testament to a life lived. It is a celebration of gratitude and awareness. Open your eyes and your heart and look around at what IS. Marinate in the spicy-sweet-sour deliciousness of what IS. What you ALREADY have.
To cure The Shoulds:
* Take two ā€œwhat ISā€ pills. * Drink plenty of fluids. * Check in to your real life. * Repeat daily.
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A body transformation is ā€œinside outā€. The work to be done to become happier, fulfilled, in control, or a true athlete is not specifically on the asphalt or the treadmillā€¦ but within. ā€”Coach Krista Schaus


Welcome to The Grind
Youā€™re now in the phase we call The Grind. You discover that while you feel better from sticking to healthier habits, losing a few pounds or having a better bench press hasnā€™t magically changed your life. Sure, youā€™re doing all the right stuff. Eating your vegetables. Planning your meals.... But when you enter The Grind you realize: Now you have to do these things over and over and over again. Ho hum.
After enlightenment, the laundry.ļæ½ā€” Zen saying
The Grind is good It's not the sexiest stage of change, but The Grind is good. The Grind gives us time to think. Time to evaluate. Time to practice. In The Grind, we donā€™t have to think about how weā€™re going to do things. We know by now how to pack those containers with our protein and veggies, how to cook broccoli, how to click ā€œYesā€ on our habits. That frees up some space in our brains to think about the why. So while it might seem like The Grind is a time of boredom or struggle, itā€™s actually a time of incubation, practice, and mastery. While you punch your card and do your habits, your new, fitter, leaner self is growing stronger. You have time to reflect on who you've become, and what you really want right now. What's YOUR new why?
Today, think about why you want to continue... * What is important to you? * What is meaningful? * What keeps you engaged?
If you feel like youā€™ve lost your way or canā€™t remember why the heck you started this, donā€™t worry.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.ļæ½ā€” Reggie Leach
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Sometimes it is good, others it is bad, Find your sweet spot and thrive.


Understand that sometimes, more isnā€™t betterā€¦ better is better. Past a certain point, more and more exercise, combined with fewer and fewer calories, stops working, especially if youā€™re already relatively fit, and already in a healthy weight range.
Focus your energy. Be a laser beam, not a scattergun. Pour your energy into doing your absolute best at the few things that truly matter: lessons and habits.
Make recovery ā€” what you do between workouts ā€” just as important as Remember the allostatic load ā€” the straw and the camel concept. If youā€™re training hard but under-recovering, you wonā€™t see as many benefits.
Listen to your body.Use your mind-body scan to observe and read your body cues.
Mix it up.Thereā€™s a time for tough workouts and a time for taking it easy. Thereā€™s a time for long runs, and thereā€™s a time for throwing a frisbee around. Look at your workout journal and see whether you can mix things up.
Remember the purpose of your Fitness journey.Weā€™re all here to transform our bodiesā€¦ but weā€™re also here to be happy and healthy. Stay focused on what is truly important, meaningful, and valuable to you about this process. Oh yeah, and have fun!
Most of the time, just tap the gas or brake pedalā€¦ gently. Put in a good effort, kick some butt, then relax. And if doing ā€œeverythingā€ today seems overwhelming, what about just doing ā€œsomethingā€? Go for a walk. Do some yoga. Have a swim. Again, mix it up!
Have fun.(Did I mention that already?) Play. Goof around. Do activities that bring you joy.
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Today, I just want to give you two simple reminders.
* You can't out-train a poor diet.ļæ½ * Consistency beats compensation.ļæ½
... You can't out-train a poor diet (Trust us. we've tried.)
No matter how hard you bust your butt in the gym or on the track, a lean body and top athletic performance comes mostly from smart food choices. Exercising to "burn calories" or make up for "mistakes" doesn't work in the long run. Not only does that turn movement into a chore and eating into a sin, but it eventually makes you feel run down and hungrier than ever. So start in the kitchen. Choose foods that earn their rent and add value to your body. Eat slowly to 80% full. Then enjoy exercise and movement because it makes you stronger, fitter, and healthier (instead of trying to "work off" something "bad").
Consistency, not compensation
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Consistency (i.e. small daily actions you do every day) works better than compensation (i.e. frantically trying to make up for a "mistake"). You feel better when you focus on consistency. More in control. More relaxed. Happier. And you get better results, too.
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A calm finish to a lovely day. It's not all about the training and nutrition. Stop look listen and breathe. #relax #breathe #calming #stressfree #recharge #lovethelifeyoulive #loa #healthylife #coastlife #fitness #mindfulness


Awesome crew working up an appetite @fit_body_bournemouth #healthylife #toughstuff #effective #training #results #lovethelifeyoulive #healthiswealth #bootcamp


Food Prep, an important part of any fun, healthy, action packed weekend. Takes no time at all! "Failing to plan is planning to fail" Have a great weekend All!


Are you over-processing your fitness?
Getting bogged down in details? Remember to keep exercise simple.
... * Do what you can with what you have.ļæ½Just move, as often as you can, in any way you can. ļæ½ * Move as often as possible.ļæ½Be as consistent as you can with your regular exercise program (if you have one), and try to get little daily-life movements too, like taking the stairs or putting some extra energy into housework.ļæ½
* Make your exercise fit YOU.ļæ½Do activities you enjoy. Adjust them to accommodate your fitness level, injuries, etc. Go at your own pace.ļæ½
* Something is always better than nothing.ļæ½Even if you can't do a full workout, a few minutes of movement is still better than zero.ļæ½
* Focus on moving well.ļæ½Learn about how to exercise properly ā€” get help from a trainer and/or read up on what you're doing. Practice. Master good technique before you make things harder.ļæ½
* Use the equipment you have available to you.ļæ½If you donā€™t have the perfect setup, improvise. If you have two working legs and a ground, you can walk. If you have a heavy thing, you have a weight you can lift.ļæ½
* Keep it fun.ļæ½Whether you love bowling, ballroom dancing, dodgeball, or competitive cup stacking...just get moving. This is your time to do something good for your body.ļæ½
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Got to be a favourite #sogood #nutrition #healthy #results #fitness #lifestyle #motivation #coach #personaltrainer #lovethelifeyoulive #fitfam #fitnessjourney


Love coaching PN principles #simple #effective #coaching #motivation #healthiswealth #nutrition #personaltrainer #lovethelifeyoulive building good habits creates long term change.


Hi I'm Matt Dellar
Welcome to my page MD PT FITNESS
Come and be part of my Health & Fitness based community, Join like minded people who want to have fun, train hard, get results and enjoy life.
... I'm a HABIT BASED PERSONAL TRAINER that wants to help YOU get into the best shape of your life. I specialise in WEIGHT / FAT LOSS, NUTRITION COACHING, STRENGTH TRAINING and FUNCTIONAL FITNESS.
I've really Tweaked my coaching techniques over the last 20 years of training and have found some real secrets to success that I'm passionate to pass onto you.
By PRACTICING good daily HABITS, creating CONSISTENCY and be ACCOUNTABLE for your actions, You will lose weight, build strength, get your body moving functionally how it's meant to move. Get yourself into healthy hobbies, habits and activities and watch all these things start to take care of themselves for life.
So what are you waiting for?
Get in touch today and let's get fit, healthy and start living.
Yours in Fitness
Matt Dellar 07894813943
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We've been training with Matt for a couple of months now, and every session he pushes us to the max but keeps the sessions varied and interesting. Would definitely recommend.


Matt is an amazing PT. His sessions are great and he's so knowledgable and dedicated. I really feel I'm changing my habits and my patterns of thinking as well as behaviour, AT LAST. I highly recommend Matt and MD PT to anyone wanting to make healthy changes, ditch fat and get really fit.


Matt is a great trainer, pushes me to do my best and then some.

He has an amazing amount of knowledge of fitness and nutrition


I love training with Matt. He is really friendly. He makes you work hard enjoying what you are doing. I love his music :)


Awesome trainer, highly professional and knowledgable #Top

More about Md Pt Fitness
