Mighty Oaks Day Nursery & Preschool

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Mighty Oaks Day Nursery & Preschool

A children’s nursery & preschool that offers the best of the EYFS and outside forest learning within 65 amazing acres near Bournemouth Airport



Take a look at our MIGHTY OAKS children enjoying the use of our outdoor play area ūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľūüĆě
Physical development is an IMPORTANT factor of a child‚Äôs development ūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľ, here at MIGHTY OAKS we fully support and implement that in our daily activities ūüėúūüôĆūüŹĹ .
As you can see our children have a wide range of outdoor play activities to choose from that incorporates physical development ūüĆ≤‚öĹÔłŹūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
... Interested in finding out more?!? Get in touch now by sending us a direct message or giving us a call to arrange a visit and see the wonder of MIGHTY OAKS for yourself. ūüďěūüíĆ
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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Nostalgia time ūüėú
Colouring books and pens have been a part of childhood for decades... It plays a huge part in many developments of a child ūüĎ∂ūüŹľ
... Even us adults still enjoy the focus and concentration of colouring ūüėú
#Nostalgia #MightyOaksDayNursery #OutdoorPlay #Nursery #30HoursFunding
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We all know that it can be hard to make the decision to put our children into nursery. But as the end of the school year approaches, and primary school places have been allocated, parents start to worry about their child being ready for school ūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľ.
One of the best ways of preparing your child for starting school is sending children to nursery school ūüėúūüėä.
... 1. Children learn about routine and times of the day to do things. This is really useful for school. 2. Children learn how to sort out their own lunch and cope without their parents. 3. They‚Äôre used to taking themselves off to the toilet without relying on a parent to help. 4. They‚Äôre less likely to have parental back up for getting changed for PE. 5. They‚Äôre used to a chaos of lots of children playing all over the place. 6. They‚Äôve probably experienced some kind of ‚Äėlesson‚Äô in phonics or at least recognised that there are formal times to sit down and concentrate. 7. They‚Äôve already learnt to be independent and probably got over any upset previously.
So never feel guilty for sending your child to nursery ūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ.
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Here are some of our little ones making use of the building materials here at MIGHTY OAKS ūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľ
Using building materials/blocks requires your #child to put them in a position so that they do not topple over ūüėĚ. As a result, their hand-eye coordination improves the more they play ūüėä This also helps #develop their basic maths ūüďäūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
... #MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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Another quick reminder on being sun smart ūüėä. We would like all our parents, families and staff to take extra precautions for our little MIGHTY OAKS children when enjoying the outdoors in hot weather ‚ėÄÔłŹūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ.
Teaching children to be sun smart is one of the easiest things you can do as a parent/carer, and it's also something that you'll feel great about doing because it prevents serious trouble later ūüôĆūüŹĹūüėä
... Please could you make sure you have packed suncream, a hat, sunglasses, swim nappies (if needed), a towel and a t-shirt/dress that covers their shoulders ūüƧ‚ėÄÔłŹ‚õÖÔłŹ.
#Sunsmart #Heat #Sunsout #Sunprotection
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Are you all ready for the week ahead?
Let the fun, games and learning @MIGHTY OAKS begin ūüė¨ūüė¨
... #MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Newforest #Bournemouth #Preschool
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Happy Friday from everyone here at Mighty Oaks ūüėäūüėäūüėä
Who else has that Friday feeling?!?!? ūüėú
Many of us usually love FRIDAY because it's the start of the weekend meaning more time spent with FAMILY ūüė¨.
... Having things to look forward to has a huge IMPACT on your child‚Äôs way of thinking ūü§Ēūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľ
Whatever your plans for the weekend...Mighty Oaks hope that you have an amazing one ūüėäūüėä
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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Take a look at our MIGHTY OAKS children enjoying some fun outside ‚ėÄÔłŹūüĆą
Here at Mighty Oaks Day Nursery we incorporate outdoor play as much as possible ūüėä. We also support and incorporate physical fun ūüßóūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹáūüŹ ľ
Want to see what all the fuss is about? ūüėú Get in touch now by sending us a direct message or giving us a call to arrange a visit and see the wonder of @Mighty Oaks for yourself. ūüď©
... #MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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Nostalgia time ūüėú
Who can remember these? Although they have been around for decades, they seem to be making a huge comeback ūüė¨ūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
... The Rubik cube can help with improving memory, problem solving, hand-eye coordination and also helps to keep the brain active ūüėä
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider #Nostalgia
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Our MIGHTY OAKS children love to read and look at pictures in books ūüďöūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
Reading and sharing stories can help l them get to know sounds, words and language and #develop early literacy skills ūüėäūüďö. Books spark your child's imagination and stimulate their curiosity ūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ.
Interested in finding out more?!? ... Get in touch now by sending us a direct message or giving us a call to arrange a visit and see the wonder of MIGHTY OAKS for yourself. ūüďěūüíĆ
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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Let‚Äôs welcome back the CHILDREN and STAFF after the weekend! ūüėú ūüėä
Are they prepared for the fun packed week ahead!?!? ūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľūüĆ≤ūüƧ
Let the fun, games and learning begin ūüė¨
... #mightyoaks#nursery#preschool#30hoursfund ing#newforest#forestteaching#childdevelo pment#bournemouth#childcare
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Here are a few of our MIGHTY OAKS little ones using their concentration in colouring! ūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľūüĖć‚úŹÔłŹ
Colouring helps children #develop good finger grip, providing an opportunity to practice holding a pencil the correct way and aids in developing those fine motor muscles in their hands, fingers, and wrist ūüėú‚úŹÔłŹ
Colouring also helps develop a child‚Äôs hand and eye coordination as the child learns to colour within the specified area. Watching and doing and coordinating both actions is a ...developing skill when colouring in ūüĎÄ‚účūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľūüĖć
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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Take a look at our MIGHTY OAKS children taking part in healthy living week and making their own juice from various fruits ūüćäūüćŹūüćďūüćč
Here at MIGHTY OAKS we fully supported and implemented Healthy living week, which celebrated and promoted healthy eating, as well as food provenance, cooking and being active ūüćŹūü•¶ūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
Healthy eating habits are more likely to stay with you if you learn them as a child. That's why it's important that we teach children good habits now ūüėúūüėä.
... #MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Preschool #Childcareprovider
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It‚Äôs NOSTALGIA time again! ūüė¨
This play item has been seen in many toy boxes over the years.... Children and adults used to have hours of fun trying to work it out ūüėú. It definitely helps with the use of fine motor skills...
... It’s CATS CRADLE.... Who remembers these? Did you ever own one?
Here at MIGHTY OAKS we encourage all types of toys and play that improve every part of a child‚Äôs development ūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľūüėä
#Nostalgia #MightyOaksDayNursery #OutdoorPlay #Nursery #30HoursFunding
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As part of our Healthy Living week MIGHTY OAKS got creative again and made a stand up fruit and vegetable shop for our little ones ūüćŹūü•ēūüćčūü•¶
They loved taking it in turns to work behind the counter and be a customer putting items in their baskets ūüćďūüćäūü϶ūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
Role play and imaginative play is a fun activity, and it also allows children to get creative and act out real life roles ūüėäūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
... Here at MIGHTY OAKS we fully encourage role play and imaginative play, which supports the children‚Äôs essential developmental areas of their social and emotional skills ūü§©ūü§ďūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
Interested in finding out more?!? Get in touch now by sending us a direct message or giving us a call to arrange a visit and see the wonder of @Mighty Oaks for yourself. ūüďěūüíĆ
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Bournemouthchildcare #Ringwood #Localbusiness
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We hope you’ve all had an a amazing weekend with family & friends!
PARENTS/CARERS - please remember to keep an eye out in our lost property basket for any missing items ūüėúūüĎēūüĎóūüĎĖ
... MIGHTY OAKS have planned a fun packed week ahead for our little ones ūüĎßūüŹľūü϶ūüŹľ
#MightyOaksDayNursery #Christchurch #Nursery #30HoursFunding #Bournemouth #Newforest #Bournemouthchildcare #Preschool
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Just take a look at the smiles on our MIGHTY OAKS children! ūüėäūüėä
Here at Mighty Oaks we do what we can to incorporate a FUN setting for the children, whether that‚Äôs outdoor play, role play, cooking or indoor play, gaining smiles on their faces is just as important to us ūü϶ūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľ
We really do take pride in providing a happy, healthy and fun setting! ūü§ó
... Interested in finding out more?!? Get in touch now by sending us a direct message or giving us a call to arrange a visit and see the wonder of Mighty Oaks for yourself. ūüďěūüíĆ
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Good morning to our lovely parents!
As I'm sure you've all encountered at some point or another, we often come up against the dreaded ‚ÄúLOST PROPERTY‚ÄĚ piles! ūüė© (please remember to check the basket outside our front door for any bits you might be missing!)
... Here at MIGHTY OAKS we are very keen to ensure that your children‚Äôs favourite jumpers or teddies make it home ūüźĽūüĎßūüŹľūüĎßūüŹľWe would like to help you name their property quickly and easily without the team having to resort to using their trusted Sharpies ūüėä
We are therefore super excited to announce that we have teamed up with MyNametags, recipient of a Queen‚Äôs Award in the UK, recognising the global success and quality of their name tags, and offer a 5% discount on orders using the code "SCHOOL5" ūüôĆūüŹĹūüėú
For every order of personalised labels for children’s clothing and equipment, MyNametags will contribute 24% to our nursery. The more orders My Nametags receives, the more it will donate!
Please help us to return lost clothing and support our nursery by placing an order for labels with MyNametags.
You can order via the following link - www.MyNametags.com - and don't forget to put in our Nursery ID - It's 104941
I will shortly be adding a link on our nursery's website as well to make ordering even easier ūüėä
PS: Don‚Äôt forget ‚Äď you could order for older and younger siblings too!!
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More about Mighty Oaks Day Nursery & Preschool

Mighty Oaks Day Nursery & Preschool is located at Bournemouth University Sports Campus, Chapel Gate, BH23 6BL Christchurch, Dorset
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -