Mustard Seed Project Kenya

About Mustard Seed Project Kenya

Building a school in deprived urban Mombasa Providing quality education and a feeding programme for poor children.

Mustard Seed Project Kenya Description

Mustard Seed Project was born in October 2008 following a visit to a school in a deprived urban area of Mombasa. Our initial plan to paint the school we found and send out resources soon changed and in February 2009 the charity was registered. The school for poor children has now grown from 17 children to 275 in well resourced classes of 25 with a feeding programme. Our excellent qualified teachers have received a huge amount of in-service training from myself (a primary school teacher) and other UK volunteers. The school has the full primary age range 3 - 14 year olds. We have almost completed the building our own school where six classes are learning. The rest of the children are in a rented building. We shall complete construction when funding allows.
We are also supporting the youth through sport.



Not a new photograph but a new story. Since 2011 the Herrod Foundation, a Swiss Charitable Trust, have been donating £7,500 to our feeding programme which was half the cost. Unfortunately, this year they closed leaving us with big hole to fill as for many of our children this is the only food they get each day. But some good news! The Ecclesiastical Movement for Good will give £1,000 to the 500 charities with the largest number of nominations. This money could feed all our children for three weeks. You just need to click on the link below and enter our charity number 1127935 and fill in a few personal details to complete the nomination. There are just five days to go as nominations finish on Friday 17th May so please get everyone you know to nominate us and help feed our children for three weeks.


New website is up. Yay! It's taken me two months to do it. Probably got loads of typos so feel free to let me know. and also let me know if there is anything you feel should have been on the website.

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Rutland Food and Drink Festival is taking place in Oakham this coming Sunday 7th April. An amazing event which is taking place from 11am to 3pm and even more amazing is that there will be a large support there for Mustard Seed Project. If you live locally and you can support us we'd love to see you there.


Sorry to have been so quiet. We were not able to go to Kenya this time because Geoff, the other founding trustee has been sick. Thank you for all your support. All is going well in Kenya and in the next week or two a new website will be appearing. Yay!


My latest report on Global Giving folks.I hope you enjoy it.😊


Today marks the first-ever International Day of Education! This day is meant to remind the world that inclusive, equitable, and quality education is a human right.
Our oldest children took their KCPE exams this time and the mean for the class was B-. We are so proud.


Just got this award from Global Giving. Great to be recognised.


Hi all, I need some help. According to Google Analytics the number visiting our website dropped from 400 a month to 0 in June 2018 and has not recovered. I don't know what has happened. Any suggestions welcomed.🤨😕🤫


Happy New Year! Good news. We're getting closer. Half the money for the new classrooms is promised.


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Help us build another classroom. Matched funding finished on The Big Give but a private donor will match any donations made on that site until 12 noon 4th December.…/New+ classroom+in+Mombasa… 😃


Well done! First classroom funded! - Help us build another one. A private donor will continue with the matched funding until the end of the campaign.


Big Give Christmas Challenge has started -


Mustard Seed Project and the Big Give -


The Kenyan government decided that schools were to be closed from 26th October until 2nd January. A big problem academically but an even bigger one for those who only get to eat what we provide in school. Would you like to prevent a child from starving?

More about Mustard Seed Project Kenya

Mustard Seed Project Kenya is located at 105 Thackers Way, PE6 8LY Peterborough