Nathan Bull Osteopathy

Monday: 14:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Nathan Bull Osteopathy

Osteopathy - treating the person not the problem.

Pain and Injury Rehabiltation Specialist

Traditional roots combined with scientific research

Working from:

Body Consultancy Health Clinics; Ringwood, Verwood and Portchester

Agora Heart; Totton



Most people know about RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), some people know about POLICE (dump Rest for Protection and Optimal Loading) and now there is вңҢ& вқӨ.
PEACE & LOVE highlights two stages of treating soft tissue injuries.
1. PEACE for immediately after the injury.... 2. LOVE for ongoing management after the initial injury calms down.
The key changes to me is the Avoid Anti-Inflammatories. Inflammation is the process of how our body heals injuries: blood flow, immune cells and clotting. Why would you want to slow it down?! If pain is an issue, use paracetamol!
Then once the initial injury has improved, get loading it and let your body tell you how much load is right. This will ultimately create better healing and reduce pain.
Disclaimer: if you have an Autoimmune condition then excessive inflammation needs management.
#peaceandlove #police #rice #softtissueinjury #osteopathyworks #osteopathy #inflammationisgood
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I got these through the post recently as a thank you from the 3 classes of Springhill Catholic Primary school for my presentation on health and fitness.
They did a great job on these cards and it brought a huge smile to my face! Some lively messages too!
Thanks Springhill classes 5IR, 5KS and 5TM! You were awesome.
... #osteopathNo1 !!!
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It's #InternationalOsteopathicHealthcareWeek!!
I hope you would agree those are pretty good stats!
'Find it, Fix it and Leave it alone' was a mantra that we used to say when training but I think I prefer:
... 'Find it, Fix it and Fend it off'
Prevention is better than cure and I aim to provide you with strategies to help prevent reoccurance of your problem.
Get in touch if you need help with #rotatorcuffinjuries, #neckpain, #lowerbackpain, #sciatica, #repetitivestraininjuries, #headaches, #migraines, #shoulderstiffness, #shoulderpain or general #achesandpains.
#didyouknow #osteopathyforhealth #osteopathyworks #physicaltherapy
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It's #InternationalOsteopathicHealthcareWeek and a couple of months ago I was privileged enough to spend time with the students of Springhill Catholic Primary School. (Who were kind enough to allow me to use these photos)
This is me sporting my Trojan's Hockey kit and encouraging young people to get active, get healthy and have fun doing it. рҹҳҒрҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹӨёрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҡ ҙвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҷӮ
We talked about the benefits of exercise on the heart, blood flow and mind with a few practicals that got everyones hea...rts pumping!рҹ’“вқӨрҹ’“
They were brilliantly engaging, enthusiastic and came out with some excellent questions. One that sticks to mind was 'How big is a red blood cell?'. рҹӨ”рҹӨ”рҹӨ” The answer is 7-8micrometers. For comparison, a pinhead is 10x as big!
I hope in a some small way, I was able to excite and encourage them to engage with sport and physical activity. And even maybe a career in Osteopathy!
#osteopathyworks #osteopathy #physicaltherapy #exercise #heart #bloodflow #bodyandmind
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It's International Osteopathic Healthcare Week.
A chance for the International Osteopathic community to show their passion for what we do.
Osteopaths are trained to recognise a breadth of medical conditions, help you manage them or sign post you to the correct healthcare practitioner.
... So don't worry about needing a GP referral, we'll happily help you and correspond with your Doctor as you need us to.
If Osteopathic treatment from me or others has helped you, spread the word so we can help even more people! рҹҷӮрҹ‘ҠрҹҷҢ
#didyouknow #internationalosteopathichealthcareweek #osteopathyworks #osteopath #physicaltherapy #chiropractor #physiotherapy
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I'm not sure a hard ball with spikes can claim to have so many benefits!
Many of the effects are the same thing worded differently.
#criticalthinking #massageball #lacrosseball #physicaltherapy


NCSD instead of NAD?
NAD stands for 'Nothing Abnormal Detected'. A common abbreviation used to signify if a test was negative or your observations were as expected... it's a good thing usually!
But what is 'abnormal'? рҹӨ” and by using 'NAD' do we expect abnormal to be a problem? Is abnormal always wrong? Generally speaking from an musculoskeletal stand point,... no.
... So what we should use instead is NCSD: 'Nothing Clinical Significant Detected'.
So you may have a slightly twisted spine, you may have a slight hike in one shoulder, you may have a slightly longer leg than another, you may have this that and the other... but it can be NCSD!
The subtleties are important sometimes but we shouldn't over stress these or become too fixated on them.
Treat the person as a whole :)
#osteopathyworks #nad #changingperceptions #osteopathy #physicaltherapy
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Saw this and had to share it!
This goes for politics, health care, the media in general, scientific literature, hear-say, almost everything!
Just because someone wrote it down or said it does NOT make it true. Especially on the 1st April!
... Being critical is a skill, so train it! Question everything!
If you've found an article or heard advice you are not sure about, why not ask me for a second opinion! рҹ§җ
Now I'm off to enjoy a week in the Bahamas. вңҲпёҸвңҲпёҸ
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This is massively interesting and surprising!!!рҹҳІрҹҳІрҹҳІ
Like the least exciting super power.
But consider the implications this could have on chronic/persistent pain treatment? рҹӨ”рҹӨ”рҹӨ”
... We should note that we do not want to irradicate pain entirely. It is not like a bacteria or virus.
Pain is essential for life. If we didn't have it, we wouldn't have got this far as a species. It is our alarm system and prevents us from harming ourselves further.
It's surprising this lady hasn't tried to walk into a bonfire 'Daenerys Targaryen style' because 'it felt strange but enjoyable!' like her giving birth experience.рҹҳҶрҹҳҶ
What super power would you want!?
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We all want quick results with minimal effort.
But things are worth more if you've had to work hard for it.
But this often means starting from the ground up. Walk before you Run! This is a great metaphor but can be also taken literally!
... The couch to 5K NHS scheme is a great example of this.
Our body is great at adapting gradually to change, but not so much to sudden abrupt change.
We've all experienced doing an exercise for the first time... our body hurts after! But after a few times.... our bodies get used to it.
So if you are getting back into a sport, activity or hobbie you haven't done for a while. Walk before you can run. Allow your body to adapt and you'll reduce your chances of injury and pain.
#osteopathyworks #osteopathy #healthandfitness #couchto5k #gradualloading #loadthemtissues #bodyworks #injuries #fitness #doms
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Let's start Spring with a spring in YOUR step. #osteopathyworks


This morning I told a patient it's good to push yourself, but don't hurt yourself.
It's a simple way to summarise the idea of gradual progression.
The body adapts very well to gradual increases or variations in an exercise. It promotes strength, endurance, flexibility... basically whatever your goal is, you gradually build up to it, reducing the risk of injury.
... No one expects anyone to lift crazy weight or run really quickly or recovery from injury straight away! It's unreasonable and our body takes longer than that.
So do yourself a favour and push yourself to improve/adapt/change but not so much that you hurt yourself in the process!
Want to understand how to do this? Get in touch!
#osteopathyworks #gradualprogression #training #exercise #pushyourself #lowerbackpain #shoulderpain #neckpain #osteopathy
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рҹ“—рҹ“ҳрҹ“ҷ Story of my Life Book Covers рҹ“—рҹ“ҳрҹ“ҷ
This did make me laugh.
What have you done recently that has made you realise that maybe you could be doing more to better your health?
... My personal one is getting back to playing hockey. It brings a lot of fun and fitness to my life that I have missed over the last 7 years!
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It's a day of over spending on chocolate, roses cards and other red and fluffy stuff.
But why not give the one you love something real this Valentines:
рҹ’‘ A moment away from the TV and have a DMC (Deep meaningful conversation)
... рҹ’‘ Share time cooking and laughing together (maybe even a glass of рҹҚ·)
рҹ’‘ Enjoy a walk in the crisp air and reminisce on memories
These experiences will last longer than that box of chocolates, and you'll probably feel better for it too!
вқӨ Happy Valentines вқӨ
#breakingtradition #valentines #healthyheart #healthysoul #healthymind #love #exercise #mentalwellbeing #happyvalentines #itsstilloktobuyrosestheyareprettyrealtoo
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Vaguely relevant fact for the day рҹӨ”рҹӨ”рҹӨ”
I've heard a lot of good things about Iceland recently but what a clever idea this is! How could this potentially benefit the country and wider population...?!?
... During this time Iceland only had 1 channel, so it would be difficult for complete TV silence with so many channels nowadays! But the principle is worth considering...
Could you go 1 day a week with no TV? рҹҳҜ No DVDs/ Bluerays? рҹҳ® No Youtube? рҹҳІ No Netflix? рҹҳӯ
And meet up with friends or family instead?рҹӨ”
Would you think you'd feel better for it? рҹӨ—рҹҳғ
Social interactionsрҹ‘Ҙрҹ‘Ҙ+ movement рҹҸғрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸҫвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ= holy grail рҹҚә
#nosuchthingasafishfacts #vaguelyrelevantfacts #vrf #1423facts #tv #iceland #sedentarylifestyle #whatagoodidea #socialinteractions #makemoves #keepmoving #lovemoving #lovemovement
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This is a brilliant article on movement at work.
What 'stealth move' could you do at work? рҹӨ”
I like to squat when reaching for low down shelves/draws!!
... People are so worried about posture at work but what about the lack of movement?
Our body craves movement which is why we ache and hurt when in one position too long!
Get up and make moves!рҹҸғрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’ғрҹ•әрҹӨёвҖҚвҷӮ пёҸрҹӨёвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Your body (and perhaps your boss due to increased productivity) will thank you for it!
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Thought for the day... рҹӨ”рҹӨ”рҹӨ”вқ“вқ“вқ“
You may feel that going to the gym is a punishment (sometimes!)... Well for 100 years up until the 20th century, it was!
Funny how things change...
... Of course, we are lucky enough now that we can choose to do it and we have a variety of machines and weights to try with helpful PTs to help us along.
Personally I'd take the treadmill over the rack any day, but even some patients like the idea of being stretched out to their limits!
So next time you are running, be happy in the knowledge that you can stop whenever you like! рҹҳӮрҹҳҒрҹҳӮ
Just keep running! рҹҸғрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸҫвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
#nosuchthingasafishfacts #vaguelyrelevantfacts #vrf #treadmill #gym #fitness #cardio #weightlose
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Six Nations is here... рҹҸүрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у  Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу ҒҘу Ғ®у  Ғ§у ҒҝрҹҮ®рҹҮ№рҹҮ«рҹҮ·рҹҮ®рҹҮӘрҹҸү
Let's see if we can improve on last year рҹҷ„
#sixnations #rugby #englandrugby

More about Nathan Bull Osteopathy

Monday: 14:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -