Neuroharmony Studio

About Neuroharmony Studio

We are highly trained Complimentary Therapy Practitioners heping find wellbeing soliutioms with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Training.

Neuroharmony Studio Description

We are highly trained Complimentary Therapy Practitioners helping find wellbeing soliutions with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Training, VoiceBio body diagnostics and OH Psychological Methaphoric cards:
1. Neurofeedback.
Modern neuroscience is sparking a revolution - it has shown us that we have more personal control over the behaviour of our brains than we ever thought possible. We can change attitudes, beliefs, emotional states, and behaviour; all by using the power of neuroplasticity.

Our leading-edge neurofeedback brain training programmes harness the brain’s capacity for change, training your mind so you can operate at your peak. The ability to strengthen your cognitive weaknesses, to re-route thought patterns and break emotional habits can be life-changing.

High performers achieve enhanced focus, mental resilience and decision ability. We aid children’s development and learning skills, and provide symptom resolution for a variety of emotional and brain-based conditions

2. VoiceBio body diagnostics.
Fueled by electro-magnetic energy and organized according to a unique DNA blueprint, the various organs, glands and systems of the human body are meant to function independently, yet as a whole. The heart, lungs, pancreas and nervous system all have specialized jobs requiring specialized resources. However, to maintain health, all systems and organs must be in constant communication and interacting equitably. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop, first presenting warning symptoms and then more severe challenges.
The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. In other words, each organ has its own keynote frequency that resonates to the particular nutrients, minerals and sound vibration required for function. As an example, the colon vibrates to the note of B, while the liver vibrates to the note of G. Fortunately, for our sanity, the frequencies of our organs and systems function outside the range of human hearing. There are in all, 12 keynote frequencies present in the human body:

C C # D D # E F F # G G # A A # B
The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music. And just as the note of C appears several times on a piano keyboard at varying octaves, the note of C appears many times in the body. The voice, being the composite sound of the human being, is representative of all of the frequencies in the body.
What happens during a VoiceBio session?
1) The client speaks three different voice samples into a highly sensitive microphone.
2) A computer instantly sorts and graphs the frequency tones, ignoring word content.
3) The practitioner then utilizes a computer-generated chart to discuss which frequencies are present and which are missing. . . along with possible remedies.
3. OH Metaphoric Cards.
OH Cards stimulate creativity and communication. They’re a cross between a game and a book. As a tool and a springboard for the imagination, these beautiful cards of association are suitable for adults and children of all ages for a wide variety of uses, from art creation to family play to corporate team training.

OH can be used as a co-creative, co-operative game designed to enhance communications, encourage expression, and stimulate imagination through a variety of interpretations. OH stretches our capacity to listen and to respond, to really hear each other without judgement or competitiveness. OH is a way for people to exchange feelings, fantasies, and ideas within a framework that protects privacy and vulnerability. In the game of OH, everyone wins.

OH is a book to which new pages are added every time it is opened.

Each deck can be used on its own or in conjunction with any (or all) of the other decks, like building blocks for creativity. Unlimited variations are possible. Easy-to-follow instructions for play and work are included with every deck.