Newbury Wellbeing

About Newbury Wellbeing

Discover your wellbeing with our directory & calendar of all that's available in the local area for your wellbeing #therapies #yoga #mindfulness & lots more. . Find out what's available at www.



"Nothing in the past is as powerful as what we choose to do in the present moment." – Louise L. Hay
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Great ideas for a Joyful June! :)


Such good news.


Don't miss out.. Our Parts That Make Us Whole: a creative writing workshop with Jacqui Smith.
May 21st 10am - 12pm May 23rd 7-9pm
... Understanding how we create our experience and which bit of us is in the driving seat, on any given day, is a gift.
We can only introduce change to improve our life when we are more clear about what does and doesn't work for us.
Come and explore with me. We will use creative writing, mindfulness, creative visualisation and craft to stimulate creativity and have fun.
For more information: /#event=30209867
Write Now for Wellbeing #DiscoverYourWellbeing #wellbeing #creativewriting #mindfulness
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Your weekly update on what’s available to help you discover your wellbeing in & around Newbury plus wellbeing tips for mind, body and soul. llbeing-1264089
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"Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them." - ECKHART TOLLE
A quiet mind is not a mind with no thoughts. Rather, it is a decision you make to embrace every emotion and thought within you.
... Here’s the irony: When you embrace all your thoughts without judgment, no matter how annoying they are, your mind will calm down.
So don’t resist your thoughts. Don’t beat yourself up for thinking too much. If you do, you are giving yourself unnecessary stress and anxiety. Thinking is the core function of your mind, and you are going to hear mental dialogue whether you like it or not.
Read more:…/how-to-be-pres ent-peaceful-cant-s…/ Tiny Buddha
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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - HENRY S. HASKINS
Day to day we may face many obstacles in life. Yet these obstacles are more than matched by the strength that we have inside ourselves.
... The more we put our faith in this belief, the easier it will be for us to overcome the obstacles in our way.
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"When you are kind to others it not only changes you, it also changes the world." - HAROLD KUSHNER
Being kind is an important way of bringing meaning to our own lives. It also brings joy to the lives of others around us. Being kind allows us to communicate better, be more compassionate, and also to be a positive force in people's lives.
... Kindness has its true source deep within you, and while some people are innately kind, it's something that everyone can cultivate by choice.
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"The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realize a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy." - THICH NHAT HANH
We can never know how deeply our actions in life affect others. Chances are, you may inspire others every day without even realising it.
... Read more:…/5-simpl e-ways-to-inspire-o…/ @mindfueldaily
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"As we cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves, we also nourish peace and happiness in those we love." - THICH NHAT HANH
Even if happiness is already manifesting, we have to continue to nourish it. This is sometimes called conditioning, and it’s very important.
... We can condition our bodies and minds to happiness with the five practices of letting go, inviting positive seeds, mindfulness, concentration, and insight.
Read more: -nurturing-happin…/ @lionsroarbuddhism @lionsroar
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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - ELEANOR ROOSEVELT
Dreams give us a direction to sail for. There are dreams that come and go each night. And there are deeper dreams – the ones that shape our futures into all the beauty and goodness we imagine.
... What is your dream?
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"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - ARISTOTLE
Our daily habits make us who we are. If you do everything with excellence, you will reach excellence. If you do everything with mediocrity, you will become a mediocre person.
... The choice and the act is up to you.
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"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace." - THE DALAI LAMA
Imagine yourself as a tuning fork. You're constantly attuned to some sort of signal, and that signal is the greatest influencer of your overall mental and emotional well-being.
... By adjusting yourself ever so slightly, a little at a time, you gradually come closer and closer to attuning to your natural state, or true nature.
As you do this, you also become more "attuned" to peace, happiness, and overall greater freedom through having realized great clarity about the true nature of yourself and the world around you.
Read more: -way
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