Powerhouse Pilates Studio Meldreth

About Powerhouse Pilates Studio Meldreth

Our boutique studio offers Pilates one-to-one and two person sessions, as well as small group classes (max. 6 people) in Mat Pilates
From the 2nd November 2017 we will be running Hatha Yoga classes.



Merry Christmas one and all. Not just Pilates and Yoga but Kettlebells ad well.


Power House Pilate Studio, Located in Meldreth. Is pleased to present our Winter timetable. We have added new Yoga and Pilates classes. Small class size at affordable prices.


Pilates. Mindful movement. Control your movements because it helps you to control your mind. Mindful movements and Pilates. Have you ever noticed that the class you are participating in goes by really quickly. That is because you are focused on the the moment and focused on the movement. Feeling the muscles working targeting the correct area for the exercise. Enjoy, its not all about smashing through the repertoire.It is about control. It is about the mindful movement and the endless journey to perfect the move.


Pilates For Weight Loss
Can Pilates help with weight loss? A frequently asked question which has a simple answer. Yes but! Isn’t there always a but. It is this. Pilates can help you lose weight except you must use it along side a healthy nutrition plan.... Food energy is counted in calories. The average person requires between 2000 and 2500 calories per day to maintain their current level of weight and muscle. To lose weight you must consume less than your daily allowance of calories. This causes a calorie deficit and the body uses stored fat to fuel the body. Exercise adds to the consumption of calories for example the average person burns between 80 and 160 calories per mile walk (Depending on speed and terrain and weight carried) The average hour-long Pilates class burns between 300 and 500 calories One hour of walking or Pilates are roughly on a par in exercise terms in relation of burning calories and helping to create a calorie deficit, however this does not consider the Pilates effect.
1.Pilates helps build long lean muscles 2.Pilates helps to strengthen and stabilise the core muscles. 3.Helps with injury prevention. 4.Can help bring relief from stress and back pain. 5.Helps to improve balance and coordination. 6.Helps with Athletic performance. 7.Improves and heightens the Mind body connection. 8.Increases self-confidence and makes you feel good.
In conclusion yes, Pilates can help you lose weight especially if used along side a healthy nutrition plan.
If you require more information about Pilates classes, please contact us at the studio or via Facebook.
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Pilates for men. Sort out your gut! Sort out your core!


10 Reasons why Pilates is good for runners.
So, you are a runner. Have you picked up any of those irritating little injuries or perhaps you have been forced to stop your favourite method of cardio because of a slightly more serious injury? Running is not without its risks and injuries are inevitable. Perhaps you need to look at the benefits of regular Pilates classes to keep you running injury free and to improve your running experience.
... Here are 10 reasons for doing regular Pilates classes.
1. It strengthens and tones all the muscles that we call the core. Remember all movement starts with the core. 2. Helps to correct postural imbalances which in turn leads to the decreased risk of injury. 3. Helps to improve functional movement patterns. It also aids in stability of the lumbar pelvic area. 4. Strengthens the back muscles and Glutes which provides better shock absorption especially when going downhill. 5. Improves breath control and helps to fully engage the diaphragm leading to a better deeper and more efficient breathing pattern. 6. Aids in quicker and better recovery from your run. 7. Helps to improve balance which in turn helps with stability. 8. Improves flexibility and mobility. 9. Regular Pilates can lead to improving your speed and endurance through all the above mention points. 10. Improves the mind body link and helps concentration. 11. Bonus: Should you get injured then Pilates can be a good way to help rehabilitate back to running. If you want to know more about Pilates or give it a try, then contact us at the Studio either by Facebook or our website info@powerhousepilatesstudio.co.uk to book your place on one of our Introduction to Pilates courses. If you like this article, then please like and share.
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Our Introduction to Pilates course is designed for the beginner to Pilates which will give you the Essential moves and confidence to join one of our more advanced classes. Carried out in a small class or possibly even 121.


A Pilates class aimed at the Male who knows that all movement starts with the core and wants to protect their back from the stress and strains of the day


We don’t just do Pilates at the Power House Studio we also do Hatha Yoga. Our laid-back classes are an ideal way to introduce yourself to the Asanas. Here are just 10 of the main benefits of regular Yoga practice. 1. Helps build strength and flexibility. 2. Your mental health and mental focus can greatly improve.... 3. Helps with the normalization of body weight and can help with weight loss. 4. Helps with your balance and stability. 5. Aids in building and maintaining a good upright and strong posture. 6. Greatly improves respiratory efficiency. 7. Helps to regulate and normalise your blood pressure. 8. Can aid in preventing degenerative diseases. 9. Helps with hormonal balance. 10. It can be a help with rehabilitation from injury. If You want to have a go at Hatha Yoga with us why not contact us and book a taster session.
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We hope that you are all enjoying the heat, that said it will soon be Christmas!!!! Time to start thinking about your fitness again. If you are thinking Pilates, then hear are 10 benefits of STOTT Pilates. 1. Helps build and maintain longer, leaner muscles. 2. Helps build and maintain Core strength and stability.... 3. Injury prevention. 4. Relief from stress and back pain. 5. Aids in building a better posture. 6. Improves balance and coordination. 7. Enhanced athletic performance. 8. Helps with effective post-rehabilitation. 9. Heightened Mind-Body awareness. 10. Increased Self-confidence.
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We are pleased to announce our latest class timetable. We have introduced more Hatha Yoga classes due to the interest we have received. We have also added an introduction to Pilates for the beginners and explorers of Pilates. Yes we have a Mens group for Pilates for the more self conscious male.


We hope everyone has had a great time over Christmas and the New Year. Classes are running as normal this week with new classes added Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. If you are interested in Pilates or Yoga, please contact the studio to find out about classes.


CLASS INFO FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR Classes will resume in the New Year starting at 10:00 AM Tuesday 2nd January 2018


Wishing every one a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Make your new year a Pilates one.


We still have a couple of places left n the new Hath a Yoga classes of any one is interested in trying a class.


Mats,mirrors ,barrels and small equipment. Waiting to be used.


Very friendly, with small classes for one to one help would deffinatly recommend them


Very friendly, with small classes for one to one help would deffinatly recommend them


Very friendly, with small classes for one to one help would deffinatly recommend them


Very friendly, with small classes for one to one help would deffinatly recommend them

More about Powerhouse Pilates Studio Meldreth

Powerhouse Pilates Studio Meldreth is located at Cambrad Building, College Farm Business Park Unit 1b, SG8 6NT Meldreth
078 747 191 55