Reflexology With Brendon Collins.

About Reflexology With Brendon Collins.

Reflexology can help with,
Stress, tension and anxiety
MS and ME
Back and general pain relief
Sinus problems
Strengthening of the immune system
Improves sleep.



Sat 4th, I will be at the Mind,Body and Spirit show at Barnham Broom village hall,30 min treatment just £10, from 10 in the morning until 4.


This is the time of Exam Stress, if your teenagers are having problems, call me on 07584 741123, As a Reflexologist I can help, do not allow these young adults to SUFFER!!!


Todays post, As from today, 23rd of May 2018, the cost of a full treatment has been reduced to £30, the ongoing cost of £15 for the first treatment is still maintained, if you need to speak to me and need more information, or would like to book an appointment, Tel 07584 741123.


Todays Topic, Friday 18th may 2018, Body Maintenance, Reflexology can be used to keep the body"Ticking Over" nicely, and an hour every month can aid with stress, and helps the body TOP UP its batteries, what can be better than one hour of relaxation, we all need this, Tel 07584 741123.


Todays post, 15th May 2018, Fertility, This is a very emotive subject with couples wanting to have children, Refelexology can help with this, and one reflexologist in the UK treated 23 women wanting to conceive, and 13 became pregnant, and they all claimed the reflexology helped. It is usually recommended that the male partner also comes for treatment, and there might have to be some adjustments to lifestyle, ie, if the person smokes and drinks alcohol this sometimes can lower sperm count, so abstinance from this can help, Tel for more information or an appointment, 07584 741123.


Todays Post, 11th May 2018, Postoperative pain, Reflexology can help with this as after an operation, and before an operation the person is under extreme stress and anxiety, after the body has been subjected to an anaesthetic, which has side effects, and the immune system has been lowered by medication, as well as pain, and reflexology has been found to speed the healing process, so if you, or you know someone who has recently had surgery contact me, Tel 07584 741123.


Todays Topic, Constipation, Yes we have all suffered with this, it can be caused by many things, such as medication, stress, and lack of activity, or a simple thing such as not enough fluid uptake, the body re absorbs 98% of all the fluid taken in through the lining of the Colon, obviously if you are not drinking enough your body will still take as much water as it needs, causing you to lose water in the colon, therefore the feaces becomes hard and you cannot pass it, Reflexology can help, Tel 07584 741123.


Todays Topic, MS, this is a neurological condition where the outer covering of the nerves called myelin is damaged, more like the insulation on electrical wiring, this causes like a Short in the circuit, and this then affects the nervous system causing very unpleasant symptoms, since 1996 i have only treated one person with this, but, the person really felt the benefit of what reflexology offered, For more information, or to make an appointment, Tel 07584 741123.


Todays Topic, The side effects of Chemotherapy, I have suffered the side effects of Chemo, i had nausea, and weakness, skin problems and bone pain, I used reflexology to help with this, and many people have noticed the benefit as well, if you or you know someone who is suffering at the moment, contact me, i can help, 07584 741123


Todays Topic, General aches and pains, Everyone suffers with these, especially those of us who, have a very physically demanding job, or people who exercise. The fitter someone is, the lower their immune system is because they are stressing the body, no different than mental stress, i can help with this, Tel 07584 741123, First treatment under half price.


Todays Topic, FIBROMYALGIA, This is a very painful condition, that seems to affect more women than men, it has a plethora of symptoms as you can see in the illustration here, Reflexology CAN help, but it takes time with conditions such as this, as the person is ususally exhausted, with impaired muscle function, but, with a positive attitiude and me treating it should help, tel 07584 741123.


todays Topic, MIGRAINE, There are many migraine triggers, it can be from flickering lights, diet, strong perfume etc,Reflexology can help with this ailment, a study was carried out in Denmark in the mid 90's, whereby 220 people were treated, 16% saw a drastic improvement in symptoms, and 65% believed it helped, Tel 07584 741123 to book an appointment, first app £15.


Todays Topic, See photo, yes, STRESS, something we all have to cope with, 75% of illness is caused by this, when you are stressed adrenalin, is released into your body, and this in turn releases fats and sugars from the liver to give the body more energy, this was used by us thousands of years ago to fight or run away, from animals whilst out hunting or invaders, now someone can be sitting at a computer and the same amount of fat and sugar is going around their body, whilst they are sitting motionless, this is not a good situation day after day, I can help, Tel 07584 741123.


Have had a really good dayNR Health & Fitness Club in Wymondham ,i did a Complimentary Reflexology day had 10 patients over the course of the day, everyone enjoyed the treatment, and i met some very nice people, feeling very happy, Many Thanks to Nathan for making this all possible.


Todays Topic, Babies and Toddlers, Reflexology can be very helpful for the health and wellbeing of these, it can help with aiding sleep, colic, teething, asthma, constipation and many other ailments due to an immature digestive system coping with different foods, Tel 07584 741123, if your children are happy, You are Happy!!!!


Todays topic, The Elderly, when we become older, obviously there are certain problems that we face, as we sit more, we suffer with, constipation, circulation problems, depression, fatigue, etc etc, reflexology can help with this, the treatment just has to be tailored around the fact that the skin on the feet is thinner, so the pressure has to be less, Ring for an appointment, 07584 741123.


Todays topic, The Menopause, As you ladies know, this natural occurance, has many symptoms, hot flushes,sweating, hair loss, insomnia, to name just a few, i can help you to feel better, Tel 07584 741123, first full treatment and patient evalation £15.


Todays word, PMS, Many women suffer with this condition every month, with the feeling of "Being out of Sorts", and having physical symptoms, such as swollen breasts, fluid retention, and tiredness, Reflexology can help, Tel 07584 741123, and those around you will also feel better!!!!

More about Reflexology With Brendon Collins.