Sandler Training M6 Corridor- Roy Johnson & Matthew Dashper-Hughes

About Sandler Training M6 Corridor- Roy Johnson & Matthew Dashper-Hughes

Sandler Sales, Management & Leadership training and consultancy.



This week’s #TuesdayChew with @rRoy Johnson and me is all about The Cost of a Bad Hire
Recruitment is hard.
You can miss out on good people that you should have hired; the “one that got away” syndrome.
... Then there are the False Positives… The bad hires… Potentially the biggest cost and biggest risk your business will ever face. Salary, bonus, time for recruitment, management involvement, onboarding time, loss of productivity … what has it really cost you? Frighteningly, the number adds up to 6 figures very quickly!
If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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Welcome to this week’s #TuesdayChew - with footage from this morning’s weekly Sales Mastery session.
These are tough times but for most entrepreneurs right now, you can almost hear the cogs whirring as they work out how to respond to the ‘new normal’ (however temporary it may be).
The question for many of them is how to retain and recapture clients, and even win new business?
... So, we got asked to provide specific content in response to the current situation: • Last week I ran a session on how to conduct effective and efficient remote meetings. • This week Roy Johnson ran a session on 'No Pressure' Prospecting calls.
In Sandler we teach that you can learn techniques but if you don’t find a way to build them into your behaviours then success won’t come.
The key to stop procrastinating and start ‘doing’ is to identify and address any outlooks of limitation or unhelpful attitudes that may be holding you back.
In this clip from today’s session, Roy is talking about attitudes that are helpful and unhelpful when it comes to prospecting.
If you’d find value in learning more about this and other elements needed to create and maintain a constant sales improvement strategy, comment down below “Crash a Class” and we’ll invite you along to attend one of these Zoom sessions.
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This week’s #TuesdayChew with @Roy Johnson and me is all about The Decision Step
It’s not just a case of asking who the ‘decision maker’ is. You need to understand when, where, and how a decision will get made, what factors need to be taken into account in the decision making process and why decisions get made that way … not to mention who (apart from the person you are speaking to) will need to have some input into the decision.
If you’d like to know more about the topics i...n this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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A little snippet from today's mastery session online with Adrian Hide and Nick Pilgrim in attendance. This was a session on how to use Sandler methodologies and psychology to run more effective and efficient remote meetings... This session was something that was requested in light of the current challenges in the world with an increase in self-isolation and travel bans and having to work from home... would you value a copy of the whole session on video? DM me and I will see what I can do...


This week’s #TuesdayChew with Roy Johnson and me is all about Pain.
‘Pain’ is the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and the personal, emotional, impact that it is having on you… and whether that impact is big enough to give you commitment to do something about it.
If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
... #sandlerduo #business
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This week’s #TuesdayChew with Roy Johnson and me is all about The Value Proposition.
Rule 27 - "You Can't Sell Anybody Anything, They Must Discover They Want It".
It's all about them, not about us.
... Your proposition is only valuable it delivers value to the prospect, and only they can be the judge of that.
You must help them to self-discover that through the quality of questions you ask.
If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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A fantastic testimonial from the excellent Adrian Hide over on LinkedIn today...…/adrianhide_w hat-an-amazing-5-wee…


This week’s #TuesdayChew with Roy Johnson and me is all about OK vs. Not OK
The concept of ‘Okayness’ comes from Eric Berne, the father of Transactional Analysis.
Have you ever blown a sale by making someone feel inadequate or uncomfortable? Maybe you weren't even aware of it at the time? Jargon, buzzwords, overly complex language, specialist terminology... all of this can put your prospect on the back foot.
... If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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We have now added all the dates for the next few months of Sales Foundations and Sales Mastery, the one-day events we have coming up (LinkedIn training, Retail Success in an Online World etc), and our monthly two-hour 'taster' Masterclasses...


This week’s #TuesdayChew with Roy Johnson and me is all about DISC
DISC is an assessment of people’s communication and behavioural styles. We use DISC because it is easy to understand and provides a practical way to assess the person you are speaking with and ensure that your own style is congruent with theirs.
Communication is all about achieving a shared understanding, so it’s helpful to understand how other people see the world!
... If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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This week’s #TuesdayChew with @Roy Johnson and me is all about Bonding & Rapport.
People buy from people (mainly people they can relate to; people who are like themselves).
The biggest problem with communication is the illusion is has taken place.
... We all think, communicate, and behave differently. It helps to understand how to model communication and behavioural styles when managing people or selling to them.
If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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Report: Why Salespeople Fail:…/downloads /why-salespeople-fail
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This week’s #TuesdayChew with @rRoy Johnson and me is all about the PATTERN INTERRUPT.
Sandler Rule Number 35 - "If your competition does it, stop doing it right away".
Is your sales approach prospect-centric, or you-centric?
... Your product or service is probably amazing. That’s why you provide it. You are rightly very proud of it…
…But it could be totally irrelevant to your prospect.
You don’t know yet whether it’s relevant; you have only just met them … so why not be disarmingly honest and admit that up front?
If we don’t take that approach, maybe there’s a risk that it sounds like you called a total stranger just to boast about how awesome all your features are? Even if you can make some intelligent assumptions about how the features might benefit the prospect, and ‘talk up’ these (assumed) benefits, you don’t really know for sure without asking.
If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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This week’s #TuesdayChew with @Roy Johnson and me asks “Why Have a System?”
Having a consciously implemented, intentional, well-designed, clear and efficient process means:
1) Consistency... 2) Predictability 3) Effectiveness and efficiency 4) Not getting pulled into other people’s ways of working (that may suit their agenda but be less favourable to you!)
If you’d like to know more about the topics in this or any other episode of the Tuesday Chew, DM either of us, or comment down below to Crash a Class or book a 1:1 Discovery Meeting.
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9 Key Factors That Lead to Success ve-success
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Morning and happy Sunday all you lovely Sandler people... En route to my gig last night I listened to this short Podcast (under 10 mins). This is from Nir Eyal. Nir is not a Sandler guy, but his work on the psychology of behavioural design draws on many of the same sources of academic rigour that underpin Sandler. This podcast, on the psychology of getting people to do things they don't want to do, touches on the effectiveness of different types of rewards (extrinsic and intrinsic) and has a real relevance when we think not only about Sandler management techniques, but also about UFCs. Pour yourself your beverage of choice, and give yourself 10 minutes to listen to this: 4gez-764688f…


Day 14 of 14.
Shared Vision.
Can everyone in your organisation articulate the company vision? Does it mean something to them? Does it mean the same to them as it means to you?
... At Sandler we have identified 14 common leadership blind spots and, as the name suggests, the problem with blind spots is that you can’t see them.
Over the course of 14 days I am posting short videos giving a summary of each of these blind spots, each with an opportunity for a simple self-assessment; is your business growth being limited by some (maybe even all) of these blind spots?
Roy Johnson and I are running a two-hour masterclass entitled Building a Bulletproof Business on Tuesday 11th of February.
Follow this link to book your place:
If you would rather have a one-to-one Discovery Meeting to discuss the gap between where you are today, and where you would like your business to be, then comment “Discovery” down below and I’ll contact you to talk about having a meeting.
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Day 13 of 14.
Good Change Management.
We know that change is going to happen. That’s the one thing that stays the same.
... However, how do you handle it in your organisation when a change must be made? Is it well communicated?
Is it planned, phased, and ‘fed in’ to your team in a way that allows it to take hold and flourish?
Or does it get dropped like a bomb, and with a similar destructive force?
At Sandler we have identified 14 common leadership blind spots and, as the name suggests, the problem with blind spots is that you can’t see them.
Over the course of 14 days I am posting short videos giving a summary of each of these blind spots, each with an opportunity for a simple self-assessment; is your business growth being limited by some (maybe even all) of these blind spots?
Roy Johnson and I are running a two-hour masterclass entitled Building a Bulletproof Business on Tuesday 11th of February.
Follow this link to book your place:
If you would rather have a one-to-one Discovery Meeting to discuss the gap between where you are today, and where you would like your business to be, then comment “Discovery” down below and I’ll contact you to talk about having a meeting.
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More about Sandler Training M6 Corridor- Roy Johnson & Matthew Dashper-Hughes

Sandler Training M6 Corridor- Roy Johnson & Matthew Dashper-Hughes is located at Sandler Training Suite, ST4 3NR Stoke-on-Trent
01782 518040 /07867525868