Sandra Juresiute

About Sandra Juresiute

I am Wellbeing Coach, Personal Trainer and Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner. I help women clear the blocks around weight loss, relationship with food and exercise, self love and body image.

Sandra Juresiute Description

Wellbeing Coach, Personal Trainer & Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner



For a very long time I didn’t allow myself to shine my light as bright as I wanted it to shine. I was afraid of rejection and judgment from others as well as my own inner critic. Right now it’s all about what feels good and true to me. I’m choosing to follow my deeper inner voice, which brings challenges to the surface, but at the same time brings me closer to my true purpose in life - learning to shine my light unapologetically and to inspire others to do the same. . Do you... avoid shining your own inner light? I hope this quote by Marianne Williamson will inspire you! . Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us. We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small Does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, As children do. We were born to make manifest The glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.
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I had a late flight last night from Chicago to Dallas, so by the time I’ve got back to my hotel it was 3am. I’m honouring my body today and giving it what it needs - REST. . Before I would used to run around trying to accomplish as many things as possible, but by slowing down I get more done. Staying in bed eating peanut butter cups and replying my emails. I’m tuning in into my body and asking what it needs - yoga nidra, water, minerals, good food and rest to balance and rech...arge my energy. . Each of us are intuitive and know what our bodies need, but we tend to ignore the signs and to take the required action to heal us on a deeper level. . One of the easiest ways to slow down is by taking few deep breaths. Breathing deeply brings you peace, so if you are reading this post I invite you to take few minutes of your day, to close your eyes and to take few deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow the energies of balance, harmony, peace and love to flow through you with each breath you take.
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I’m super grateful to have an incredible and most loving family 💕 spent such a great weekend in Chicago and fell in love with it. Seeing so many great cities just makes me realise that I don’t want to settle just in one place and I want to have a flexibility to work from wherever I desire. I know that it is easily achieved and I’m working towards it. As I said in my previous post it is all about setting yourself big goals, creating action steps on how to achieve them and never stopping to believe in your dreams. . I’m on my way to Dallas, Texas to get more training and to grow my empire 💁🏻‍♀️


Spending an amazing weekend in Chicago with my family and reflecting on an amazing life I’m creating for myself. Abundance is everywhere, but we are the ones blocking it and not allowing the flow of it into our lives. We create suffering mentality and in the same way we create it we can change it by changing our perspective on life. . Possibilities are everywhere, we just not allowing ourselves to see them. By choosing to love yourself unconditionally you also choose to be a...ligned with the best version of you. Write down a list of things you want to create for yourself in life and then create action steps you need to take to get you there. It is that simple and if you will find yourself not following any of the action steps sit with it and think about why are you sabotaging yourself from living your dream life. It just depends how exciting it makes you feel thinking about it. If your desire for change it has to be bigger than your fears and you will always find the motivation to take the required actions to create it.
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I’ve been quiet on here over the last few weeks, but so many things have been changing in my life. After 13 years in London I packed my stuff into 17 boxes 📦 and took a long break moving back to Lithuania 🇱🇹 . The first two weeks there I just spent sleeping and doing nothing. I’ve been learning how to slow down and now I need to find the motivation again and start planning my next moves in business, getting more clear on my goals and starting to live a life, which lights me ...up and is fulfilling. . I’ve started writing my book ‘Choosing to be me’, which has been really emotional, but thanks to my friend I was able to understand that I’m writing this book for myself as a way to heal myself on a deeper level. . I understood how much I have been holding back creating a reality which made me look like I’m whole and healed on the outside, but the inside was shredded into pieces. . Healing the inside allows us to be truly happy and feel it, live in the harmony and balance. So thank you everyone for being the best witnesses of my journey and all the support that you give me.
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This week is all about 3 R’s! I don’t remember the last time I slept so much. Since I got back home to Lithuania the only thing I’m doing is sleeping. My body clearly needs all the rest to fully recover from when I pushed it to its limits. . I am looking forward to creating a new working schedule for myself and taking weekends off to rest and recharge. . I’ve missed having this flexibility in my life as I have been running like a chicken without a head for the last few at the same time trying to control every outcome and situation in my life. . This week I’m catching up with my reading, sleeping, meditating, working out, doing yoga, eating and sleeping some more 😆 . Do you feel like you get enough rest? How do you slow down and recover from a busy week? . Comment below, would like to know you better! 💕
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Taking a long break from my crazy schedule and learning how to rest again. My emotional and physical body reached a limit, so spending the last week catching up on sleep back home in Lithuania. . I’m allowing my creativity to soar again and which is leading to the first draft of my book. Looking forward to where this journey will take me. I know being back home is where I need to be right now, but I now truly believe that Venice Beach, LA is where my soul really awakens. . J...ust writing this post caption I am feeling that something is getting sorted behind the scenes and I will be back soon to my favourite place, but I still can’t really comprehend what that is, I just know it is going to be BIG. . I’m so grateful for this journey and where it is taking me. I have never known myself this good and I’m getting to know myself even better each day because I’m now trusting and ready to open a new chapter in my life. A lot has been going on over the last few years and a lot has shifted and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’m living in a flow and that’s the best place for me to be right now.
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Do you accept the sensitive side of you? In today’s world we put our armour on and pretend that our lives are perfect and everything is in order, but do we feel the same on the inside? Is everything in order on the inside? . I’m typing this and realising how I needed to hear this myself. I lived with my armour, but it became really heavy and unbearable. I’m learning to show the world that I’m not perfect, I have plenty of stuff in my life that still needs to be figured out, ...but that’s ok. It’s a journey of growth and when we take a step back it becomes easier to take five steps forward. . How many of you see sensitivity from a negative perspective? Have you felt that by showing your sensitive side of you people could easily hurt you? . Comment below, would love to hear more from you! 💕
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A week has started and I found myself switching my robot 🤖 mode on again. Last week I tried to live in a flow with my feminine energy, which felt great, this week I feel how I’m getting out of an alignment again and trying to catch up with my to do list. . I’m learning to live in a flow, but sometimes life gets in a way. All the responsibilities and commitments make us overwhelmed and exhausted. We forget how to rest and constantly feel like we need to do something. .... When was the last time you had a weekend off to do nothing, stay in your PJs all day, rest, recover and relax? . After a busy and stressful week at work we want to go out and rewind over the weekend not leaving enough time for our body to stop and heal itself with plenty of sleep and rest. . I worked really hard, because I believed that when you put the hours in, that’s when you achieve your goals, which doesn’t necessarily work that way. I’m learning how to work smarter, but not harder, which now includes, plenty of rest, afternoon naps, if my body needs it and slowing down. . Do you allow yourself to slow down and relax?
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I had social media training call this morning with Katie Social Media Angel and we were talking about being really authentic on social media, so I could grow my tribe not in numbers but in followers, who would understand me and relate to what I am sharing. . She has picked a card for me for the session from Lisa Lister She Power oracle card deck, which was TRUE COLOURS. 🌈 . I have grown so much over the last two years and that growth brought me a lot of transformations, a l...ot of letting go and welcoming the new. . One of the results of this transformation is my healing business. During this journey I had discovered myself, my passion to help others and the power to influence others that I new I had within me, but was afraid to use it. . I worked with amazing coaches over these two years, for which I’m so grateful. However I’m starting to understand that some of the truths that they have shared might not necessarily be my truths. . I’m learning to share what is authentic to me, but at the same time get confused. As in my recent Speakers Mastermind training with Lisa Nichols I have learned not to share the stories which I’m not ready to share. I’m not afraid to put myself in a vulnerable place, but how do I become authentic sharing my story when half of my life is still covered under unresolved issues? . After 13 years I’m taking a long break and moving back to Lithuania to rest my body and my mind, to heal, to start a new chapter, to write my book and to discover myself on a completely new level. . How do I feel, you’d ask? Scared, because I’m leaving everything behind for which I have worked so hard, but I know that what is coming will be covered in love 💕, light 💫 and unicorns 🦄
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💙 Allow yourself to fly to the heights that seem impossible to reach. . 💙 Allow yourself to soar and be comfortable with it. . 💙 Allow yourself to choose you over anything or anyone else.... . 💙 Allow yourself just to be.
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When I’m allowing myself to fun in a way where I don’t care what others are going to think I end up having such a great time. . Clearing so many limiting beliefs and blocks with Theta Healing allowed me enjoy my life in a way that I haven’t been able to enjoy before. I stopped comparing myself to others because I realised that none of us are perfect, we all have our insecurities, but not everyone tend to show them. . When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable in front of other...s that’s when we detach from the unrealistic expectations that we have created for ourselves. . Allow yourself to be you, because that’s where you will start experiencing a real happiness and joy. . My prices will be increasing from the 1st of July for my single sessions and 121 coaching. If you feel like you are blocking yourself and not allowing yourself to be who you want to be, get in touch an we can clear that on the deep subconscious level creating a lasting change.
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Do you skip your breakfast 🥞? . If you do know this ⬇️ . When we skip breakfast we slow our metabolism down and body starts to thing that it is going into starvation mode. It is much more likely that the food you will be consuming later on in a day will be stored as fat, because the body thinks that it might not get any calories and nutrients for a long period of time again, so it tries to hold on to as many fat cells as it can as a reserve. ... . This causes you to overeat in the evening as well as by consuming irregular and highly processed meals we create hungry cells, which won’t be craving avocados, but sugar. Yet again all the calories which are not used for the energy late at night are going to be stored as fat. . If you are trying to lose weight, the first thing that you should change in your diet is to stop skipping meals and try to eat at regular intervals. . Healthy eating is very simple when you learn the basic principles for instance consuming plant based diet, adding protein of your choice, plenty of water and not forgetting to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is another reason of why you might find it difficult to shed the stubborn few kilos.
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💖 I am worthy 💖 💖 I am enough 💖 💖 I am abundant 💖 💖 I am beautiful 💖 💖 I am amazing 💖... 💖 I am loving 💖 💖 I am brilliant 💖 💖 I am successful 💖 💖 I am whole 💖 💖 I am free of worry 💖 💖 I am loved 💖 💖 I am powerful 💖 💖 I am fearless 💖 💖 I am in love with me 💖 . 💖 Are you??? 💖
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Do you follow your intuition when making decisions? We tend to disconnect from our intuition because of our busy schedules and life stressors. We end up making rushed decisions from choosing sugar loaded and unhealthy lunch takeaway to giving our energy to others even though our body is screaming STOP 🛑 slow down ✋ and take care of yourself. . What action steps can you take today to help you slow down and connect to your inner knowing, your intuition, your gut feeling, so yo...u could make conscious decisions to help you be the best version of yourself? . I’m posting this picture of the beautiful sunset in Venice Beach, LA, because that is one of the places where I find my peace. Being surrounded by the palm trees, salty water, sandy beaches allows me to tap into my intuition, as well as the peace, love and light to flow through me. When I am in the flow of these energies, I drop from being in my head and stat making decisions from my heart. . Where can you find your peace?
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How many of you feel really bad after saying NO? . Most likely, you feel bad because you fear judgment and rejection, but what you need to understand that when you say NO, you choose you! . If YES doesn’t feel like the right answer honour your NO. Choose what is right for you, what makes you happy, what brings fulfilment and joy.


Do you feel like you are worthy of a loving relationship, that dream body of yours, a career in the area that you are really passionate about, unlimited flow of abundance? . Most of the times we confuse ourselves because consciously we understand that we want all these amazing things, but subconsciously we sabotage ourselves in a way that we either never allow ourselves to experience them or once we do we sabotage ourselves and we lose them. . Does it sound familiar? If ye...s ask yourself - do you feel worthy of having it all? Most of the times we feel like we are not, that’s why end up losing everything that we wanted. . Why do you feel like you are not worthy of having it then? . Most of the issues could be linked to certain situations in our childhood and the way we learned to experience the love from our parents. For instance, maybe you are sabotaging yourself and your life by not allowing yourself to have what you want because you subconsciously believe that only once your parents love and accept you, you will be able to have it all. . You don’t need to wait for that. You just need to love and accept yourself for who you are. . Start by taking few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Place your hands on your heart really centring yourself there. Say I AM WORTHY OF .... finish with whatever that you feel you are not allowing yourself to have right now. Really feel all the emotions and feeling coming up and just repeat the same mantra. . Allow yourself to receive whatever you feel like you need right now. . Make a conscious choice that you are now willing to fully embrace and accept that what you want in your life and allow yourself to feel that you are really worthy of it.
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I’m doing five FREE health coaching sessions to complete my course. If you would like to take part DM me.


I had a chat with one of my gym members before going to San Diego a month ago. He has been struggling with his relationship, felt disconnected and was angry at himself for making others suffer as well as suffering himself. . During our conversation I’ve asked him few deep questions, which made him think 💭 catching up now after more than a month since our last chat he feels happy and at peace. . I’ve asked him, what has changed since I last saw him? The answer was ‘I HAVE CH...ANGED’. . He started going inwards by meditating every day, which automatically started to affect how he felt. He started noticing his actions, which were hurting others before and consciously started acting in a loving way. Once he started changing the inside, the outside changed. . It makes my heart sing when I touch people in a way that I don’t even realise how strong it is and what change and difference it creates. Feeing blessed to be part of other people’s transformation into more meaningful and mindful life. . If you would like to start you meditation practice, download my FREE self love meditation 🧘‍♀️ ve-meditation
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More about Sandra Juresiute