Smart Repair & Polishing

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Smart Repair & Polishing

Smart Repair, Polishing , Car Body Repair Letchworth , Dents, Scuffs , Scratches , Mobile service Hertfordshire Bedfortshire

Smart Repair & Polishing Description

Small family business based in Letchworth Garden City. We provide mobile services direct to the door of your home.

SMART (Small, Medium Area Repair Technology) is the process of repairing a car using specialised tools, paint and materials to give a 'good as new' finish on a localised damaged area - and not the whole panel like traditional body shops.

A few decades ago, cars would have to be taken in to body repair shops, often for days at a time, even for relatively minor damage. But technological advances mean that damaged areas can be repaired in a matter of hours instead of days which in turn dramatically reduces the cost customers can incur using traditional bodyshop repair processes.

What Types of SMART Repairs Are There?

YouGov research showed that 65% of Britain's cars are carrying some form of damage that can be fixed by SMART repair.

Types of damage that are suitable for SMART repair include:

-Scratch repair
-Dent repair
-Alloy wheel repair
-Alloy wheel refurbishment
-Exterior trim repair
-Bumper repair

We have guaranty only for new panels and panels not previously resprayed. Please discus with a member of the team



Mercedes dented bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹ‘ҚрҹҳҺрҹ’ҘрҹҘҮвңҢпёҸрҹ‘ҢрҹҡҳрҹҳҠрҹҺ –рҹҡ—рҹҸҺрҹҷӮрҹҳү


Mini scratched door , rear panel repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹ‘ҚрҹҳҺрҹ’Ҙрҹҡ—рҹҸҺрҹҡҳвңҢпёҸрҹҘҮрҹ‘ ҢрҹҳүрҹҺ–рҹҳҠрҹҷӮ


Mercedes bumper corner scratched repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹ‘ҢрҹҺЁвңҢпёҸрҹҳҺрҹҳҠрҹҘҮрҹ’ҘрҹҸҺрҹҡ ҳрҹҡ—рҹҳ—рҹҷӮ


Mercedes dented NS quarter panel repair and paint рҹҺЁ рҹҳҺрҹ’Ҙрҹ‘Қрҹҡ—вңҢпёҸвңҢпёҸрҹҸҺрҹ‘ҢрҹҺ–р ҹҘҮрҹҳҠрҹҳ—рҹҷӮ


Nissan scratched bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҳҺрҹ’ҘрҹҘҮвқӨпёҸрҹҡҳрҹ‘Ңрҹ‘ҚвңҢпёҸр ҹҡ—рҹҺ–рҹҸҺрҹҳҠрҹҳ—


Range Rover Cracked wing scratched bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҳҺрҹ‘ҢвқӨпёҸрҹҘҮрҹҡҳрҹ‘ҚрҹҳҠрҹҸҺрҹҺ –вңҢпёҸрҹҡ—рҹ’ҘрҹҷӮрҹҳ—


Good morning friends! вқЈпёҸ


BMW cracked bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҡ—вңҢпёҸрҹ‘ҚрҹҡҳвқӨпёҸрҹҘҮрҹҺ–вқӨпё ҸрҹҸҺрҹҳҺрҹҳҠрҹҷӮрҹ‘Ң


BMW dented NSR door scratched wheel arch moulding repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҘҮрҹҳҠрҹ‘ҢвңҢпёҸрҹҳҺвқӨпёҸрҹ’Ҙрҹҡ—р ҹҸҺрҹҺ–рҹҳ—


Vauxhall scratched bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҡҳрҹҳҺрҹҘҮвқӨпёҸрҹҺ–рҹҸҺвңҢпёҸрҹҡ—р ҹ‘Ңрҹ‘ҚрҹҳҠрҹҳ—


Kia dented quarter panel рҹ‘Ңрҹ‘Ңрҹ‘Ңрҹ‘Қрҹ‘Қрҹ‘ҚрҹҘҮрҹҘҮрҹҘҮрҹҘҮр ҹҺЁрҹҺЁвқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙрҹ‘Ң Get in touch for Immediate quote. Already limited availability for MARCH 2019. Hurry !


VW dented rear panel and bumper corner рҹ‘Ңрҹ‘ҢвңҢпёҸрҹҳҺрҹҳҺрҹҳҺрҹҘҮрҹҘҮрҹҘҮрҹӨ –рҹӨ–рҹҡҳрҹҡҳрҹҡҳрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙрҹҡ—рҹҺЁ Get in touch for immediate quote вңҢпёҸ


Vauxhall scratched bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҳҺрҹ’ҘрҹҺ–рҹҘҮрҹ‘ҢрҹҸҺрҹҡҳрҹҡ—рҹҳ—в ңҢпёҸрҹ‘ҚрҹҷӮ


We love snow! Really sorry for all the cancellations today... keep in touch. We are still here for quotes and bookings


Mercedes dented door repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҳҺрҹ’Ҙрҹҡҳрҹ‘Қрҹҳүрҹҡ—вңҢпёҸрҹҺ–рҹҘ ҮрҹҸҺвқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸрҹ‘ҢрҹҷӮрҹӨқ


Mercedes cracked wing repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҳҺрҹ’Ҙрҹҡ—рҹҘҮрҹҡҳвқӨпёҸрҹҸҺрҹҳүрҹ‘ ҢрҹҷӮрҹ‘ҚрҹҺ–рҹӨқвңҢпёҸ


Land Rover scratched bumper corner repair and paint рҹҺЁрҹҳҺрҹ’ҘрҹҡҳрҹҸҺрҹҘҮвқӨпёҸрҹ‘ҢрҹҘҮрҹҷ Ӯрҹҡ—рҹҳҺ

More about Smart Repair & Polishing

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -