Sophie Watson - Stress & Anxiety Management

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Sophie Watson - Stress & Anxiety Management

Helping Corporate & Entrepreneurial Women to Create a Life They Love By Moving Away From Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm & Fear, and Replacing This With The Courage To Be Their True Selves.
www. sophiewatson. co. uk

Sophie Watson - Stress & Anxiety Management Description

My name is Sophie Watson and I help Professional Business & Entrepreneurial Women who sufferer from Stress and Anxiety. In the past they have struggled with the Home-work life balance. They are constantly pushing themselves, lacking the ability to switch off, resulting in difficultly sleeping and strained relationships with partners, family and colleagues. These women are looking to improve their relationships, their confidence and to have a more balanced, relaxed and enjoyable life.
My clients have received amazing results in all areas of their lives within 24 hours and up to 40 days of working with me in life management programmes designed to give guaranteed results. My main focus is a committed caring approach to achieve the results my clients long for. Each program is totally tailored and unique to my clients needs.
Sessions can be in person or via Skype.



What do you tend to do?


"Before I started working with Sophie I was at a really low point. I felt stressed out, anxious and didn't like myself very much. I was carrying a lot of emotional baggage, some of it for the last 15 years, and despite trying other forms of counselling or self-help I couldn't find a way of releasing it and feeling better about myself. My reservations were primarily about working via Skype and whether it would be very effective or not. As it happens, I really enjoyed doing the... sessions via Skype and found that I was more relaxed due to being at home and could really let all my feelings out. I cried a lot during the sessions but Sophie was great, really easy to talk to, and very understanding. It has been a game-changer. I have finally been able to let go of certain demons and I feel better about myself than I have ever done. Sophie was brilliant to work with and you feel like she really cares about your situation. I also have practical exercises and useful information, which I learnt during the sessions, that I can draw on daily or when I need it. I feel more grounded and accepting of myself - for me that is massive!" Emma
Were you are inspired by Emma’s story? Do you have a Strong desire or ambition to be something other than you are right now, but don't know what to do about it? If so Message me via this link, to find out more about my 1-2-1 programmes. Management
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Tracey thought she would always have to struggle in life, after doing my 60 day program she is now happier than ever and excited about her future. Check out her story ;)
Were you are inspired by ……’s story? Do you have a Strong desire or ambition to be something other than you are right now, but don't know what to do about it? If so Message me via this link, to find out more about my 1-2-1 programmes. Management


Behind the scenes:
I really did not enjoy learning at school. I found most of the subjects I had no interest in at all. Now a days it's very different, I love learning! basically because I get to choose what and when I study. There are no expectations on what I should or shouldn't study, or what kinds of grades I should get. For me it's all about having fun! and if I learn something that is going to be of help to someone else then even better. Recently I have been studying ab...out the Soul. I have found it so fascinating, this is a total game changer for me. It's helped me to understand myself on a whole another level, like Why I am driven towards doing the work I do, Why I have struggled with certain aspects of my life, What will help me personally to create an even better life for myself and knowing how to make better decisions for myself in the future.
So watch this space, I'm going to be helping you guys with this too very soon 🤩
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What does this week have in store for us?
Do this weeks card resonate with you and what signs have you already noticed?


"The situation I was in before I started working with you always felt like an anxious time, a lot of my day was taken up with negative thought patterns, the process of working with you has been wonderful and I've taken so much from it. I can't really describe how you've done what you did but there has certainly been a notable change and people have even commented on how I seem different somehow. I didn't have any reservations about working with you, I may have questioned how would work for me but it's been nice to just go with something and stop analysing what is happening, to just let things change and relax is an exciting and a rather liberating feeling. I now don't feel anxious all the time, I'm enjoying things that before felt like a struggle, I woke up one morning and actually felt free,.that for me is the best result I could have asked for. Thank you Sophie, you have a very powerful gift and it's beautiful that you share it with others! " Charlie
Were you are inspired by Charlie’s story? Do you have a Strong desire or ambition to be something other than you are right now, but don't know what to do about it? If so Message me via this link, to find out more about my 1-2-1 programmes. Management
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It's time for Q&A Wednesday. Join me live and ask your Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm etc questions.


Join me Live in 10 mins for Q & A Wednesday


It's Q&A Wednesday!!!! If you have anything you would like help with in regards to Getting back in control of Stress & Anxiety and creating a life you love, then either post your questions below or private message me, and I will answer them Live @6pm


Cards of the Week is back! What do the cards hold for us this week?
Do the cards resonate with you? Tag someone you think these cards may help this week ;)


What do you do to start your day in a positive way? And if you don't currently have a morning positivity practice, what could you start doing? I start my day (Every day, even weekends) with a Meditation.


Ever noticed that on the days when your day starts in a negative way, that the rest of your day tends to follow suit? Ever noticed that if you react in a negative way towards someone or snap at them you tend to get a similar reaction back? Ever get a Negative thought and then find it's really difficult to get out of the negative thought pattern? Well what ever energy you are giving out you are more than likely to get the same kind of energy back. So why not make it Positive energy?


Fill your mind with positive thoughts ;)


"I didn't know what to expect or even what the issue was that I was looking to get resolved - I just wanted someone to tell me for a change instead of me searching for the answers. Sophie instantly tuned in to how I was feeling and then basically "sorted me out" in a short space of time. Sophie picked up on so many niggling issues that were just below the surface so I wasn't even aware of them or the effect they were having. Doing it over Skype really suited me too." Katherine Brown
Does Katherine’s Story resonate with you? If you are ready to take control of your life then contact me via this link for a chat about my 1-2-1 programs. Management


Q&A Wednesday, with my lovely guest Kelly Langmaid.


Join me Live in 10 mins for Q & A Wednesday


It's Q&A Wednesday!!!! If you have anything you would like help with in regards to Getting back in control of Stress & Anxiety and creating a life you love, then either post your questions below or private message me, and I will answer them Live @6pm


This is amazing!!!! Teaching kids this at a young age will mean that they will have these skills for life, and they will be able to deal with their emotions far better than most adults now.

More about Sophie Watson - Stress & Anxiety Management

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -