St Helen'S Watford

About St Helen'S Watford

A Church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Westminster

St Helen'S Watford Description

St Helen's is a Catholic Church in Watford, part of the Archdiocese of Westminster. . . and so much more!

We are followers of Jesus of Nazareth, nourished by the Eucharist and filled with His Holy Spirit, looking to bring His Kingdom in this world as we show the Father's love in word and deed.

Whether you're an early riser, a young family or more into the traditional, we're sure you'll find a Mass that suits you and plenty of social activities to get involved with.

Whether you've been a Catholic since before you were born, or are new to the Church, we hope you feel welcome here - whether it's your first time in a church or if it's been a while since your last time.

Our Parish ministries rely on a dedicated team of volunteers who serve in a variety of ways including music, reading, Eucharistic ministry, catechesis, DIY, cleaning and more! Getting involved is a great way to get to know people and get into the community. Please get in touch if you are able to share your skills and time in any way possible. It really is rewarding!



Youth Club will return in the Autumn with a refreshed team of volunteers to accommodate the large number of children who attend.
Thank you to everyone who came and helped this year - it’s been a blast!!!
Happy summer holidays!!!


Last night at #YouthAlpha we prayed about healing. We learnt that God longs to heal us, and that we all long for healing. The picture is of a #kintsugi bowl. This is a Japanese technique of turning brokenness into something beautiful. This is what God does in our hearts when we turn to him. Keep praying Alpha Juniors! “The Lord is near to the broken hearted” #psalm34


Unfortunately we have had to postpone the Confirmation Information Evening until September.
Whether England make it to the semifinal or not, it has proven difficult to find a suitable time when the Hall and team are available before the end of the summer term.
... We will publish information regarding the 2019 programme as soon as possible which will be made available at church and online.
In the meantime aspirants wishing to make their Confirmation should be attending Sunday Mass each week and using a Mass Attendance Sticker Card for evidence. Sunday Mass is where the preparation for Confirmation begins. This also allows us to reduce our programme to just 3 sessions and a retreat.
For those who feel they are not yet ready or able to make a commitment to Sunday Mass, we encourage giving Youth Alpha a try at the next opportunity as a means of understanding the Christian faith better.
Enrolment will be in January where we hope to see 70% Mass Attendance over a year (approx 37/52) inline with the Certificate of Catholic Practice for Catholic school admissions.
Please look out for more information available soon.
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Because of the football next week (11/7) we’ve decided that tonight will be our last Youth Alpha before the summer. We will have a reunion on Sunday 9th September after the 6pm Mass #therewillbedoughnuts


St Helen's Summer Fayre Saturday 30th June 12-2pm
BBQ, Irish Coffees, fun stuff for kids! Rainbows and Brownies stall.... Tombola, strawberries & cream, homemade cakes and so much more! Prizes to be won!
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Come and support your church and have fun too! St Helen's Summer Fayre On Saturday 30th June Between 12-2pm
... Come and enjoy top quality as always Burgers and Sausages from the BBQ.
Fancy one of Noel's famous genuine Irish coffee's!
Fun stuff for kids!
Rainbows and Brownies stall.
Tombola, strawberries and cream and refreshments, homemade cakes and so much more!
Fantastic raffle prizes to be won!
See you there and God bless you
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First Holy Communion 2019 information evening for parents. Friday 22nd June 7pm. We’re really excited to launch our new programme to support families as they journey towards the Blessed Sacrament together.


Hearing the young people speak about the #freedom they experience at #YouthAlpha, and the joy and peace they feel when being prayed with never gets boring. “Everyone should #tryAlpha!” #alpha #alphacourse


To be a welcoming Church we must meet people where they are; @StHelensWatford now on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!


Because we all know that Facebook is for old people and Twitter for the millennials, we now have Instagram for the yutes of today. Get your ‘mandem’ to follow @StHelensWatford!
Safe fam!


We had a great AlphaDay on Saturday with all the Alpha Jrs. Youth Alpha continues Wednesday.


Whilst many are celebrating fathers this Sunday. Pope Francis reminds us that God has a father's heart.
Warning: Tissues may be needed when watching this video!


We’re really sorry but we will have to cancel this Friday’s Youth Club as we won’t have enough volunteer staff.
We need to have about 10 people able to attend each month to maintain the necessary ratios. We’ve had as high as 75 kids and we need to have 1:6 for Years 4/5 and 1:8 for Years 5/6. We also allow helper’s kids to attend.
We are hoping to recruit more volunteers for September as we anticipate our numbers to grow again as a new batch of Year 4s join us.
... Team roles include: Cooks - Pizza & Chips Tucks - Running tuck shop Doors - Checking kids in & out Acts - Leading games & activities Chats - Making people feel welcome, especially those who don’t know many people.
If you’d like to be a part of the funnest night in Fun-Town please get in touch.
Our vision is to grow to also engage those in Years 7 & 8 so we can plug the gap between First Holy Communion & Confirmation so our young people always feel welcome and engaged in the church. Those who would like to help support this age group should get in touch too to see how we could make this dream a reality.
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More about St Helen'S Watford

St Helen'S Watford is located at The Harebreaks, WD24 6NJ Watford, United Kingdom