Stone Sports Therapy

About Stone Sports Therapy

Sports Therapy aims to help individuals improve their health, fitness and functional /sports performance. It is not just for athletes, it can be beneficial for all in improving the health and well-being.

Stone Sports Therapy Description

At Stone Sports Therapy we use a combination of manual therapy techniques to treat different types of injuries and common aches and pains. Postural assessments are used to identify any imbalances that may be causing musculo-skeletal problems. We aim to treat these problems and rehabilitate in order to restore people back to their optimal functional fitness.
Our clients range from all different ages and sporting backgrounds.

Erica Stone trained at Active Health Group in Manchester to gain her Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Sports Therapy and has an Honours Degree in Sports and Exercise Science from Loughborough University.

Erica has always been a keen sports person and interested in helping others to achieve their full potential in sports. This passion for helping people led to her pursuing a career in sports therapy where she enjoys being able to make a real difference in peoples lives and getting them back active after injury.

Erica has experience working with a variety of clients from everyday active people to top level athletes such as The British Diving team, and football players from Notts County football club. She also has experiance working alongside physiotherapists in clinics, during camps and at events.

Since Erica began Crossfit in 2013 she has taken a keen interest in treating and researching common Crossfit injuries among athletes.

Part of the Roadside Therapy Team (www. roadsidetherapy. co. uk)

More about Stone Sports Therapy