Therapy For Change Eft/Matrix

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Therapy For Change Eft/Matrix

Therapy for Change. Empowering techniques, real solutions and targeted outcomes.
Therapy that works with you to achieve what you need.

Therapy For Change Eft/Matrix Description

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a new kind of therapy combining acupressure with the very best of modern talk therapy.
The tapping of various meridian points on the face, neck and hands create a feeling of relaxation. Brainwaves shift into theta and cortisol levels drop. It is a very safe and effective therapy making it perfectly suited for dealing with the big and the small stuff.
Previously I have worked with depression, anxiety, addiction, grief, PTSD, anger and abuse.
I also use Matrix Reimprinting which is a sister therapy to EFT. This powerful therapy has been used to successfully for pain control, allergy relief, healing chronic and acute illness and deep limiting beliefs.
Together EFT and Matrix are truly transformational. Message me for a free initial consultation to find out more.



Adrenal support magnesium spray fresh out of the chiller. Magnesium is used faster in times of stress and even though the summer weather feels relaxing it can be taxing on your body chemistry. Especially if you’re dehydrated and not sleeping well. Spray cool adrenal soother on your feet or back once you’re back in the shade or ready for a siesta. Magnesium spray can be used wherever you feel a pain or muscle strain. I have used this version for Trigeminal neuralgia and planta...r fasciitis. If you have ehlers-danlos like me, I’d say it’s an essential element of your self care. Adrenal soother is blended with lavender, chamomile, pine, lemon and clove aromatherapy essential oils in an almond oil base. Only available from me or @thehealthylivingcompany only £10 each! #trigeminalneuralgia #plantarfasciitis #essentialoils #aromatherapy #magnesium #magnesiumoil #ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #hypermobility #adrenalfatigue #summer #insomnia #lavender #chamomile #lemon #psychology #therapy #energytherapist #Hove #findanotherway #holistictherapist #heal
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So hot here in Sussex but the insects have invaded too. So I crafted a non-toxic insect repellent out of some old ribbons and diluted citronella oil. Soak some ribbons in water and 1-2 drops of citronella essential oil for 30 minutes. Tie ribbons to a stick or pin to window frame and that’s it. Keep over solution to refresh from time to time. #aromatherapy #essentialoils #homemade #summersfinallyhere #Hove #ecofriendly #relax @ Brighton and Hove


CBD oils for sale. My last talk sold out so I will be holding another one soon. Meantime contact me for a free initial consultation on how these oils can help you. #cbd #cannabinoid #Hove #psychology #therapy #fightinflammation #heal #thehealthylivingcompany #therapyforchange #CBDpharmacist #cannawell


New Magnesium Sprays available at The Healthy Living Company. This season we have Adrenal Support and Muscle Soothers. Both with special aromatherapy blends to help your healing process. Ideally suited for relieving localised pain eg neck pain or insomnia/anxiety issues. These products work really well. Pop in and try a tester or message me for more details. #Hove #Magnesium #Therapy #adrenalfatigue #musclestrain #aromatherapy #psychology #neckpainrelief #insomnia #tiredbutwired #holistictherapist #cobaltblue #health


Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and mood. One of Therapy for Change’s specialist subjects. Find out more in this great article by Trudy Scott.…/pect us-excavatum-and-p…/…


Look for beauty wherever you go. Calm is an inside job(well mostly). Flowers are therapy and teach us to appreciate that change is a constant. #therapyforchange #Hove #energypsychology psychology #psychotherapy #flowers #EFT #matrixreimprinting #yellow #nofilter #tulips


CBD oil as a food supplement is creating a lot of interest. Separate truth from fiction at this free talk from a CBD specialist pharmacist and psychologist. As part of THLC open day June 22nd Talk starts at 10.45 am please check website for details. Private consultations are also available #cbd #psychology #cannabidoil #cbdoil #pharmacology #endocannabinoid #openday #therapyforchange #thehealthylivingcompany #Hove #summer #painfree


“Language is important. And when language dictates specific treatment protocols, it should be used with extreme scrutiny. Using the wrong words can put vulnerable people at risk—not only to their sense of self-worth, their sense of self-knowledge, and they way they are treated, but also to their health.”


Slumbering through most of this Bank holiday Monday? Resting and contemplating are good for mental health resilience. Even Mr Donkey agrees. Wisdom of keeping donkeys to calm nervous horses is based on their renowned patience and sturdy nature. Maybe we could all learn a little bit from that. #psychology #psychotherapy #Hove #therapyforchange #therapy #donkeytherapy #patience #wisdom


A welcome surprise. This beautiful Californian Poppy self-seeded in the patio next to the lavender. Coincidence or higher order of patterning who knows? I’ll take it. #gratitude #psychology #counsellor #self-compassion #selfcare #positivepsychology #holistictherapist #EFT #therapyforchange #Hove #howdoesitgetanybetterthanthis #nofilterneeded


Find another way, therapy can shift limiting beliefs and create lasting change. #therapyforchange #limitingbeliefs #EFT #mentalhealthawarenessweek #resilience


“What we are in dread indefinable not because we are unable to define it, but because it itself is incapable of definition.”
Definitions of self research this morning getting ready for my next workshop on the Personal Peace Procedure.... Noting how Heidegger has described how wriggly those limiting beliefs can be. Medieval psych/neurologist in this painting by Bosch seemed to have a similar problem, guided by the cleric and the philosopher whilst trepanning!
EFT is different(!) as it uses talk therapy plus somatic sensing with questions like: Where do you feel this anxiety?
What colour is this depression?
What does this sensation remind you of?
You can dig deeper and find the origin or pattern generators of the beliefs. Gently and effectively. It is individualised without a preset dogma too so we can really focus on your shifts.
Workshop details below contact me to find out more or book your place. #personalpeaceprocedure #EFT #limitingbeliefs #Hove #therapyforchange
Join me at Using EFT for personal peace - Brighton & Hove EFT Tapping Group
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Getting prepared for my next workshop #personalpeaceprocedure #EFT There’s still time to book if you’d like to clear some of those limiting beliefs and release. Join me at Using EFT for personal peace - Brighton & Hove EFT Tapping Group. Saturday May 18th @thehealthylivingcompany #workfromhome #therapyforchange #findanotherway #Brighton #Hove


Issac Newton is my new guide here @psych_change Mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher and founding father of Newtonian physics of course. So what’s a psych like me doing with an empirical scientist? Well Newton was not as reductionist as you might think, like later physicists such as Einstein and Oppenheimer he had an intrinsic belief in a higher level of order, an organising principle which Max Planck (quantum physics) would call the field. Energy psychology and my... personal practice draws its roots from physics, biology, neuroscience and five element theory models of human existence. As Newton would say “Standing upon the shoulders of giants” #therapyforchange #Newton #EFT #psychology #fiveelementtheory #findanotherway
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Heart field communication changes with emotion and in response to other living beings.
Powerful and capable of sending and receiving across huge distances. All that is required is intent and coherence.
Relax (hands on heart)
... Feel love,warmth,peace and pride.
Breathe into your heart
Send to people,pets,plants. Send to yourself in the past, present or future.
If you’re reading this I’m sending it to you.
Produced by Cecilia Baeriswyl and directed by Julio Pot:
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More about Therapy For Change Eft/Matrix

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -