Two Worlds Design

About Two Worlds Design

Research & Design initiative, led by Hamza Shaikh, exploring Architectural Psychology and Adaptable Design. Aiming to uncover the multidisciplinary potential of Architecture through the TWD Podcast series.

Two Worlds Design Description

We are discovering the effects of Architecture through conversation, experimentation and collaboration. Join us in uncovering the ways in which Architecture can create change. We will share unique insights and ideas from extraordinary people in the design world. Will you be part of the journey?

Have you ever wondered how the space around you can influence your emotions and behaviour? Did you ever consider that your physical environment and the actions you carry out in them have shaped who you are today?

These questions briefly express what Two Worlds Design is all about. We believe that Architecture is primariliy concerned with Matter (the built and natural world) and Conciousness (our experience and perceptions). And so "Two Worlds" is a design philosophy that seeks to focus on exploring these effects in depth. . .

More about Two Worlds Design