University Hospitals Of North Midlands Nhs Trust

About University Hospitals Of North Midlands Nhs Trust

The Facebook page of University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust. The Trust runs Royal Stoke University Hospital and County Hospital, Stafford.

University Hospitals Of North Midlands Nhs Trust Description

Each year we care for over 900, 000 people who come to us for emergency treatment, planned operations and medical care. We are a teaching hospital in partnership with Keele University and we have a patient-centred clinical research facility providing state-of-the-art facilities. Our new £370m hospital became fully operational in 2015. Development work on County Hospital will be completed in late 2017.



A Message from Liz Rix, Chief Nurse
It is with deep sadness that we announce that Staffordshire Police have discovered a body, yet to be formally identified, in the search for our friend and colleague Samantha Eastwood. Sam, who had worked as a midwife at Royal Stoke for six years, was a much loved and valued member of the Maternity service. Our thoughts are with her family and friends during this time. I would like to thank Staffordshire Police for their dedication and support and all the members of the public who shared our appeal this week. (Updated 17:18)


Appeal to help find midwife Sam Eastwood from Liz Rix, Chief Nurse
Sam is the epitome of a midwife, she’s very trustworthy and she really cares about the service. Sam is incredibly dedicated and a very open and honest person. This is why it is so much out of character for Sam not to have turned up for work on Friday last week. Her colleagues immediately knew something was not right by the fact that she hadn’t told anyone she was running late or wouldn’t be coming to work.
Ev...eryone here is praying for her safe return and our thoughts are with Sam’s family. If Sam reads this, we just want to say that we really miss you and we just want to know that you are safe.
It has been a very difficult week for everyone who works in our Maternity Centre. The team are supporting each other and they’ve been offered support should they want it. The staff to their great credit haven’t let it affect the care of those ladies who have given birth this week and I’d pay tribute to their professionalism under very difficult circumstances. We’ve also had many women who Sam has supported calling the hospital giving their support, which we have really appreciated. This again demonstrates how special Sam is.
We are appealing for anyone who has seen or heard from Sam to get in touch with Staffordshire Police by calling 101.
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Staffordshire Police have released CCTV footage of missing midwife Samantha Eastwood's last confirmed sighting, leaving Royal Stoke. Samantha is a much loved and valued member of staff. We would like to ask the public to contact Staffordshire Police with any information they may have.


Staffordshire Police are continuing their investigation for missing Samantha Eastwood, a much loved midwife here at Royal Stoke University Hospital. Samantha has not been seen since finishing her night shift here at the hospital at 7.45am on Friday 27 July 2018. Samantha is described as white, approximately 5ft 3in tall, of medium build and with shoulder-length ginger hair. She has brown eyes and a fair complexion with freckles. For more information please visit:…/P olice-investigation-…


Our friend and colleague Samantha Eastwood is missing. Samantha has worked as a midwife at Royal Stoke for six years and not turning up to work on Friday 27 July was very much out of character. Samantha is a much loved and valued member of the UHNM family and her Maternity Centre colleagues and friends across the Trust are very concerned. We are appealing for anyone who has seen or heard from Samantha to get in touch with Staffordshire Police:…/P olice-continue-searc…


***Please share***
Can you help Staffordshire Police?


Meet our latest Volunteer! Maisy, a four-year-old King Charles Spaniel, will be visiting our very youngest and oldest patients. Maisy (and her owner Celia) is visiting the hospital as part of the 'Pets as Therapy' initiative. 🐕


Due to the recent hot weather, stocks of O negative blood have dropped to just three day’s supply. People with O negative blood are urgently needed. B negative and RO blood types are also needed. Appointments via 0300 123 23 23 or at #GiveBlood


🗣️💬 | Great feedback for our staff from Sue Reilly


Last week, Clinical Nurse Specialist Nikki Embrey, retired after 31 years at Royal Stoke University Hospital. Nikki initially started her career in Neurosurgery and in 1997 she became one of the first Multiple Sclerosis Nurses in the country. Since then she has been integral in the development of the MS Nurse role locally and nationally.
Nikki is dedicated, hard working and patient focused. Patients love her for her understanding, empathy, kindness and supportiveness. The MS Team said: "We're all sad to be losing the founder of our service but of course wish her a very happy retirement."
Happy retirement Nikki!


Read the incredible journey of Tracy, Jason and two-month-old Harry ⬇️
Our daughter, Emily, was born in February 2017. She was delivered at Royal Stoke University Hospital under some very complicated circumstances and sadly, due to those complications, Emily passed away shortly after she was born. Throughout the pregnancy we received the absolute highest standard of care, not just in a clinical sense but also a humanistic one.
Conintue reading:…/Read-the-incre dible-journey-of-Tra…


☀️ It has been an incredible summer already this year and it looks as though it's set to continue. We hope everyone is enjoying the weather but please make sure to drink plenty of water and keep hydrated.
The Met Office has issued a heat warning and has warned of a 90% probability of heatwave conditions between 9am today and 9am on Friday in parts of the UK.
This infographic below has some hints and tips on how to stay cool during the hot weather ⬇️


Ward Sisters Maria Bailey and Bev Mytenka have both learned how to use sign language in their own time after being inspired by Kate Granger's Husband, Chris Granger, who spoke about a campaign they both founded called 'Hello my name is…'.
Today, Maria, Bev and UHNM be supporting #HelloMyNameIs Day in memory of Dr Kate Granger MBE who sadly passed away on 23 July 2016. #HelloMyNameIs reminds us about the importance of good communication and how simple acts can improve the lives of our patients.
Read More:…/Ward-Sisters-i nspired-by-Hello-My-…


Infection prevention nurse Jay Lennon has been given the prestigious Marian Reed award. The award is presented at the end of a three-month course where professionals from across the region come together to celebrate innovation and development in infection prevention. Jay's presentation on his work with patients resistant to certain organisms saw him beat 22 other candidates to the accolade. Read more:…/Infection-Prev ention-nurse-wins-pr…


Would you like to support your local hospital? Why not run the Stafford 10K for us and help raise money for UHNM Charity.
Limited spaces available - Book your place ⬇️


Are you a Matron for Estates and Facilities?
I would like to talk to you! My name is Jenny Clarke and I’m looking for colleagues in the same role to join a forum where we’ll be able to share ideas and help to develop patient care and environment even further. If you would be interested in joining, please contact me:
Jenny Clarke... Matron Estates, Facilities and PFI Tel: 01782 671511
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📰 | The seventh edition of UHNM News is now available to read online. This edition features stories from UHNM Charity, amazing staff stories, award winners and more. A limited amount of printed copies will be available in the near future. ➡️


📰 | Find out about a Slovakian doctor’s experience of UHNM Colposcopy ⬇️


🗣️💬 | Great feedback for Mr Farmer and Ward 109


Today I went to the Endoscopy unit on LG1 for my gastroscopy. I was in some real discomfort and in great distress and the nurse that was above my head explaining what was going on and suctioning my mouth noticed my hand desperately waving about outreached needing someone to hold it for reassurance, and held my hand until it was all over and the tube/camera was back up and out.

Im not sure what her name was but somehow and someway I wanted to let her know I'm incredibly thankful because without her holding my hand I really would have cramped up more and been in a lot more discomfort and distress.

On reflection it takes a lot for some people to hold a strangers hand in a time of need, but she didn't hesitate to hold mine tightly and calm me down. How admirable and I'm glad she was in the room with me. Thank you xxx


Routine appointment with the Cardiac imaging team. Appointment on a Saturday morning which was so helpful as I work full time, the staff were super friendly and really efficient. I went in early for my appointment and left feeling really reassured by the whole experience. Thank you for all you do.


My mother passed away on Saturday at Stoke hospital and I cannot speak to highly of the nurses, doctors and ward staff in general at the AMU and ward 79. They treated my mum with kindness, dignity, respect and care at all times and made her passing so much more peaceful for my mother and for her family. Well done to you all, you should be very proud of yourselves � xx


Just wanted to praise the staff at a+e has they do get bad press sometimes.. We rung 111 who advised me to visit a+e has I was having severe left side pain,I must say I didn't want to go because of the pressure you hear its under but we went & were seen very quickly I had bloods taken ,chest x-ray ,ECG ,the service I received was excellent from start to finish..I can't thank the enough..well done NHS stoke xx


Just to say a massive thank you to ALL A & E staff yesterday. So short staffed pulled from pillow to post but, all so kind, caring and empathetic despite pressures they were working under. I was waiting to be admitted to a ward but there were no beds so was on a trolley for hours but I wouldn't complain the situation is as it is. Staff at A & E you are worth your weight in gold, take no notice of complainers the good far outweighs the bad. I salute you all. Keep up the excellent work. God bless you all. �xxx


Just spent the last 7 days in and out of the hospital with my daughter both during and after surgery to remove a kidney via key hole. I would just like to say from the Sunday when the lovely ambulance staff took my daughter back into hospital to the a & e department initial our treatment has been excellent. It is clear how over worked the staff are. We were dealt with by an agency nurse who was really nice and kind. The doctor on a and e was fantastic too. Ward 106 and 107 lovely. Bed shortages obvious! Trolley for 12 hours waiting for bed. Hope not to return. But no complaints re staff. Ward 105 staff could of been nicer.


I normally work here but this week I became a patient, yes a real patient. From arriving in SAU from the Haywood to being transferred to Ward 104 the care has been exceptional!

I knew our nurses worked hard but witnessing it 1st hand is astounding, their poor feet!

My every need has been attended to from a cup of tea to a shoulder to cry on.

Happy 70th Birthday NHS


I have attended the Emergency Eye Clinic over the past few weeks as I was losing my sight in 1 eye . The clinic is run extremely well and all of the staff were very welcoming . A big thank you to Ms Amakaroon , Mr Sidduque and Mr Khan for your impeccable service and professionalism . Well done Royal Stoke University Hospital and many thanks �


I had an accident on a coach travelling from Dumfries to the Somme on Thursday 5th of April and was taken to Stoke hospital for an x-ray. As the coach had a ferry to catch the staff were absolutely amazing it was at around 2am on the Friday and they put me through as soon as they could. The Dr (Paul was his name) was fantastic and very sympathetic to how urgent it was. The rest of his team on duty that night were so helpful and caring. Especially after I was told it need an operation and the rest of the coach party had set off to continue there trip. I was transferred to ward 227 where again the staff were fantastic. I can't thank them enough for all there help. I'm lucky I don't have many other experiences to compare it to but for those of you who continual slate our NHS I think the front line staff are the best in the world.


Being a nurse I'm probably the worst patient ! i was referred to SAU last week and just wanted to say how lovely the team were, Jenny Heath the quality nurse ensured I was given pain relief as quick as possible and was very caring, she was kind and compassionate along with the other members of the team, I had scans very quickly and all of the the staff were very reassuring, what a lovely team � I'm very greatful that we have an nhs and such caring staff


Attended today to support my wife during her appointment in the breast care department. Just want to give a special thanks to all involved on the morning shift today, excellent, friendly service & many thanks to the desk of ward 122 for letting us have 5 minutes to see my wife’s Grandad (outside of the 15:30 visiting hours) Very good of you .. Thanks again �


Attended children’s A&E at 2:30pm Tuesday (8/5) with my son who had severely injured his finger. He was seen immediately by triage who gave him pain relief and dressed it. Prior to being taken to theatre at 9pm he’d had X-rays; bloods taken; was given IV antibiotics; Saw both the Orthopaedic and Plastic’s teams; was transferred to a bed on ward 217 and was reviewed by Anaesthetics. The surgeon came to see him first thing the next morning and we were home by 11:30am with medication and a planned follow up next week. All staff in every department were brilliant, professional and kept us updated!


An amazing hospital. Never once let me or my family down.

The staff have always been compassionate and professional even when under extreme pressures.

From the ambulance staff to the children’s a+e to the cheatems ward they are a team of absolute legends!! Those horrible times when your children are poorly I know we have an amazing hospital there 24/7 to help them.

The maternity block is fantastic they are always under pressure but are doing a fanatic job delivering our babies to us safely.

I honestly feel safe knowing that in those horrible times of medical need that stoke royal is a just down the road ready to look after me and my family if we ever needed. The whole team is a credit to the hospital.


I had to have Proctogram this week, which if anyone has had one of these Xray’s, I was not looking forward to.

However, all the staff especially Kelly, really put me at ease.

They all made the experience not at all as embarrassing as I had anticipated.

Thank you to you all.

Anyone who is having to have this Test, please be sure, it’s not so terrifying as you think.


What a nightmare! Can't help but laugh though if I'm honest!

Saw a junior doctor today.... only looked around 25 years old.

Took a urine bloods no nothing. Shocking!

Told me my urine was gallstones etc.....and said i wasnt an emergency.....see my GP! He wasn't interested in anything 111 had said about my appendix removal etc....

Off I went.....and he called me back.....saying actually.....there is 1 thing showing in your urine... your pregnant!!!!!!

1) I'm not LOL

2) if i was.....What's this horrendous pain???? You were sending me away....pregnant with this pain? No bloods?

Absolutely shocking!

Never again will i go here.....


Waiting time... after 3hours of waiting to be seen I gave up. All I requured was an xray to ensure there is no fractures in the spine. I took half a day hokiday at work to accommodate enough time but still somehow they didn't get round to see me. A&E minor injuries rate 1 patient per 1.5 hour... RIDICULOUS seems like people there don't give a damn... because they are use to it they dont see urgency in helping other. They rather drink their coffe and have a chat and a laugh with their colleagues. If I would work like that I wouldn't last a day in any job. Seems like they get paid by goverment and no one can tell them anything... I need to go the extra mile at work everyday to ensure I have a job to go back to. Sweat and roll around in oil grease and metal swarf to be paid.


My brother in law had a serious neurological accident and his family were provided with a diary in critical care. He has moved to neurology but his diary is not allowed to come with him without his permission. How does someone in a coma give their permission? This is causing a great deal of distress ... why even suggest a diary if his family cannot move it to his new ward ?????? Nursing staff were brilliant BUT this rule is ridiculous and staff should not introduce a diary if it is not allowed to travel with the patient !!!!


If you value your life do not go to this hospital at all. I had perfect health before I had my first surgery here and since then it’s like I have never fully recovered. That was in 2015. Treated me like I didn’t matter, I think it’s due to my age. They have given me 6 infections in procedures during the last year. I am now rushing myself to a nurse to get a stitch taken out of my leg that has been in there for two months after a mole removal because the doctor didn’t put down the correct amount of stitches in the letter. So now my entire leg is infected and I have only just recently had surgery. So thank you for possibly giving me sepsis as there was a shocking amount of pus and blood in my leg because no one at Royal Stoke whatsoever even properly looked at it , they didn’t even consider taking the pus out. My mum an ex nurse discovered the stitch in my leg last night after she was amazing at taking the pus out which shouldn’t of been her job to do as Royal Stoke should be doing theirs correctly. And don’t even get me started on the gynaecology department.


Have to go every 2 months for injections in my neck place is useless. Can't even park most of the time it's unorganized staff chatting about personal lives and what they did last night even though patients are queuing out the door and in corridors for hours.

More about University Hospitals Of North Midlands Nhs Trust

University Hospitals Of North Midlands Nhs Trust is located at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Newcastle Road, ST4 6QG Stoke-on-Trent