Unofficial: Perkin Warbeck, Wetherspoons Taunton

01823 335830
1.5 star rating

About Unofficial: Perkin Warbeck, Wetherspoons Taunton

Boycott the Perkin Warbeck, Taunton, until they change their doorstaff and stop charging to get in on a Saturday night. The doorstaff are throwing people out for no reason and barring them for no reason, they are also assaulting customers.

Unofficial: Perkin Warbeck, Wetherspoons Taunton Description

The doorstaff in the Perkin Warbeck, Wetherspoons pub in Taunton are barring customers for no reason and assaulting them on the way out. This includes thug doorman Matt Sullivan.
There is also a serious drugs issue within the venue, with drug dealing rife.



There was a riot in the Black Horse last night and fighting in the street, so just a standard New Year's Eve for Taunton's finest really....


Happy New year to all our customers!! Why not pop in today and see the New Year in with a pint and a free shot.


Obviously they're going to hit back at criticism, they are not going to agree with it, but the fact is standards in the pub have dropped dramatically over the last few years.
They have a high staff turnover due to the way they are treated and spoken to, as well as poorly paid or in some cases not paid at all.
The food is re-heated and a lot of it is "prepared" over night by night shift kitchen staff.
... The management are rude, agressive and do their jobs very badly. They disrespect the public, they ignore complaints along with head office and they frankly need training in customer service.
The doorstaff are a danger to the public, but the police ignore their aggressive and violent actions.
There are not many decent pubs left in Taunton, but there are still much better pubs in than the Perkin, with better food, better service and less out of date beverages and bar snacks...
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Underage drunk thugs outside Debenhams drinking cider last night, moved on to Perkin and carried on...the staff that served them should be sacked !!


Drink drivers in Mambo last night, talking to door staff, then getting in their cars and driving off. Says it all really. The door staff knew what they were doing.


The post about Dan Kingdon was reported and subsequently removed by Facebook. Obviously he doesn't want everyone to know what he's like. Took his time reporting it though, maybe had to find out how to do it.


Fat slob bullying kids in the Perkin Warbeck- Dan "Double Chin" Kingdon 😃😃😃😃


Well it's New Year's Eve, so time for the Perkin to get trashed again, just like it did at Christmas when they ruined the new carpet and furniture in the bar before ripping the hand dryers off the walls in the toilets.
Just goes to show, they can spend all the money they like on making the place look better, but the same old drug dealing, alcoholic scumbags still go in there and treat it like the shithole it is, so there is no point. Why have none of the people that wrecked the place been barred? Oh yeah, they prefer to just assault customers and then get the police to help them cover it up....




Been out tonight, been watching what's been going on. The town is fucked, but everyone gets their day....


Including assaults on customers in the Perkin Warbeck by Justin Cox and his colleagues and then covered up by Avon and Somerset police force. That's the real reason that crime is soaring, we have a corrupt police force covering up violent crime and not dealing with it like they are paid to...


The Perkin is now re-open. All ready and waiting the drink drivers to return and get drunk before driving home. And it will be ignored by Avon and Somerset police even when reported.
The drug dealers and coke heads will also be back, no matter how much they've done the place up...


More proof of our local, corrupt police force at their best. They Taser this poor man for no reason, but turn a blind eye when doorstaff in The Perkin Warbeck, Taunton - JD Wetherspoon attack customers, also for NO REASON !!!


This is a classic example of just how down and out Taunton has become with yet another pound shop. What with this and two Wetherspoons full of druggies and alcoholics this town will continue in its demise !!


These two "enforcement offcers" are scum, just like the doorstaff in Wetherspoons, all facilitated by corrupt police all over the country...


The Master Thatcher Taunton's current new landlord is only there on a temporary basis to keep the pub open. But they have lost customers due to their price increases, withdrawal of Happy Hour and withdrwal of their loyalty scheme.
The customer base now consists of previously barred customers by Steve and the rest have deserted the pub to go elsewhere.
It probably won't stay open long unless the brewery finance the overheads and it doesn't deserve to when the brewery have blatantly ripped customers off losing their "Loyalty Points"....


Apparently the Master Thatcher has re-opened and the summary from an annonymous customer who messaged us is as follows:
Beer prices have gone up by between 30p and 60p a pint and spirits considerably more, food prices are going up on a new menu, Happy Hour had stopped permanently and so has the loyalty scheme, so the brewery have blatantly ripped people off!
Don't think they'll last too long...

More about Unofficial: Perkin Warbeck, Wetherspoons Taunton

01823 335830