Unstoppable Mindset

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 10:45
Sunday: -

About Unstoppable Mindset

Mental health and lifestyle awareness

Unstoppable Mindset Description

Unstoppable Mindset is confronting the issues that we are all facing. Our creative and thought-provoking approach has been captivating audiences since 2017. The creator, Tom Pace, is using his own life experiences to help others in seeing the reality that they have control over their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Tom uses his madman analogy to help people realise the ultimate truth - you are not your thoughts! If you find the content of Unstoppable Mindset useful, please share and spread the word.



Food glorious food.
I want to show you exactly what enjoying food is all about...and I will.
REFOCUS... SUNDAY 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm At Just Train
PAYMENT DETAILS £25 for members £35 for non members which includes two weeks unlimited training at JUSTTRAIN.
Please text me - 07961065173 or email me direct - tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk for the correct bank details to transfer amount. Once payment is received, your name is added to the list.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
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For some, their past has created a false reality. A distorted perception, causing them to miss all the beauty life has to offer. The pain and suffering of yesterday has become the worry and anxiety of today.
The truth is, the past does not define who you really are. You are unique, you are special, and it’s about time you believed it.
Unstoppable means - nothing will get in your way. Once the mindset has been cultivated you become silent, peaceful...you become empowered.
... REFOCUS SUNDAY 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm At Just Train
PAYMENT DETAILS £25 for members £35 for non members which includes two weeks unlimited training at JUSTTRAIN.
Please text me - 07961065173 or email me direct - tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk for the correct bank details to transfer amount. Once payment is received, your name is added to the list.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
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You thought it could be found outside. You searched everywhere, in this thing and that thing. You thought you could find it in another person, but they let you down. In the end, you became bitter and resentful, the things were full of emptiness, the people misleading.
... So, where is this happiness? As elusive as true love, as hidden as joy?
Let me point you in the right direction once and for all. After the seminar, walking down the path I show you, will be totally up to you.
REFOCUS SUNDAY 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm At Just Train
PAYMENT DETAILS £25 for members £35 for non members which includes two weeks unlimited training at JUSTTRAIN.
Please text me - 07961065173 or email me direct - tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk for the correct bank details to transfer amount. Once payment is received, your name is added to the list.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
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I have been trying to convey a message for nearly two years in an attempt to try and help others. So much has happened in the past two years and the presentations have been a reflection of what I have learnt. However, what I have learnt in the past four weeks has been the most important. For that reason, for me, this is the 1st official Unstoppable Mindset seminar...It has all finally come together. This is also the last seminar of 2018. The next one will be January 2019. I’m excited to share with you again a quite incredible journey.
Thank you for all your support.


To all who ran the nuts today and to the whole team. Just Train and Unstoppable would not be what it is without such a dedicated team. You are all incredible people and you are the reason I’m still loving my job after all these years. Once again, I apologise for not being there today.


I’ll have a drink and then beat myself up for it. I’ll have a takeaway and then immerse myself in guilt about it. I feel like a failure...just a feeling, not fact, but that doesn’t matter, I believe it, so it may as well be fact. There’s no point in training now, I’m a failure, just like he said I was. I’m not with him any more, past is past, but he still hurts me, over and over and over again. I carry him around like baggage, weighing me down, making me frown. I’m so angry a...t him, at her, at them! Turmoil inside, a roller coaster ride of negative emotion, and why? Because I’m a victim...aren’t I? Of him, of her, of them...aren’t I?
REFOCUS Sunday 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm #unstoppablemindset
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The body, the lifestyle, the weight loss, the muscle gain, the watch, the car, the house, the money, the fame, the fortune, the seeking, the looking, the wanting, the craving, the needing, the emptiness, the depression, the anxiety, the sadness...the madness.
How wrong we all are...
My message has strengthened, my opinions have changed. Join me in what will be an insightful seminar.
Sunday 16th September 10.30am - 12.45pm @Justtrain gym
£25 for members £35 for non members which includes two weeks unlimited training at JUSTTRAIN.
Please text me - 07961065173 or email me direct - tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk for the correct bank details to transfer amount. Once payment is received, your name is added to the list.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
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Your mind...the greatest fictional story ever told. An elaborate fable of how you are no good at anything and how your life is a mess. A story of how the future looks bleak, how it will end in disaster and how trouble is on the horizon. The truth is...the future does not exist.
Your story, shaped by events that have disappeared into the timeless, each page written by what others said about you... each page written from the past. The truth is...the past does not exist.
Your ...story, created by the mind, a prison, where you live, where you are trapped. Inside of you is the key and only you can set yourself free.
A brand new seminar, completely different, for so many reasons.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 16th 10.30am - 12.45pm
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Do we create our own problems with food? What is eating and drinking in moderation? Do we use food to suppress negative thought? Can we be freed from our psychological attachment to food, drink and drugs?
... All of the above discussed at REFOCUS - the brand new seminar by Unstoppable Mindset.
SUNDAY 16th SEPTEMBER 10.30am- 12.45pm
PAYMENT DETAILS £25 for members £35 for non members which includes two weeks unlimited training at JUSTTRAIN.
Please text me - 07961065173 or email me direct - tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk for the correct bank details to transfer amount. Once payment is received, your name is added to the list.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
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PAYMENT DETAILS £25 for members £35 for non members which includes two weeks unlimited training at JUSTTRAIN.
... Everyone please text me - 07961065173 or email me direct - tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk for the correct bank details to transfer the seminar fee. Once payment is received, your name is added to the list.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
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REFOCUS The brand new seminar from Unstoppable Mindset.
If you are sad, but would not choose it... If you are angry, but would not choose it...... If you hold resentment, but would not choose it...then you live out a fictional movie created by your mind. You live unconsciously, which is why choice is not a factor in your life.
Discover a truth that can help set you free from negative emotion.
Sunday 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm Bookings now open For more details please forward your email address to tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk
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This is the most important seminar yet. If you have a feeling that you should come, then you absolutely must come.
I’ve learnt so much in this past 4 weeks...and all from the silence.
... Sunday 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm Bookings now open For more details please forward your email address to tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk
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You have the most amazing tool on the planet. Unfortunately, for most it has become their enemy.
What I’m talking about is your mind.
Finish the year with a clearer head. Discover what I have recently learnt from something we all suffer with...anxiety.
... Sunday 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm Bookings now open. For more details please forward your email address to tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk
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If you open your eyes then you will see, life provides all for happiness to be. Gazing into the eyes of your child, feeling their love as they smile. The warm glow of a sunrise and the symphony of a dawn chorus...life provides much beauty for us. If only we could see, that life holds the key to exactly what we long for and no material possession could ever give us more. For valuable things in life are things you cannot buy, nor replace, if you understand this, you will find ...peace - peace in your mind, peace in your heart.
Before you sleep think hard about what you are grateful for...your loved ones, your health, your life.
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REFOCUS The brand new seminar from Unstoppable Mindset.
The food section this time will focus on awareness. Myself and nutritionist Caroline Roberts will get you thinking hard about your relationship with food and let you know what we think a lifestyle of moderation is.
... Sunday 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm Bookings open from today For more details please forward your email address to tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk
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REFOCUS The brand new seminar from Unstoppable Mindset.
My journey since Lulworth cove 2016 has been one of learning and self-awareness, the process has been incredible and continues on. This past few months has been my toughest so far and for many reasons. During this period I have learnt many lessons, all of which I intend to pass on.
... One of the subjects I will talk about is something I realise we all do - beating ourselves down. Why do we do it?
After my recent trip to North Wales I had a chance to refocus my mind and my energy on what really matters. I look forward to sharing lots of new information and a greater insight into practices that changed my life - including F@!K THE RAIN.
Finish 2018 with a productive, positive and purposeful mindset.
Also, you will get to see the brand new motivational video - The Silence. Mark Brooks and I covered 22miles on foot and ascended a total of 1200ft to put together our best work so far.
Sunday 16th September 10.30am to 12.45pm Bookings open from today For more details please forward your email address to tom@unstoppablemindset.co.uk
Photo by Mark Brooks
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I won’t lie, I was a bit nervous. Both slightly accident prone and passing a crew with actual climbing gear, this rock face on day one was tough. We didn’t make it to the top because we had no clue to where we were going! Fun though!


Unstoppable Mindset & Brooks Studio.
In North Wales putting together a new video with a strong message. We aim to release this Video during the up and coming seminar, REFOCUS - Sunday September 16th.
The video will be called - The Silence


Life is filled with storms.
No one said it would be easy. A journey so far with no ending in sight. Intrepidness must be learnt, patience required, calmness a must and much needed trust.... For this journey is a true test of endurance, like the climbs of Everest and the distance of Bad Water...the air will be thin, the heat unbearable. A storm awaits you around every corner - either you are heading towards, in the centre of, or passing through, but with so much to learn from each, your soul can renew.
Life is a challenge we must all face. Create your own Unstoppable Mindset and face life’s challenges head on. Greatness awaits those who have the courage to approach life with tenacity and integrity.
Stand alone...don’t follow the masses.
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honestly the best gym i have ever been to. Tom is the most inspirational person i have ever met, he really knows how to inspire people and he genuinely wants you to achieve your goals and will put all the effort in to help you get there, it

really is amazing, changed my life, i feels so much better since going xx


Yay!! Completed my first 2 week challenge with 8 training sessions and I've lost 10 3/4lbs & I feel GOOD!!

I'd previously lost 3 stone but a heavy two year depression had me comfort eating and it was all back on. I knew my relationship with food was negative but I couldn't do anything about it - Tom's seminar changed that. He showed me that what I was eating was exactly what was stopping me from taking action! All the chocolate, sugar & processed foods were literally clogging my head up and I couldn't make the change.

Thanks to Tom & his savagery (in a great way!) I feel lighter & cleaner in my mind & body, have a new love for walnuts and have taken a massive step towards my personal goal.

If you're stuck do please give it a go - it's life changing not life threatening. Happy for you to PM if you'd like. ��


What a brilliant day I have had, however as I just wrote those 7 little words a dreaded thought came crashing into my mind and it said that I shouldn’t write that because I may Jinx things, which is absolute bollocks, so I decided to use the Pinball machine analogy, of when a negative thought is the ball and it goes flying into the machine and usually I would try to keep that ball or negative thought in the game or in my head, by bouncing it around, but tonight I never played that game, I just let the ball fall down the hole and I let the negative thought fall out of my mind, because I can have a good day and a good life, I work hard and I always have and always will, so when I do good things in my life that makes me and others feel good then I am not going to deny myself the good feelings, because for so many years in my life, for some un known reason I have always manage to self destruct, wether in my quest to get fit or my working environment, but now thanks to the big man at Just Train I can let the negative thoughts leave my mind just as quick as they enter it, the pinball analogy of a thought being just a thought was explained to me at Toms Just Train seminar and I use it now every day, both in my personal and professional life and I would highly recommend the seminar in February to any body who has not yet attended, because I now truly believe that I can achieve what ever I want to in life, and I know it’s been me who has denied myself that success in the past, but that will not be the case ever again.

Please do yourselves a favour and attend the Unstoppable Mindset seminar at Just Train in February, it may just be the best thing you have ever done.


Walked in very apprehensive, worried it would all be typical gym bunnies and I would be out of place....

Couldn't be further from the truth! All different shapes, sizes and abilities and all there for the same thing....to work out and get fit. FANTASTIC VIBE to the place, everyone is really friendly, Tom is quite frankly brilliant at putting you at ease and getting the best out of you.

If starting out and walking through the door in the first place is what's stopped you in the past, then it doesn't have to stop you here! If you've never stretched a muscle before....it doesn't matter.

The only thing that won't shrink in this place....is your smile. Go for it �


Tom's seminar was really inspirational and gave me the kick in the arse I needed to try to get super fit for a race in November. In the 1st 2 weeks, I have lost 6 pounds so am feeling really motivated to keep it up and lose the stone I have been talking about losing for about 3 years. The training sessions are amazing such a great start to the day and I hate having to miss any when work gets in the way.


Today I attended the unstoppable mindset seminar and my god what an inspiration Tom really is! I genuinely feel so motivated and being able to relate to how negativity can affect you. I can't wait to see the results that I will achiever with Toms great coaching and clean eating, BRING IT ON! Thank you Tom :)


Love going to just train!

The best place for pushing your body to get fit, become strong & loose weight!

Love the atmosphere, music and tom is a great motivator!

Highly recommend for anyone wanted to make a change!

You feel amazing coming out its so addictive love love love ���


Just the best thing I have ever done. I have been going for a year. I've lost 2 stone and gone from a size 12/14 to a ten. I cannot recommend Just Train highly enough. Tom is amazing and so supportive. If you need to change your fitness goals then you have to give this ago. I have learned to love exercise and eating well.


I’ve attended all of Tom’s seminars with the exception of one and each time I come away with a new goal and different outlook on life. After loosing 3.5 stone over the space of 2.5 years my next goal was to give up smoking. I can proudly say that today marks 3 weeks since I gave up and 3 weeks since I attended the last seminar. Albeit this is a hard journey and I feel like crying every single day, I know I will overcome that feeling because with the help of Tom’s advise and my new found determination I know that I am unstoppable.


I've just completed the 14 day unstoppable challenge and can't believe I've lost 9lb!! It's the easiest plan I've followed (hence finishing!) I definately recommend heading down to one of Tom's unstoppable seminars and getting involved. I love cakes and chocolate and anything sugary under the sun and never say no when offered a treat but even on my cheat day, I'm no longer craving for them and can't believe it! It's changed the way I think about food for the long term and I can't wait to get stuck into the other challenges. As for the training, I never leave a session thinking I could have done better. Tom pushes you to your limits and ensures you make the most of your workout every time. I will always recommended Just Train to friends and family and to you reading this now, stop hesitating and sign up!


I've just completed the 14 day Unstoppable Challenge, i'm not going to lie, it was a challenge in itself getting organised and making sure I had the correct food everyday, and after about day 8 the food got monotonous, but oh boy was it worth persevering - I lost 14lbs in 14 days, I attended Tom's training sessions 8 times in those 14 days. Truly amazing results. I work full-time and have 3 children so wasn't sure how I was going to fit training into my daily routine, its amazing how you can adapt and make time when you really want to achieve something in life. I'm now on the unstoppable choice plan and attending training sessions weekly. I cannot thank Tom enough for his enthusiasm and willingness to entertain anyone who wants to better themselves. I've got a long journey ahead of me but know anything is achievable if you really want it. I can't thank Tom enough, looking forward to my journey!


I've been training with Tom at just train for over 7 months now. I've lost a staggering amount of weight in that time but as I'm nearing my goal it's slowing down some what. I decided to try the 14 day challenge in hope it would give me a kick up the bum and get things moving again.

I'm not going to lie the first week I struggled with the "no sugar" aspect and was irritable but going into week two it was a whole lot easier. I wasn't craving things as much and felt so much better in myself. I also upped my training sessions some days to twice a day. I have 3 young children and finding time is difficult but if you want something badly enough you find the time and work hard for it!

I've lost 7lb in 14 days which I'm over the moon about � in total I've lost 75lb in 7 months and 26 days and I have 6lb left to reach my goal....

I can't recommend Tom and just train highly enough. The 14 day challenge is amazing and it will definitely change your mindset...


I've been training here for two years now and it is the only exercise programme I have ever kept up for that long. WAY better than any gym I have ever belonged to... and even better than the personal training sessions I've done in the past. You get all the attention and input that you would get from having a personal trainer but you also get the fun of working out with other people. It's great value. The exercise routines are very varied and it is an enjoyable and rewarding way to get/keep fit. Tom is an excellent trainer - he pays really close attention to you and he knows what you are capable of and pushes you to achieve it. Just Train is amazing and I feel sad for anyone who lives too far away to come! If you do live close enough you really should come down and try it out. I'm pretty sure you will love it. :-)


I visited after a Road Rage incident that left me with crushing injuries down my right side. I was unable to use my right side fully for nine months. Tom has helped me regain my strength and use of my right hand and arm. I then lost my lovely chocolate Labrador a few weeks ago. I used to run with him or walk him two to three times a day and the pounds piled on and depression set in. Walking wasn't the same without my dog by my side. After trying to pick myself back up, I attended the Unstoppable conference yesterday. It was motivational, educational and inspirational. I just know I can turn my life around again and that Tom will be there to ensure I do with his programme! It was great to meet others starting this journey too.


I have been in a negative cycle of dieting for over 20 years. Since joining Just train, after attending the seminar and working with Tom that had all changed. Tom really cares and has encouraged me to think more holistically about my health, fitness and mental wellbeing. I am seeing results, fitter than I have ever been and have a healthy relationship with food now. Just train creates a unique environment where anything is possible.


I have been attending Just Train for around 6 months now. I really like that every session is different and that Tom motivates you to work your hardest during the workouts. The times that sessions are offered each day are convenient (the early morning class is great for squeezing a workout in before going to work.)

The gym is always tidy and well equipped with a variety of clean, well maintained equipment.

I'd thoroughly recommend Just Train and have felt my health and fitness increase significantly since joining. I also attend one of Tom's seminars this year; it was extremely inspirational and i cannot recommend it enough.


I cannot rate Tom & Just train highly enough , even got the wife listening to motivational talks (yes she thinks I'm weird) you've changed she said , what has Tom done to you �.

Yes your right I've changed I've never felt so motivated and focused to reach my goal. Tom pushes you to your absolute limits & ensures you get the most out of every session and in a weird way keeps you going back for more. It's actually inspirational to see all the members so focused & Tom should be really proud of what he's achieved.

I started at 17.10st trained for 2 weeks solid missing only 1 day and lost a total of 10lbs whilst on the 14 day challange.

Never in the past would I have made the effort to make the gym there would have always been an excuse but you get such a buzz from the classes you just can't not go.

My journey now continues and with the help and support from Tom I'm positive I will reach my goal.


I attended my 4th seminar today and Tom was as inspiring as ever!! I just can’t emphasise enough how Unstoppable-Just Train has changed me in the last 12 months! I’m in control of my stress and anxiety and have become fitter and stronger!!! I went today as I’m still on my journey and after today my head is clearer on what my goal is and how I will continue. Next for me is a Half Tough Mudder something I have always wanted to do but was too fat and unfit!! It’s going to be the first of many challenges I’m going to set myself this year! I will get to my goal this year I know with Tom and Just Train’s support!! The end goal is to be fitter stronger and happy!!! I urge you to come and take that step! Come to a seminar or come and join in with the best team ever!!!! ��


Edited this post on 28/09/2017

My road is a bit different from some others. I had operation Upper GI & Laparoscopic Surgery for hiatus hernia and reflux Gord on 13TH August 2016.

I had been finding it hard road to recovering after my operation, still having eating issues and some other pain which they think now is gallstones. I was feeling at low ebb very lethargic, suffering with anxiety work and life stress I was prescribed Antidepressants but didn’t take them. I came across Toms Unstoppable - Just Train classes from face book by chance and went to the seminar on 4th Jun 2017. I went to the classes the Monday after and now go every night Monday to Thursday and before work and at 7.50am on Friday morning. I didn’t think I would make it through to the end of the first class but total impressed myself.

Being able to complete the classes with Tom’s help and encouragement. I am total addicted now. I enjoy all the classes as he makes them all fun and a bit different, also he looks to make sure you are doing things properly as to avoid injuries and to your full ability to get the best out your class.

I went back to see my Doctor for check up to review dilatation letter before my with the dietician appointment next week to review my eating issues. My doctor was very pleased with how far I had come since I saw her last on 4th Aug 2017 and how much doing the “Unstoppable - Just Train” classes has helped me.

My Doctor was very impressed that I now have a better appetite and dealing with my eating issues, feel much fitter, have more strength, energy and my mental attitude is much improved. I can deal with work /life stress much better.

All thank to Tom and his dedication and enthusiasms in help others to get the best out themselves.

So come on guy sign up you will not regret it.

It will be the best thing you ever did I can guarantee you will have fun as well as get fit everyone is so friendly and Tom is so focused in helping everyone.


honestly the best gym i have ever been to. Tom is the most inspirational person i have ever met, he really knows how to inspire people and he genuinely wants you to achieve your goals and will put all the effort in to help you get there, it

really is amazing, changed my life, i feels so much better since going xx


Yay!! Completed my first 2 week challenge with 8 training sessions and I've lost 10 3/4lbs & I feel GOOD!!

I'd previously lost 3 stone but a heavy two year depression had me comfort eating and it was all back on. I knew my relationship with food was negative but I couldn't do anything about it - Tom's seminar changed that. He showed me that what I was eating was exactly what was stopping me from taking action! All the chocolate, sugar & processed foods were literally clogging my head up and I couldn't make the change.

Thanks to Tom & his savagery (in a great way!) I feel lighter & cleaner in my mind & body, have a new love for walnuts and have taken a massive step towards my personal goal.

If you're stuck do please give it a go - it's life changing not life threatening. Happy for you to PM if you'd like. ��


What a brilliant day I have had, however as I just wrote those 7 little words a dreaded thought came crashing into my mind and it said that I shouldn’t write that because I may Jinx things, which is absolute bollocks, so I decided to use the Pinball machine analogy, of when a negative thought is the ball and it goes flying into the machine and usually I would try to keep that ball or negative thought in the game or in my head, by bouncing it around, but tonight I never played that game, I just let the ball fall down the hole and I let the negative thought fall out of my mind, because I can have a good day and a good life, I work hard and I always have and always will, so when I do good things in my life that makes me and others feel good then I am not going to deny myself the good feelings, because for so many years in my life, for some un known reason I have always manage to self destruct, wether in my quest to get fit or my working environment, but now thanks to the big man at Just Train I can let the negative thoughts leave my mind just as quick as they enter it, the pinball analogy of a thought being just a thought was explained to me at Toms Just Train seminar and I use it now every day, both in my personal and professional life and I would highly recommend the seminar in February to any body who has not yet attended, because I now truly believe that I can achieve what ever I want to in life, and I know it’s been me who has denied myself that success in the past, but that will not be the case ever again.

Please do yourselves a favour and attend the Unstoppable Mindset seminar at Just Train in February, it may just be the best thing you have ever done.


Walked in very apprehensive, worried it would all be typical gym bunnies and I would be out of place....

Couldn't be further from the truth! All different shapes, sizes and abilities and all there for the same thing....to work out and get fit. FANTASTIC VIBE to the place, everyone is really friendly, Tom is quite frankly brilliant at putting you at ease and getting the best out of you.

If starting out and walking through the door in the first place is what's stopped you in the past, then it doesn't have to stop you here! If you've never stretched a muscle before....it doesn't matter.

The only thing that won't shrink in this place....is your smile. Go for it �


Tom's seminar was really inspirational and gave me the kick in the arse I needed to try to get super fit for a race in November. In the 1st 2 weeks, I have lost 6 pounds so am feeling really motivated to keep it up and lose the stone I have been talking about losing for about 3 years. The training sessions are amazing such a great start to the day and I hate having to miss any when work gets in the way.


Today I attended the unstoppable mindset seminar and my god what an inspiration Tom really is! I genuinely feel so motivated and being able to relate to how negativity can affect you. I can't wait to see the results that I will achiever with Toms great coaching and clean eating, BRING IT ON! Thank you Tom :)


Love going to just train!

The best place for pushing your body to get fit, become strong & loose weight!

Love the atmosphere, music and tom is a great motivator!

Highly recommend for anyone wanted to make a change!

You feel amazing coming out its so addictive love love love ���


Just the best thing I have ever done. I have been going for a year. I've lost 2 stone and gone from a size 12/14 to a ten. I cannot recommend Just Train highly enough. Tom is amazing and so supportive. If you need to change your fitness goals then you have to give this ago. I have learned to love exercise and eating well.


I’ve attended all of Tom’s seminars with the exception of one and each time I come away with a new goal and different outlook on life. After loosing 3.5 stone over the space of 2.5 years my next goal was to give up smoking. I can proudly say that today marks 3 weeks since I gave up and 3 weeks since I attended the last seminar. Albeit this is a hard journey and I feel like crying every single day, I know I will overcome that feeling because with the help of Tom’s advise and my new found determination I know that I am unstoppable.


I've just completed the 14 day unstoppable challenge and can't believe I've lost 9lb!! It's the easiest plan I've followed (hence finishing!) I definately recommend heading down to one of Tom's unstoppable seminars and getting involved. I love cakes and chocolate and anything sugary under the sun and never say no when offered a treat but even on my cheat day, I'm no longer craving for them and can't believe it! It's changed the way I think about food for the long term and I can't wait to get stuck into the other challenges. As for the training, I never leave a session thinking I could have done better. Tom pushes you to your limits and ensures you make the most of your workout every time. I will always recommended Just Train to friends and family and to you reading this now, stop hesitating and sign up!


I've just completed the 14 day Unstoppable Challenge, i'm not going to lie, it was a challenge in itself getting organised and making sure I had the correct food everyday, and after about day 8 the food got monotonous, but oh boy was it worth persevering - I lost 14lbs in 14 days, I attended Tom's training sessions 8 times in those 14 days. Truly amazing results. I work full-time and have 3 children so wasn't sure how I was going to fit training into my daily routine, its amazing how you can adapt and make time when you really want to achieve something in life. I'm now on the unstoppable choice plan and attending training sessions weekly. I cannot thank Tom enough for his enthusiasm and willingness to entertain anyone who wants to better themselves. I've got a long journey ahead of me but know anything is achievable if you really want it. I can't thank Tom enough, looking forward to my journey!


I've been training with Tom at just train for over 7 months now. I've lost a staggering amount of weight in that time but as I'm nearing my goal it's slowing down some what. I decided to try the 14 day challenge in hope it would give me a kick up the bum and get things moving again.

I'm not going to lie the first week I struggled with the "no sugar" aspect and was irritable but going into week two it was a whole lot easier. I wasn't craving things as much and felt so much better in myself. I also upped my training sessions some days to twice a day. I have 3 young children and finding time is difficult but if you want something badly enough you find the time and work hard for it!

I've lost 7lb in 14 days which I'm over the moon about � in total I've lost 75lb in 7 months and 26 days and I have 6lb left to reach my goal....

I can't recommend Tom and just train highly enough. The 14 day challenge is amazing and it will definitely change your mindset...


I've been training here for two years now and it is the only exercise programme I have ever kept up for that long. WAY better than any gym I have ever belonged to... and even better than the personal training sessions I've done in the past. You get all the attention and input that you would get from having a personal trainer but you also get the fun of working out with other people. It's great value. The exercise routines are very varied and it is an enjoyable and rewarding way to get/keep fit. Tom is an excellent trainer - he pays really close attention to you and he knows what you are capable of and pushes you to achieve it. Just Train is amazing and I feel sad for anyone who lives too far away to come! If you do live close enough you really should come down and try it out. I'm pretty sure you will love it. :-)


I visited after a Road Rage incident that left me with crushing injuries down my right side. I was unable to use my right side fully for nine months. Tom has helped me regain my strength and use of my right hand and arm. I then lost my lovely chocolate Labrador a few weeks ago. I used to run with him or walk him two to three times a day and the pounds piled on and depression set in. Walking wasn't the same without my dog by my side. After trying to pick myself back up, I attended the Unstoppable conference yesterday. It was motivational, educational and inspirational. I just know I can turn my life around again and that Tom will be there to ensure I do with his programme! It was great to meet others starting this journey too.


I have been in a negative cycle of dieting for over 20 years. Since joining Just train, after attending the seminar and working with Tom that had all changed. Tom really cares and has encouraged me to think more holistically about my health, fitness and mental wellbeing. I am seeing results, fitter than I have ever been and have a healthy relationship with food now. Just train creates a unique environment where anything is possible.


I have been attending Just Train for around 6 months now. I really like that every session is different and that Tom motivates you to work your hardest during the workouts. The times that sessions are offered each day are convenient (the early morning class is great for squeezing a workout in before going to work.)

The gym is always tidy and well equipped with a variety of clean, well maintained equipment.

I'd thoroughly recommend Just Train and have felt my health and fitness increase significantly since joining. I also attend one of Tom's seminars this year; it was extremely inspirational and i cannot recommend it enough.


I cannot rate Tom & Just train highly enough , even got the wife listening to motivational talks (yes she thinks I'm weird) you've changed she said , what has Tom done to you �.

Yes your right I've changed I've never felt so motivated and focused to reach my goal. Tom pushes you to your absolute limits & ensures you get the most out of every session and in a weird way keeps you going back for more. It's actually inspirational to see all the members so focused & Tom should be really proud of what he's achieved.

I started at 17.10st trained for 2 weeks solid missing only 1 day and lost a total of 10lbs whilst on the 14 day challange.

Never in the past would I have made the effort to make the gym there would have always been an excuse but you get such a buzz from the classes you just can't not go.

My journey now continues and with the help and support from Tom I'm positive I will reach my goal.


I attended my 4th seminar today and Tom was as inspiring as ever!! I just can’t emphasise enough how Unstoppable-Just Train has changed me in the last 12 months! I’m in control of my stress and anxiety and have become fitter and stronger!!! I went today as I’m still on my journey and after today my head is clearer on what my goal is and how I will continue. Next for me is a Half Tough Mudder something I have always wanted to do but was too fat and unfit!! It’s going to be the first of many challenges I’m going to set myself this year! I will get to my goal this year I know with Tom and Just Train’s support!! The end goal is to be fitter stronger and happy!!! I urge you to come and take that step! Come to a seminar or come and join in with the best team ever!!!! ��


Edited this post on 28/09/2017

My road is a bit different from some others. I had operation Upper GI & Laparoscopic Surgery for hiatus hernia and reflux Gord on 13TH August 2016.

I had been finding it hard road to recovering after my operation, still having eating issues and some other pain which they think now is gallstones. I was feeling at low ebb very lethargic, suffering with anxiety work and life stress I was prescribed Antidepressants but didn’t take them. I came across Toms Unstoppable - Just Train classes from face book by chance and went to the seminar on 4th Jun 2017. I went to the classes the Monday after and now go every night Monday to Thursday and before work and at 7.50am on Friday morning. I didn’t think I would make it through to the end of the first class but total impressed myself.

Being able to complete the classes with Tom’s help and encouragement. I am total addicted now. I enjoy all the classes as he makes them all fun and a bit different, also he looks to make sure you are doing things properly as to avoid injuries and to your full ability to get the best out your class.

I went back to see my Doctor for check up to review dilatation letter before my with the dietician appointment next week to review my eating issues. My doctor was very pleased with how far I had come since I saw her last on 4th Aug 2017 and how much doing the “Unstoppable - Just Train” classes has helped me.

My Doctor was very impressed that I now have a better appetite and dealing with my eating issues, feel much fitter, have more strength, energy and my mental attitude is much improved. I can deal with work /life stress much better.

All thank to Tom and his dedication and enthusiasms in help others to get the best out themselves.

So come on guy sign up you will not regret it.

It will be the best thing you ever did I can guarantee you will have fun as well as get fit everyone is so friendly and Tom is so focused in helping everyone.

More about Unstoppable Mindset

Unstoppable Mindset is located at 530 London Road, TW15 3AE
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 10:45
Sunday: -