Urban Assault & Free Fire Zone

About Urban Assault & Free Fire Zone

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Urban Assault & Free Fire Zone



Don't forget to book in if you are planning on attending the Urban game this Saturday. If we are over subscribed I will have to turn you away if you've not reserved your place.... Also for you Milsim types, Last Milsim will be on the 18th May. Book your place as soon as possible if you intend to come, It would be a shame to cancel it just because you are waiting until the day before to see what the weather looks like. Cheers. Ian.


A bit late. But, Thanks to all that showed up for the Urban game last Saturday. Windy conditions made life difficult for the snipers so we concentrated most of the play inside the buildings. Saw some great play and some very fair play, one guy even took a hit when a crisp packet hit in in the back. Hope to see you all again soon . Cheers. Ian.


Don't forget people. Book your place for Saturdays game by emailing sales@fire-support.co.uk Do it early tomorrow (Friday) if you haven't already booked. Thanks. See you later. Ian.


Link from the photographer for game 19/1/19. https://andyjphotos.smugmug.com/


Hi Gang. Don't forget to book your place for the game on Saturday 19/1/19. Just lately a few people have just turned up on the day. That might be ok this time of year when only you tough outdoor types are playing so the numbers are a little lower, but if a game did have to be called off, not that it has on a skirmish day yet, I know, but, if it did , we would not be able to contact you to tell you not to make a wasted journey. Many Thanks. Ian..... Do it now!!


I hope you have all had a good Christmas and New Year celebrations and you've been on your best behaviour being nice to the in-laws etc, Well now it's time to shoot someone, get it out of your system. :) Hope to see you all there for this Saturday's game 5/1/19. Cheers, Ian.


Thanks to everyone that came along today and throughout the year. Hope to see you all again soon in the new year. Special thanks to the Marshals and to those that have helped out with the marshalling when needed. Have a great Christmas. First game of 2019 is 5th January and then every two weeks. Cheers. Ian.


If you are planning to attend the Urban game this Saturday 22/12/18. Please make sure you book up early. We shall be giving away prizes. An AEG, 2 Pistols. Cans of Gas, Ammo and Vouchers. You shall only be in the draw if your name is on the game list and you have signed in. So book your place NOW. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, it sure will for some lucky players. (UKARA registered players only will be eligible for the weapon prizes) Thanks See you there. Ian. For any of our customers that can't make this game, Have a merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you next year.


Well played people that came yesterday. Saw some great play, one in particular. Guy managed to get in to the Bank undetected and made his way upstairs to, very sneakily, shoot about seven enemy before he got spotted. Book up early for next game, Christmas prizes to be won. !


Please book to let us know if you are coming to the game on Saturday 8th Dec. Looks like it's going to stay dry and warm (ish) for the time of year. With the way the traffic is building up in the evenings making it a real bind getting home from work, what could be better that shooting a bunch of strangers and them then putting up their thumb and shouting "Good Shot Mate". Cheers Ian.


I was very pleased to hear some positive comments after the milsim yesterday. Unfortunately we had an unusually high number of no-shows, we had 40 less players than had booked in. This did make a big difference to the planned scenario. Those that came along though, really did make a good show of it. We did have to make stuff up on the fly and you guys adapted and made the best of the situation. Thanks a lot guys and I hope to see you all again soon. Cheers. Ian.


The town of Upwood has become a desolate run-down town of lawless disorder in recent years, due to a long running feud between the townspeople and the CIA. The CIA has been using the local bank to hold all of the money it has seized from its over- the-border war on drug trades. The local bank has been robbed and completely emptied of around 6 million pounds. The government has found out about this and sent in the military to provide support to the CIA in recovering this lost ...money and restoring order to the town under military law. You will need to be booked in between 08.40-09.30 Insurance documents signed, handed in and funds paid for your repatriation should you not make it out alive.(non refundable if you do survive) Weapons checked and passed and Be ready for deployment.
We have 100 booked in, so it would be Very helpful if you could make sure your kit is in order (Batteries charged) and you get chrono'd as soon as you have paid. The safe zone will be In Front of the Casino, (the carpark used for night games.) The Casino should be treated as a SAFE ZONE Until game on. Though I do recommend that you wear eye protection just in case. Cheers. Ian.
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Thanks to everyone that came along today. So many new faces taking up the sport and getting stuck in and the old guard pointing them in the right direction,,,,,, or were they just using them to draw fire. :) Hope to see you all again soon. Ian


Hurry up and get booked in for tomorrows game 24th Nov. The weather forecast is dry and we'll keep you moving to make sure you don't get cold. See you there. Ian.


I know there has been a lot of interest in the milsim event booked for the 1/12/18. But don't forget we have a skirmish game set for this saturday the 24th November. Book your place a soon as possible please. Ta Ian.


For those of you that are planning to attend the milsim event on the 1st December. We shall be running a three team scenario. Military, C.I.A. and Cartel. If you do belong to a team or group it might be helpful to have a word amongst yourselves to find out how many of you are coming, choosing a team you would PREFER to be on (No guarantees of that if I am over subscribed to a team) and One of you letting me know how many of you and names and I shall do my best to get you on your preferred choice. Cammo = military, Black, plain, Tan = CIA. Cartel = Casual/ mix . Cheers Ian.


There will be a Milsim event held at the Urban site on 1st December. If you are unfamiliar with milsims. one long game scenario, NO Hi-cap mags, NO two tone/bright coloured weapons. If you intend on coming to the game book your place as you usually would for a skirmish game day. Thanks. Ian.


Hi all. I’m raising money for this great charity for ex-service personnel in a couple of weeks time and it will be much appreciated if you could please support me and give what you can. There’s some information about what it is I’m doing with another 99 veterans and service personnel and I’ll be at Urban (marshalling) on Saturday, with a sponsor sheet, if you don’t want to use Just Giving, and a bucket to collect any donations on the day.
The Long Walk Home is Haig Housing’s ...national event commemorating the centenary of the ending of the First World War. The event will consist of a pilgrimage by foot of 100 Veterans and Serving Personnel from across the United Kingdom who will walk the 100 miles from the Menin Gate in Ypres to the Cenotaph in Whitehall, timed to arrive for the National Service of Remembrance on Sunday 11th November 2018. Planned as a mark of respect to those who died in the Great War, it will also raise funds for the charity
Thank you guys and girls and I’ll see you on Saturday
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Big Thanks to my awesome marshals for today. It wouldn't be fun if it was boring. Thanks to everyone else that came along today, The absolute Majority of you were great. It was nice to hear all the positive comments coming from the players about the way marshals dealt with any issues. Thanks again and I hope to see you all again....... well,,, nearly all. Cheers Ian.


Urban is always a great day out with the guys! Yesterday's game (22nd July) was a great set of games, kept it mainly in the centre of the map rather than getting split up in corridors at the back buildings. Full auto in doors wasn't the best as it meant people would overkill, prefer single only indoors but at least they're trying to mix things up �


Urban assault is one of the best run sites I have been to, with all of the action monitored by marshals hidden everywhere. They also make the games creative and fair.


Travelled over 130 miles for this weekends game, last time visited was over 10years ago and it's still my favourite site of all time...

games were ran really well with a no BS explanation of what's going on ect, none of the typical dick measuring at the brief which was nice, needless to say we had a great time and will be back again, in support of the single shot indoor ruling as full auto indoors is just a D**k move,

Thanks guys

Your friendly LAPD unit


The Best site I have ever played. Well organized!


Long time listener, first time caller. Urban was my first site 3yrs ago and I don't need to go anywhere else because it's awesome. For CQB it's fantastic, plenty of large buildings, tricky to assault (but possible enough with the right attitude).

Marshals are great and manage well with such a large site and 100-odd players to cover. Always attentive when alerted to anything that requires their keen eye and as fair to both sides of any argument as they can be. Briefs are solid, always checked for clarification with new players.

If it's within travelling distance, go. You'll enjoy yourself (if cqb is your thing), you get knackered with all the bloody running and sprinting, you'll come across some little (or big) knobber who doesn't take his hits and you'll moan about it, but you'll forget it soon enough and realise that he's not going to spoil it, you'll use your pistol more than you thought, you'll definitely jump in or out of a window and you'll want to go again. Get in.


If you want to play airsoft, play it here. The intense close quarters fighting in buildings mixed with long range opportunities makes this a great location. The Refs are friendly and helpful.


Great site ....


First time experience at bulby...couldn't rate the place more. Marshals were spot on, and the games were well varied. Highly recommend, will be returning.


Brilliant day today, fairly evenly matched sides, with little to no cheating from either. Some sneaky play & tactics from both sides saw some surprising wins �


Both sites are amazing, staff are friendly and helpful! Always a great day at these sites won't be disappointed !


Best site around, can't fault it the Stuart's are extremely helpful.


Awesome site

Great and friendly players and staff

Good games and the the site is awesome

The more people try to vandalise the place ,The more realistic it looks lol

Well recommended

I travel 2 hrs to play here A+


Amazing site well run very little cheating if any at all and friendly players


3rd time playing here and never a bad a day, Marshalls are great, had a couple issues of players not taking their hits but you get that at every site, Marshalls very responsive to assist situations or to request explain rules. I am not a fan of the 5 minute wait period to respawn, but it'd not something I can't get over. Over all I'd say this is a must to try out


3rd Pistol & shotgun evening iv played all 3 were excellent. Well run with a good mixture of fast paced games.

Thank you.


Friendly staff, amazing and demanding site. I liked mission objectives we've been given - I would suggest to familiarise yourself with the site layout before the game as it can be very confusing (I've got lost couple a time).

I'm taking one star away because You advertise it as "milsim" day and let couple of lads in light blue jeans, some girl in leggings bottoms and Metallica t-shirt

There should be no lunch break (lunch break is for skirmishers)

I will definitely come back... This time for real milsim.

Thanks for great day out :)

PS. You should ban lasers... there's no need for it. With range below 100 yards iron sights are more than enough :)


First time visit to the site and immediately greeted by the friendly staff, found them and the players around me whilst setting up very welcoming and approachable. If your looking for an alternative to woodland and enjoy or would like to try CQB then this is the site for you. The game game zone was brilliant, derelict and run down but this is what gives the site it's unique character, everything that you need is there buildings with multi rooms on multiple levels, stairwells and corridors multiple entry points the list goes on. The games where enjoyable and varied.

Now of course no site is perfect and I found that this place had areas of course which could be improved like everywhere iv ever played.

I would have liked perhaps a dedicated team radio channel (briefed at the start of the day), I saw plenty of people with radios but our team always seemed to be scattered around with no one knowing really knowing what objectives have been found/completed a site of this size this would be helpful to hop on and off a channel you could share/gather information.

Every site has its share of none hit takers however I found here it was a little bit the other way around, players claiming to have hit you when of course they have not I'm sure some people thought they had a 1000 yard range on their 300fps submachine gun. Their is nothing worse than being called out or called a liar as I pride myself on my hit taking as I know like most it ruins a game that I love to play, but at the same time I'm not going to take hits that did not hit me. I think players need reminding they are playing with toy guns! However the marshals were helpful and had a lot of players to keep their eyes on.

My only other point would be better toilet facilities a couple more clean porter loos would solve this issue.

Overall an excellent site not to be over looked by anyone, I will definitely be going many more times in the future. I know some of my negatives seem quite picky but that's because I really had to think hard to find any.


First time at urban assault we drove all the way from Norwich! Great site gives you a wow factor as you come in though the gates as I’m used to woodland areas.

Enjoyed the fact there wasn’t any rentals on site. Overall still has so much more potential to expand into something much better, definitely be back.


It was my first time airsofting, so I don't have anything to compare it to. It was a great site to play at and the quality of the hire guns was very good (confirmed by an experienced friend who played with us). What spoilt the day was the blatant cheating of some of the players and the disappointing marshalling. The game briefs lacked detail for those who haven't played at the site before and despite over 20 people complaining about the same player not acknowledging his hits, he was not dealt with robustly enough in my opinion. I will definitely continue airsofting, but I am unlikely to return to this site anytime soon unless the marshalling improves.


Thought I would right a review. my second time here at urban assault site has lots of potential great site lots of buildings and so on what let me down was lots of none hit taking and unfair game play from other players plus I think there could be more Marshalls on site to help with the game play there was a incident where my team member had a issue with another player next to a Marshall he said marshal did you see that marshal response I can't say and why cause he was on he's phone a lot of the time same Marshall on he's phone when he should be keeping a eye on the game plus lots off blindfireing last thing no smoke witch is strange but I'm sure there is a good reason overall experience 3/10


The site is absolutely amazing!!! That’s as far as it goes!!

Full auto on a Site that close is just down right stupid and dangerous!! There were some very sketchy moments for a lot of people!!

Hit talking was the worst I have ever encountered at an airsoft game!! Marshals did nothing to address it and completely failed any player with a complaint! And also witnessed a marshal swearing at a player coz he was out of bounds!!

Far too many people onsite playing such small games! 140 people attacking and defending one building is pathetic! The site is massive! Play bigger and longer games and utilise the awesome site!!!

One kid had a grenade go off in his trousers, no first aider responded and it was down to a couple of older players on our team to look after the kid and get him seen to!!

Great site, piss poor marshals, piss poor planning and dangerous actions!!!


Played today, the site is amazing but unfortunately what let it down was the marshalling and the game modes. Marshals kept moving to stand in the way of players on the red team so could not make shots on them, when asked politely if they could move they did not. Large crowd meant that there were alot of players at briefings. When asked if marshal could say objectives louder marshal stated ' come closer then' when physically could not, so hearing game briefs were impossible. I wouldn't tell people to not go as everybody's experience is different but unfortunately this was experience I had and I had driven over 140 miles to come play.


Played here about a month ago enjoy the morning but the hour and a half killed the momentum of the day. People started to leave and teams became unbalanced.

This was my first site I went to when I started airsoft and I think there's better sites to spend your money at.


I use to love this site. After today I doubt ill go back. It seems its now all about £££.

Not enough marshals, and you'll be lucky if you gept one that pacts on any issues.


Good site but very poorly run game modes aren't the best wouldn't recommend it


Fantastic site with huge potential. Well kept for an abandoned site. Two games well thought out and enjoyable.

Questionable safety provisions with firing inside and into the safe zone. Some marshals confused and uninterested. Briefings were poor and rules not clarified. No safety briefing. Two games inappropriate for the number of players. Poor facilities, although toilet was clean, if a little dark.


What a day of cheating at @firesupportltd urban assault ! � never going back after the shit show I had today, fuck all of a safety talk, fuck all game briefings that lead to people confused, no attempt to stop cheating and worst of all PEOPLE SHOOTING IN TO THE SAFE ZONE ! �


This site is incredible one of the best I have seen.

That being said Urban Assault could not run a bath very poor organisation the Marshall's were stood in groups of 2 just chatting to each other had no interest in the game at all, The safety brief was what can only be described as irrelevant nothing was mentioned about first aiders or what to do in a man down situation however it was stressed that you can't take any of your own pictures on site so now that's been mentioned I'm sure we'll all be ok, After arriving at 8:30 the first game didn't start till 11 o'clock, The Marshall's were extremely rude with a bad attitude there answer to everything was if you don't like it leave. I know it happens most places but there was a lot of cheating going on most of which could have been prevented if the Marshall's could actually be bothered to do there job, on the back of this they are very one sided to there home team for example if your on the home team you are immune from grenades when stood in a room. None of the game objectives were explained properly when asking the Marshall's to speak up we were told to move closer I was stood 12 ft from him and couldn't hear a thing. The only interest from Urban assault was your money it really is a shame such a good site is run so badly.

More about Urban Assault & Free Fire Zone

Urban Assault & Free Fire Zone is located at Fire-support, PE7 3 Peterborough