Velocity Health And Fitness

About Velocity Health And Fitness

No gimmicks. Through our blogs, instructional videos, 1 to 1 coaching and athletes performance programs we aim to enhance your performance goals.



Strength training can begin as early as 6-8 years old. Benefits speak for themselves! #youth #youthfootball #youthsports #gym #onlinetrainer #personaltrainer #strengthandconditioning


With the New Year upon us these are just some services we offer. Get in touch for some great New Year offers!ūüĎÄ - Know your better! #strengthtraining #triathlon #cycling #athletics #sportscience #sportperformance #gym#personaltrainer #onlinecoaching#velocityhealthandfitness< br>


Get on our performance clinics for the best results come race day! We use a scientific based approach to get you results. - Get in touch for more information!ūüöīūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ #cycling #sportscience #running #strengthtraining #triathlon #athletics


Does the infamous DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) actually do you any good? We hear it all the time ‚ÄúIt must have been a good workout cause I‚Äôm hurting today!‚ÄĚūüėĄ - The answer: Yes and No. - No - DOMS occurs because of an unaccustomed bout of exercise (You‚Äôre either not very fit or you‚Äôve just done a mammoth session that you don‚Äôt usually do). Research by Brad Schoenfeld shows that actually DOMS isn‚Äôt a good indicator of muscle growth (hypertrophy). So you can have all t...he soreness in the world but it most likely won‚Äôt get you much bigger. - Yes - As said before DOMS occurs because of an unaccustomed bout of exercise. So if you get DOMS then adaptations within your central nervous system, Hormone balance, Signaling pathways will all improve. - So don‚Äôt always attribute your DOMS to muscle growth! #gym #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #fitness #velocityhealthandfitness #sportscience #cycling #running #football
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I see a lot of people with separate core exercises or core at the end. Lets think about reversing thatūü§Ē! Warm up with some core exercises or incorporate them into the sessionūüĎĆūüŹĽ. - Tension build up is pivotal in any lift or movement so that energy loss doesn‚Äôt occur. Warm up properly to get the most out of your lift.ūü§ó - Workout included - Deadlift 6 x 5... - Explosive Pogo Hops 6 x 5 - Pull Ups (Not captured) 4 x 8 - Lateral Lunge 4 x 8ea - Guns to Finishūüí™ūüŹĽ #gym #personaltrainer #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #programming #sport #strength #onlinecoaching
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I see a lot of people with separate core exercises or core at the end. Lets think about reversing thatūü§Ē! Warm up with some core exercises or incorporate them into the sessionūüĎĆūüŹĽ. - Tension build up is pivotal in any lift or movement so that energy loss doesn‚Äôt occur. Warm up properly to get the most out of your lift. - Workout included ... - Deadlift 6 x 5 - Explosive Pogo Hops 6 x 5 - Pull Ups (Not captured) 4 x 8 - Lateral Lunge 4 x 8ea - Guns to Finishūüí™ūüŹĽ #gym #personaltrainer #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #programming #sport #strength #onlinecoaching
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Don‚Äôt make the mistake!ūüėźKnow your clients and the people you're working with. - You have no idea what day there having or what‚Äôs going on in their life. - Confidence breeds successūüí≠.... #performbetter #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #sport #cycling #velocityhealthandfitness
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Can‚Äôt do a press up?ūüėē press ups are an essential exercise not just for upper body strength but for full body stability and control. - I don‚Äôt believe anyone should do ‚Äúgirl pushups‚ÄĚ as a regression. Body angles make things easier or harder depending on your ability.ūüí≠ - Bring yourself to a higher angle to make it easier. ... - Use eccentrics (slowing down on the defending phase) to allow your body to give more energy into the concentric (pushing up) motion. - Don‚Äôt be afraid in a busy gym to try it out! Everyone has to start somewhere. - - - #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #sport #cycling #running #velocityhealthandfitness #bemorefit#sportscience
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Dumbbell Plank Row! Fantastic for all athletes looking wanting to perform. - When you play a sport (or even walk) there are forces which will try and force your body in a certain way. This will result in energy loss throughout your body. - If you fix the energy leak you fix how your body moves. ... - Exercises like this will aid in counteracting forces that are degrading your performance. #exercise #performbetter #strengthandconditioning #healthyfood #sport #cycling #strengthtraining #football #rugby #boxing
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CyclistsūüöīūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ! This is for you. There are lots of benefits to cycling on a regular basis. - Cycling creates less wear on the body compared to the popular anternative of running. - If goals are hypertrophy based cycling will be the best option because of the reduced stress on the body. ... - Reduction in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and depression - Environ Health Perspect - Average of 9x more gains in life years - Environ Health Perspect - So if you need a new hobby or a Christmas present ideaūüéĀ, give cycling a go. Just remember, cycling alone will cause problems further down the lineūü§ē. Make sure to supplement with some strength training to stay injury free and get the most out of every rideūüĎĆūüŹĽ. #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #sport #cycling #sportsscience #fitness #health #healthylifestyle #indoorcycling
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Parkrun!!ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹDo you love a bit of 5K on a Saturday morning? We‚Äôve just structured our Parkrun Performance programs and they are now up and running! Get in Touch to learn more about our online programs and limited private session availability!!
Why strength/plyometric training benefits your running: 1) ‚¨ÜÔłŹ Jump Height... 2) ‚¨ÜÔłŹLeg Stiffness 3) ‚¨ÜÔłŹ Running Economy 4) ‚¨ÜÔłŹ Overall Performance
Lum, D. (2016). Effects of Performing Endurance and Strength or Plyometric Training Concurrently on Running Economy and Performance. Strength And Conditioning Journal, 38(3), 26-35. #parkrun #running #highwycombe #beaconsfield #marlow
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Travelling‚úąÔłŹ When travelling it‚Äôs hard to stick to your exact program. What we tell our clients is to modify. We use this a lot with our online clientele. TipsūüďĚ 1. Use eccentrics/ isometrics (slowing down/holds) movements 2. Use single leg/single arm exercises (research by DeForest, Cantrell & Schilling (2014) has shown that there is the same muscle activity in a rear foot elevated split squat (50%load) than in 100%load back squat) 3. Have fun with it. If you are really pr...epared add the time away into a recovery day or just take some time away to recharge. Any Qs message or email at
DeForest, B.A., Cantrell, G.S., & Schilling, B.K. (2014). Muscle Activity in Single Leg- vs. Double-Leg Squats. International Journal of Exercise Science, 7(4), 302-310.
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New website up and running! Go check it out!ūüí™ūüŹĽūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ô āÔłŹ

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