Websites By Lewis Gazzard

About Websites By Lewis Gazzard

Who wants a website that doesn’t bring in any new business? No-one, obviously! And yet so many companies have websites that aren’t quite cutting the mustard, bringing home the bacon or fulfilling any other such promises they make.

Websites By Lewis Gazzard Description

Who wants a website that doesn’t bring in any new business? No-one, obviously! And yet so many companies have websites that aren’t quite cutting the mustard, bringing home the bacon, shouting from the rooftops, or fulfilling any other such promises they made when they were launched.

My websites are different – not only because I am are skilled at designing, building, and marketing them, but also because I take the time to understand and work with you in a way that many website companies do not. Why does that matter so much?
1. If I fully understand what you do and who you are, I can make sure that Google does too.
2. I can make sure that your website is going to appeal to the right people (i. e. the ones who will spend money with you! ).

More about Websites By Lewis Gazzard
